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Ron Paul - Why he has won already!

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:20 PM
I have argued tooth and nail with the anti-Paul folks on this board and in other areas of interaction both online and off about how strong Dr. Paul's campaign and message have become.

I always hear the same defense: "Nobody besides Paul supporters are even listening to this guy!"
You could not be more wrong and I'm quite happy to throw it all right back in your face.

Note: I'm not saying Paul has or will get the GOP nomination. That is still undetermined.

Let's take a look at this Fox News (that's right - Fox News, people) article that was just published a short bit ago. Maybe now you will begin to see why I keep saying that the Ron Paul campaign has already won.

Let's start with the title:

Why the GOP can't afford to ignore Ron Paul and his many fans.

Now let's get to it. First we have Fox stating that "some" media spun Ron Paul's end of active campaigning as Paul dropping out of the race.

Subsequently a lot of ATS users bought this propaganda hook, line and sinker and continued to parrot exactly what the MSM was peddling. All the while slamming the MSM in every other thread.

Ron Paul’s people are still striving to rack up as many delegates as he can at state Republican Party conventions before the Tampa .

He’s continued to do it too—even after his May announcement that many in media spun as “Paul drops out,” the Texas Congressman cleanly won control of his second state delegation at Minnesota’s state convention.

Paul can attract over 7,000 students to come hear him speak, a level of enthusiasm no other GOP figure can muster. He’s now got 110,000 signed-up members for his “Youth for Ron Paul” group.

Why are they so passionate about this unlikely political champion?

That's right. Ron Paul has attracted the next generation of American politics. His message and the extremely noticeable decline in our nation has brought the so called "college dopers" out of the wood work. Calling the youth that, failing to realize that we are far more educated than the generations before us.

Most politicians sell comfort—that American is the greatest, rich and mighty and right, and what small problems we have can be solved by electing our guy and getting rid of the other guy. Ron Paul wins passionate devotion selling a vision of great discomfort.

Now for the most telling part of this article (that I will remind you was written by Fox News):

The Goldwater movement in 1960 was seen as too young, too radical and too outside the mainstream by the GOP establishment of its day.

The religious right during the 1988 Pat Robertson campaign was seen as an overly loud and pushy minority. But just as those minorities grew and dominated the GOP, the libertarian-leaning energy of the Ron Paul movement is primed to shape the future of the Republican Party.

With their unique seriousness about reining in a government drowning in debt, neither the Republican Party nor the country can afford to ignore the concerns of Paul’s devotees.

It's inevitable at this point. It's unstoppable. Freedom really is popular. Let's take this country back!

Now don't think I'm giving up on Paul still gaining the GOP nomination. It's still possible and where there is a will there is a way.

This thread is to serve you naysayers as a reminder that this message cannot be stopped.
You were so wrong about saying that Ron Paul is non-factor.

The fact is - Ron Paul is a force to be reckoned with!

I apologize for the long thread, but a few points needed to be made from this.
edit on 6/5/2012 by freakjive because: more appropriate title

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:24 PM
Well, Ron Paul would have the last laugh if he ran as an independant, split the Republican vote, and denied Romney the Presidency.

Especially if he gained MORE of the popular vote than Romney.

Come on, Dr Paul, lets see you run as an independant.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:27 PM
Being from the UK, I hear on ATS he is winning, I see the great videos on Youtube that are inspiring but on Sky, BBC news no mention of him.

I am a big fan of Ron Paul, but what is the truth?

Has he realistically got a chance or what?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by freakjive

I'm a Paul supporter, and I will disagree.

Paul could be a force to be reckoned with, if he were to take his campaign, and his message seriously and stop caricaturizing himself.

If Paul doesn't get the nomination, and if Rand, or Rubio become VP, then they will toe the mainstream line and take the majority of Paul's followers with them. They won't win the election, Obama will still be president, and the country will continue to spiral out of control...... or they might win the election, toe the mainstream line, push us into more wars and less liberties, and the country will continue to spiral out of control.

The Revolution that will follow this election is not the result of Paul's influence, it is the result of Paul's failure to actually get the nomination and save the country. With or without Paul, the PTB have steered the country into a collision course with destiny. The people will reach a tipping point, and they will fight the oppressions soon enough.

What Paul represented was a Peaceful solution to the crisis by political means. He could have proven the political system works, and corruption can be defeated, and he could have been elected and enacted his policies. If he fails, he is just a failure. The results are the natural progression of TPTB tightening the noose, not Paul.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by freakjive

Even if Ron Pauls popularity forces the conversation to begin about proper economic reform, by giving him a voice in the party.

He has won.

He has proved the people want real economic reform, not platitudes.

And I don't care if I just wasted my Primary vote by voting for Ron Paul (today was Ca open primary)
edit on 5-6-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Sorry, GRA. I used to agree with you, often. However, I have to say that YOU are the one who has given up. I noticed it starting a little more than a month ago when the tone of your replies changed.

