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David Icke > Zeitgeist!

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posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:16 PM
If you're interested in David Icke and his theories you might want to check this out..

The striking thing about some of these artifacts is that they are scattered through-out the entire planet, not localized to a certain culture; some of them are very old.

and the other fact some of the masks are way too big for humans our size, yet fit skeletons that are 2.7 to 10 meters tall. I was skeptical at first but I'm beginning to think perhaps that at one time quite odd creatures roamed this planet quite openly. Whether they're still around or not, who knows.. I don't.. but perhaps that's what some of these dark occult groups worship... ? They did find odd statues that were man-like beings with reptilian scales.
Some very interesting artifacts that's for sure. Does add some merit to David Icke and his theories.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
reply to post by Dustytoad

Focusing on reptililes Is Inside the Matrix bro..

..Uh? well no. David says the matrix is caused by the reptilians, remember the race from the other dimension who control us and have been doing so for milenia?

Yes I agree, Davids work is good. For example, the book "The Biggest Secret" has a lot of info, but then again, how do you know David's not a fake either?

Well yes and no to the matrix thing. He always said that the reason they try to keep our minds limited, is because their minds are limited as well, just more advanced than us. So they need to keep us in a smaller box than their box, while we have the potential to not even have a box..

I don't know he's not fake. I used to meditate and had an enlightenment experience, and he had the exact same one. I know he's telling the truth about a lot of things. You don't need to follow people to take what you need and leave the rest, and be better for it.

I can sense the truth.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by yougetwhatyoudeserve

Originally posted by Genxbeyond
reply to post by yougetwhatyoudeserve

Nope sorry, I recently purchased His 4 CD DISC SET of the, LION SLEEPS NO MORE.

And after watching it, I can easily say I sleep better at night knowing and fully understanding the truth MY TRUTH.

haters gonna hate...

Haha, so you admit that you are a blind-follower, who doesn't question the matter, of someone who clearly has mental issues?

Intollerant people will be intollerant
Dumb people will buy from business man

Dude you are the one being intolerant. You are intolerant of people who do not think like you do. What do you think that is positive?

People who like David Icke have been Questioning their reality for a long time. That is not blind. Tell me what you think is not blind?

I really want to know. Lay it on me.

Saying people have mental issues is being intolerant, and you should stop that NOW. It's not very evolved. I guess it makes sense though. You complain about others for what you are afraid of inside yourself. Good luck in that regard. I mean it.

I have never bought anything from anybody on the Internet speaking about truth EVER. You can research David Icke's Ideas on Youtube for FREE.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

I can sense the truth.

I can "sense" the truth also.
I like this statement

It's told me with certainty that you believe in your self and your intuition.
I have these similar powers also I believe.
Good stuff.

About the whole reptilian theory, I don't discredit it.
Actually, at some point I took it as fact.
Now I'm not so sure any more, I mean first I would have to accept that ET are here.
The implications of that are tremendous. So these days, although I think that it's possible that other entities coexist with us or that they came from beyond the stars and are manipulating us, I tend not to lean on a specific theory.

Behind every smoke, there's a fire.
Still, you have to really think out side of the box to accept David's theory as fact.

Your meditation experience sounds cool.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

oh yea for sure man. I only look at the reptilian thing as a metaphor. Something of an image I can think about when I am thinking about waking up from this sleep.

People are plenty evil to not need it be reptiles controlling everything.

So it doesn't matter to me anyway. My game goes up and beyond either scenario.

This already happened... I already posted this.. huh. anyway. I'm not sure where to find it, but David had gone to Peru and was on some bus going up a mountain or something. He stopped got out and went to a mound. Then he stood there and energy started flowing through him. His arms were outstreched. And he thought he was standing there for about 5 minutes but it was more like an hour. He said energy shot through him.

And mine:

Post by DustyToad

I was resisting saying this, but I was trying to hint at it. I dabbled in meditation some time ago. One day while meditating I started shaking, I full of energy. my mouth was like, "Jesus come inside my heart!" I say my mouth said this, because I didn't control it. Hugely weird since I was a hardcore athiest. Then My body shifts around and I can feel my spine and all my vertabrae, "Clicking into place." then My arms outstretched like something you would do to welcome glowing light from above (kinda jesus looking pose). Then my mouth said, "Hi God."

That is when Energy Shot UP my spine with immense force. And at the same time glowing liquid light was filling the inside of my head and running down all the way to my feet. This light knew me, it was conscious. I had perfect Wisdom and solved a lot of issues I had with growing up. Then it ended.

My arms could now be let down, whereas before they had their own mind. I was HEAVY with energy and my arms were so so tired. I was confused about this. I was only like this for 5 minutes, how the heck are my arms immobile. I couldn't even raise my lower arm at the elbow.

I looked at the clock and WHOA!!! It had been an hour and a half since this started. It was like I was in Eternity Forever in 1.5 hours for 5 minutes. That might not make sense to some, but I mean it as it reads.

edit on 4/9/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

This person has all of the symptoms of a paid shill. Resorting to name calling, lack of evidence backing up his point, very harsh language, no manners, no attempt to politely discuss the points. He instantly reverted to calling David Icke a psychotic neo-neo nazi, whatever that is.... In all actuality it was a name on the list he was given by his handlers to ridicule and bash as much as possible.

