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Why Nothing Will Ever Change.

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posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 10:19 AM
We come here to ATS often, and we read about the injustices, lies, distortions, manipulations, murders, corruption and the overall oppression of the masses being inflicted on everyone every day by those who have them in their grips. We refer to them as TPTB, the Elite those who in most cases can always show some kind of connection to what is choking mankind, we air our frustrations and anger some of us are so fed up we weep and our minds are filled with anger constantly. We are all in some way or another swimming in the mire kept warm for us by those who control this grid.

What do we do? Do we resist? Do we fight, and stand up for our freedoms? Do we say "enough is enough?
We Don't...
But I understand why, and many of you here do as well. What does it mean for us to resist? For things to truly change, what does it call for?
It calls for the complete tearing up of all of our foundations, all of our comforts, all of our sustenance. For those who do not wish to live by the rules
of "the grid" they become poor and so do their families. We are all as cattle, being herded on land rich with provisions and when we figuratively wish
to no longer be part of that herd, we are rejected to the barren waste land outside of the pasture rich with provisions.
I understand that resistance means this...
Just to name a few.
Nothing will ever change, because the majority of people that could make a difference are blinded or tied to the comfort of their lives and luxuries.
We come here to ATS venting our wishes for change, but, nothing anywhere EVER has been made to happen. Even the occupy movement lost its steam.
9-11 truth made no headway, Revelations of the Elite paved no road. There has been nothing that has impacted us, ALL OF US together so that
change could become a reality.
I understand what it takes to change.
-Government Dissolve.
-New Implementation of a better system.
-Reformation of Law enforcement.
-Civil war.
-Re-establishment of civil rights under the constitution, cannot be void via of executive orders.
-Separation of corporations and government.
Just to name a few.
Why we fear.
-Immediate crowd control, law enforcement with weapons and armament gear.
-Military crack down, martial law and kill orders.
Just to name a few.
Every movement, every group has dissolved, become nothing, We here cannot even stand together. This is why I know nothing will change. I respect anyone who disagrees, however, you have seen it for yourself the enmity and strife, the arguments the bitter and hateful speech. The 2% will keep making their money, and we will keep enabling them. Unless someone has the balls enough to become a leader.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 10:29 AM
Plenty of people are resisting and more are everyday.

But I must say things are going to get worse before they get better.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by cybro
Plenty of people are resisting and more are everyday.

But I must say things are going to get worse before they get better.

I just seen that video, very powerful.
The thing Im concerned about is how murderous the U.S. government would be when it comes time to crack down on any movement, and they for sure will with brute force. So I can actually see them being successful in dispersing any resisitance. They are willing to kill.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by imagineering

Well things could change if people realize that they are not prisoners in their own country. I dont know about other nations but I know that Americans DO have the right to overthrow the government. Our government was founded on the idea of a government for the people and by the people. I think when people realize that we DO have power against the government then things will change but i think many people have either forgotten this or they just are too afraid. We have to ALL stand up together against the government to make a difference.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by imagineering

Thank you.

No, thank you Imagineering, for saying what I've been thinking for a while now. I know it's a controversial thing to discuss on a website that is designed for topics relating to freedom of thought and social change (as well as the really cool weird stuff that goes on in the paranormal forum too of course, which made me feel right at home) but the vast majority of the self same 98% who we are supposed to be convincing that there can be a batter way are too busy living their lives and amassing their possessions (while stepping all over the next guy) to see that an alternative exists. It's basic psychology I'm afraid - we humans avoid hardship and strife (a fact known to the 2% and utilised to keep us in line through the flag-waiving mainstream media and 'social threats' such as terrorism or racial tensions); indeed most of us would rather keep the current state of affairs rolling on rather than live in a post unrest society where the rule of law was seriously degraded and people had to put down their XBox and become active members of their local social group. Even if we were to transition to a perfect world (whatever that might be) there's always the hardship during said transition to worry about. We few who have awakened to the real world are just that, so very few, and we will always be in the minority. All we can do is look after our friends and family, and try to survive with all of our free will intact.


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