You seem to be buying into the same propaganda that I have addressed in this and many other threads.

Ron Paul is not and will not ever be considered a failure by people who understand the movement.
edit on 6/5/2012 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:33 PM
99% of his following will go sheepling along as soon as the Convention is over and he goes into retirement. There will be no Messiah figure to worship that is running for POTUS, no online polls to skew, no dreaming of getting an autograph at your college campus. Life will go on and the few diehards that try to hold out in the GOP will get overwhelmed by the system, just like Rand Paul became a fully loyal GOP rank and file member.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:40 PM
His message is one that has already infected the populous. Liberty. Taxation without representation must go. Less and much smaller govt and zero involvement in persona lives.The thieves in power can either decide to let that path take hold and disappear back into the wood work, or they can know the truth full on.

The people will have all those things back. They can allow it through proper upright and legitimate paths or just like was done with england a couple hundred years ago.

They freely choose their path. But the message is still spreading and the divide and conquer method is clearly being exposed.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:41 PM
For conspiracy theorists you guys don't do very good research on who writes these articles do you?

Brian Doherty is a senior editor of Reason magazine and author of the new book "Ron Paul’s Revolution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired" (HarperCollins/Broadside).

The guy who wrote this article is just selling his book to the Fox News people!!!!!!

All this article proves is that Fox is fair towards the libertarian fringe group in their own backyard. That's it! Move along.
edit on 5-6-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:44 PM

99% of his following will go sheepling along as soon as the Convention is over and he goes into retirement. There will be no Messiah figure to worship
reply to post by TinfoilTP

and thats what people don't understand, Its not about getting him elected, its about getting his ideas and voice heard in the Party.

Its proving people wan't what hes selling.

If not him, I wouldn't be surprised to see Rand Paul carrying his torch in a smarter more subtle way...

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by freakjive
reply to post by getreadyalready

Sorry, GRA. I used to agree with you, often. However, I have to say that YOU are the one who has given up. I noticed it starting a little more than a month ago when the tone of your replies changed.

You seem to be buying into the same propaganda that I have addressed in this and many other threads.

Ron Paul is not and will not ever be considered a failure by people who understand the movement.
edit on 6/5/2012 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

You might be right about me giving up on him. It isn't a result of MSM though, it is a result of Paul's actions.

He didn't campaign in my state of Florida, where the Tea Party swept the 2010 elections, and Cain won the Straw Poll and then dropped out. Florida was RIPE for Paul to pull an upset, and instead he ignored us.

Paul also ignored my home state of Missouri, and allowed Santorum a win, which pushed Santorum's momentum and further marginalized Paul.

Paul supporters keep celebrating this delegate strategy, which I feel is a dirty strategy. Winning all the delegates with none of the popular vote is a dirty way to win, even if it works. I don't blame him for concentrating on delegates, but it is only effective if he also has support of the people. If he wins the nomination, without winning any popular majority, then it is a stolen nomination.

I also gave up on Paul in 2008 for similar reasons. He short-circuits his own campaign. He has no intention of actually winning, he just wants to make a big splash and get a lot of attention.

Don't worry though, I am not voting for Romney or Obama. I might vote for Gary Johnson, or write in Paul, and I fully expect another 4 years under Obama, but that's ok, I'm prepared for whatever may come, good or bad.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:49 PM
If he completely shakes up the Republican party, he's won in my book. Democrats shouldn't feel untouched by his presence either.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I appreciate the honest reply and respect your choice of decisions, even I don't agree.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by benrl

99% of his following will go sheepling along as soon as the Convention is over and he goes into retirement. There will be no Messiah figure to worship
reply to post by TinfoilTP

and thats what people don't understand, Its not about getting him elected, its about getting his ideas and voice heard in the Party.

Its proving people wan't what hes selling.

If not him, I wouldn't be surprised to see Rand Paul carrying his torch in a smarter more subtle way...

No it was always about getting him elected, by hook or by crook.
From the thousands of destroyed online polls to the manipulation of state delegates and all the whining and crying in between where after each State loss there were allegations of cheating and other sore loser antics.

Now that it has become self evident even to the diehards that he lost, there is this last ditch clutching at straws plea to continue on in the name for "Freedom" "Liberty" and other one word symbolisms that were never abided by during the campaign season by these same Paul fanatics.

It will slowly wither away now that the root has died off, that being no chance at POTUS.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Paul supporters keep celebrating this delegate strategy, which I feel is a dirty strategy. Winning all the delegates with none of the popular vote is a dirty way to win, even if it works. I don't blame him for concentrating on delegates, but it is only effective if he also has support of the people. If he wins the nomination, without winning any popular majority, then it is a stolen nomination.

I also gave up on Paul in 2008 for similar reasons. He short-circuits his own campaign. He has no intention of actually winning, he just wants to make a big splash and get a lot of attention.

Props to you for coming to your senses.