Please don't feed the trolls.

I have a lot of respect for David Icke, he has been doing what he is doing for the last 20 years. He has done the research and you know darn well he has definitely stepped on the toes of certain people....
edit on 9-4-2012 by Drythmoore because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Drythmoore

I wasn't feeding. If you read my post I am looking for a positive response. Calling someone a Troll is definitely troll food. I frazed all my questions in the positive polarity.

gave you a star though, for noticing.. Maybe if he tells me what he believes I can tolerate his belief...
edit on 4/9/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

You have a point, I am just really tired of reading people bash with no evidence.

Anyhoo, where was the part regarding the energy? I have been keeping up with Icke for a while, but haven't read that bit.


posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Drythmoore

Jeez I have no clue. I saw it in an early interview. Any time he explains his getting into this way of thinking it comes up. His conspiracy beginnings as it were He decided to go to Peru on a whim. Maybe I can find it on youtube.

It should be in this interview.

Trying to find a minute mark for you

Minute 2:50 although he doesn't seem to be saying what actually happened, dang, but the aftermath of it is what happened to me as well. I stopped meditating because of it.. Ok Now he's explaining it.

This is sending Shivers down my spine. The way he says it... I JUST Know... It's exactly what happened to me.. I feel funny listening to it. Like he stole my story haha. He says magnets, I say I cannot move. He says energy coming up and going down. Me too. He called it a drill coming down, though, and I called it liquid golden light.

Jeez I feel weird right now.. I have not heard this in forever..
edit on 4/9/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Considering that there are 4 parts to this interview, don't worry about it. I will watch the whole thing.

Thanks for the link.

Interesting, read enough about that, something like how the 8th and 9th chakras activate and ground celestial energy into the earth. Not saying that is exactly what happened or anything, just a similarity.

And I can't meditate for the life of me. I just can't stop thinking about stuff, everything gets quite and then I suffer the squirrel syndrome, aka some random though pops up and game over....
edit on 9-4-2012 by Drythmoore because: (no reason given)

And I now give you a star for your extended assistance!

Thank you
edit on 9-4-2012 by Drythmoore because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Drythmoore
reply to post by Dustytoad

Considering that there are 4 parts to this interview, don't worry about it. I will watch the whole thing.

Thanks for the link.

Interesting, read enough about that, something like how the 8th and 9th chakras activate and ground celestial energy into the earth. Not saying that is exactly what happened or anything, just a similarity.

And I can't meditate for the life of me. I just can't stop thinking about stuff, everything gets quite and then I suffer the squirrel syndrome, aka some random though pops up and game over....

You Can Meditate. You Can Meditate. You Can Meditate...

Yes I agree with Chakras, but I feel like it's the 7 not 9, but It doesn't really matter either way. He was the person who made me realise what had happened. He called it Kundalini experience. Well, I researched that word, which was hard at the time, no one seemed to know what it was. It is what happened to us. A kundalini awakening. Supposedly it sits coiled at the base of your spine(lowest chakra) and can shoot up spontaneously opening all of your chakras along the way and shooting out of your head. This is consistent with how we each described it.

The energy that comes back down is either the kundalini coming back down through in a circuit, Or it could be union with God. I go with the latter based on what my soul had to say beyond my control.

I leave you with this.

edit on 4/9/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:21 PM
i think David has helped opened peoples minds to think out side the box....

what he says has little bearing or relevance what-so-ever..

he engages your brain to think for its self .....the truth is out there just need to open your eyes

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by sitchin

I can see thinking that, but I srtongly disagree

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:55 PM
David Icke is so eloquent,I can listen to that man for hours.I know,I know the reptilian bull#,but he has a point about some things.On the other hand if he was so much "in the know" he would have been taken out by now.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Genxbeyond

The main difference I see between ZG and Icke is that ZG actually offers real alternatives. Peter Joseph has also progressed on from the ZG video's. He has a number of lectures on line that are incredibly informative, well structured and detailed.

They actually look at the reality of our situation, deconstructs it and the myths surrounding the way we view society and then offers real solutions. ZG has a consistent and strong message with simple themes. All without having to create a boggie man, or abstract and invisible NWO organizations or reptilians. It shows the structures and systems in our society that we have let run out of control.

David Icke on the other hand is merely pandering to an audience. Instead of empowering people with knowledge, he manufactures problems, creates a reaction and then inserts his quasi religious solution all with a big promise of "awakened enlightenment".

He spoonfeeds those in our society. People that want to believe that some powerful all knowing NWO is controlling everything, and that they are special because they know and others don't(the sheeple).
Icke creates division between the "sheeple" and his followers.
The man is a fighter though, I love his stamina and perseverance. That has to be said. He has not given up and we all can take a great lesson from that. I think he is sincere in his efforts. Unfortunately he seems to simply update or mash together new age pop culture and conspiracy to create a narrative.

Zeitgeist has managed to create a movement, promote realistic change, whilst insisting that all of us enable the system we are now bogged in by simply participating. It puts the power and the responsibility on the individual and not in the hands of a NWO etc.
David Icke on the other hand tends polarize people at a time when we need to come together. It seems to me, that people either think he is a genuis or a complete and utter nutter.

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