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Dream about travel in space

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posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:08 AM
A few days ago I had a dream about the sun(more or less). I don't know how it all started but during the dream there was a sudden flow of heat/rays in my forehead- the same kind of effect happens when we look at the sun directly with our eyes closed. When I open up my eyes I saw that I were travelling in a craft and the sun was appearing bigger and closer. It was space and the feeling was immense and joyful. There was a person with me in the so-called craft and he/she had to put me to sleep like we were engaged in some sort of journey. I don't know how to interpret this dream.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:49 AM
That is very intresting, my most vivd recent dream is of space.
i cant interpret yours but i can share mine.
i was in an office looking room with white shiney walls, out of a large window to my left was earth and infront of me was some man trying to teach me about the space stations power regulation as if it were urgent and inportant.
we walk through the corridors of white wallsand sudddenly the alarms start going off, people start scrambling and i run to a console on a wall trying to get the power
to a safe level, after a short time of pressing buttons and hoping it will work i get pulled away from the console and directed to an escape pod. i enter the pod lying down sliding on rollers then take my seat and we launch. i look out of the window and say"wow this looks real" then i wake up.
i love space and think this is one of my fave dreams for visuals.

edit- one interpretation of your dream could be you want stargate universe to be un-cancelled.
edit on 25/2/2012 by listerofsmeg because: (no reason given)


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