He also will enjoy a finer retirement because of all this attention, plenty of motive to bait the sheeple then fleece them for all their affections.
edit on 5-6-2012 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by blaenau2000
Being from the UK, I hear on ATS he is winning, I see the great videos on Youtube that are inspiring but on Sky, BBC news no mention of him.

I am a big fan of Ron Paul, but what is the truth?

Has he realistically got a chance or what?

No he does not. He has a small cult like following who often have bigger plans for him than he does. He tends to get some support at the collge level until they find out his platform includes selling the national parks and cutting their student loans and then they are done with him. Ron Paul tends to focus on the fringe that most politicians ignore because they tend to get out of hand. That is the problem Paul has right now. He wants to speak the convention and his followers want him to win the nomination. I would feel sorry for the guy but he created this monster and if it ends with him and followers compeletly banned from the convention and the party, then that is the price he pays for trying to tame the fringe. They are a good source of money but, they get out of control and make you look crazy.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Shadowalker

I completely agree with you Shadow; Ron Paul's message made me jump into the political arena this year. Thus I ended up being a Delegate in Minnesota (mind you where we won 32 of 40 delegates to go to the National Convention). And at 1st it was all about Ron Paul winning the nomination for me; as I went to county, congressional district, and finally the State conventions. It very clearly dawned on me that this WHOLE thing is not about A MAN. It is about a WAY OF THINKING and it has clearly taken a very strong hold within in our country. So if Ron Paul does not win the nomination I am very confident that this movement will not go away.
We ammended the State GOP platform to include / change to a Liberty way of thinking. Every resolution that supported a thought process of getting back to the Constition passed.
Next up; winning local and state elections. All the way down to the city level; this has already started. It may not happen quickly but we are taking our country back. The "establishment" people with in the party know this. They either have to change to support movement or will wither away like leaves during the Fall.
I am here for the long haul and will not stop; I also know a very large number of people (at least in Minnesota) will do the same. We are running for elected seats all across the state. City Council, House Reps., Financial commitees, Senate seats, etc. etc. The footsteps may not be very loud now.... but they are coming. Do you hear them?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad

Originally posted by blaenau2000
Being from the UK, I hear on ATS he is winning, I see the great videos on Youtube that are inspiring but on Sky, BBC news no mention of him.

I am a big fan of Ron Paul, but what is the truth?

Has he realistically got a chance or what?

No he does not. He has a small cult like following who often have bigger plans for him than he does. .

This is exactly what I'm talking about.
YOU are one of the specific posters I was describing in my thread!
edit on 6/5/2012 by freakjive because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by CORN IS NUTS
reply to post by Shadowalker

I completely agree with you Shadow; Ron Paul's message made me jump into the political arena this year. Thus I ended up being a Delegate in Minnesota (mind you where we won 32 of 40 delegates to go to the National Convention). And at 1st it was all about Ron Paul winning the nomination for me; as I went to county, congressional district, and finally the State conventions. It very clearly dawned on me that this WHOLE thing is not about A MAN. It is about a WAY OF THINKING and it has clearly taken a very strong hold within in our country. So if Ron Paul does not win the nomination I am very confident that this movement will not go away.
We ammended the State GOP platform to include / change to a Liberty way of thinking. Every resolution that supported a thought process of getting back to the Constition passed.
Next up; winning local and state elections. All the way down to the city level; this has already started. It may not happen quickly but we are taking our country back. The "establishment" people with in the party know this. They either have to change to support movement or will wither away like leaves during the Fall.
I am here for the long haul and will not stop; I also know a very large number of people (at least in Minnesota) will do the same. We are running for elected seats all across the state. City Council, House Reps., Financial commitees, Senate seats, etc. etc. The footsteps may not be very loud now.... but they are coming. Do you hear them?

That's all just music to the Democrats ears because you cannot get people to vote your way and have never demonstrated that you can.
All you know how to do is manipulate the system as it stands now to muscle your way into the GOP and cause problems. That is not winning, getting the populace to get out and vote your way is winning. Until people vote for any of you, then you are just outsiders causing problems.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I don't know if I've come to my senses or not. I'm afraid without a Paul presidency the country is in for some very dark times ahead. I hope there is not widespread violence, but the more liberties that get trampled day by day, the more likelihood of violence erupting. An Obama not worried about re-election is a frightening thought!! The Republican party with the support of a Republican Congress is an even more frightening thought!

I'm afraid our country is doomed, but I still hope and pray for a true Liberatarian or non-Republican Conservative to take the reins and reel in the government before it bloats out of control and we all have egg on our face.

I believe the Tea Party, the Occupiers, the average blue-collar worker, the old Blue Dog Democrats, the Liberatarians, the Constitutionalists, and the Paulites all have the right idea, and I believe it is in stark contrast to what the mainstream political parties and Presidential Candidates stand for. If that is the case, and then it is a recipe for disaster.

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