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188 day pattern of major quakes & Illuminati 322 March 22nd Connected to February 23RD!?!??

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:43 PM
PT. 1 of 3

Just when you thought the rabbit hole couldn't go any deeper... for those waiting for 3/22/12 many are concerned about, might not have to wait that long

Can it be that a date in FEBRUARY shortly, is somehow connected to MARCH 22nd???

Can it be that a major event is about to occur in the next several days of February connected to the infamous Illuminati SKULL AND BONES power number?

Well, first off, many believe a major headline event and/or a cataclysmic disaster due to a super quake & Tsunami (similar to the JAPAN disaster on 3/11/2011), will occur on or around MARCH 22nd 2012 also expressed as 3/22/2012 and you can find thousands of other links discussing that as well as exposing the satanic occult connections to the Illuminati such as this one:

For those new to this subject, its one of the most intriguing dates and debates going on right now around the net due to claims about the numerical connection that 3/22 has to a major Illuminati power
number/sequence/algorithm 322 and another numerical anomaly thats been discovered allegedly connected to a bizarre PATTERN called the 188 DAY CYCLE that seems to correlate to MAJOR quakes in which 3 out of the 4 IN A ROW, knocked the earth off its axis.

Some initially and actually STILL, incorrectly claim or believe that this 188 pattern was and is somehow and/or only related to the approach or syzygy alignment of the earth and sun with a JOVIAN MASS/HMO (heavy mass object) on a particular orbital path similar to that of the mythological PLANET X or a theoretical/hypothetical BROWN DWARF thats entered our solar system that will allegedly pass near/by earth soon.

I submit however, that this 188 cycle may in fact either have nothing to do with any alignment of this elusive HMO, or if it did/does, is no longer on that particular path which might have put it within the 188 day cycle/pattern anyways.

What has yet to be conclusively established beyond a doubt though, is whether this 188 anomaly, is random or follows any trackable, predictable or consistent cycle/pattern. So far, there's been 4 quakes in a row that can be connected or attributed to this latest 188 CYCLE which began on 2/27/11 with the 8.8 quake in CHILE, then the 7.1 quake on 9/4/11 in CHRIST CHURCH, followed by the 9.1 mega quake in JAPAN on 3/11/11, and the last date on 9/16/11 in FIJI that another huge 7.3 mag struck!

Once is luck, twice is interesting, 3 times (JAPAN) shows a PATTERN!! ... and the FOURTH time means you're pretty naive and dumb if you still refuse to even consider the threat and take it more seriously.

One person calculates the chances of this pattern occurring are
364 x 364 x 364 = 48,228,544 or 1 in over 48 MILLION!

If it happens again it will be over 17 Billion!

The NEXT date correlating to this pattern is MARCH 22nd 2012 which just happens to connect to the illuminati skull and bones number 322 ie 3/22 as some interpret.

Which brings me to one of this threads main issues and an interesting connection I haven't seen mentioned yet.

Most who've done in-depth research, will agree that the Illuminati employ cryptic/esoteric codes and occultic numerology in which dates and numbers can be reversed, inverted, averaged, added or compressed to equal or produce algorithmic numerical sequences that correlate to major events or vice versa.

With that said and as it relates to the MARCH 22nd discussion of 322, why hasn't anyone mentioned ANOTHER DATE connected to it??

the REVERSE of 322 & 3/22

OR.................. 223 ie 2/23

So is a bizarre or major headline event such as TERRORISM, WAR, a Tragedy/Disaster, and/or even a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE about to occur on or around FEBRUARY 22nd OR 23rd??

The KEY dates that could clearly connect, include 2/21, 2/22 and 2/23 THIS month would they not??

Did I just CRACK an illuminati CODE that connects to an EVENT on or around the 23rd of this month? Or is it perhaps for another month where 223 appears??

If a major Quake, Terrorist event, Tragedy, Disaster, or Death occurs around 2/23, would it be a coincidence?

And was it a coincidence that the Japan disaster happened on the 11th day or exactly HALF of 22 ie (3/22)??

Oh, and what other MAJOR EVENT, just occurred recently on a DATE that was in essence, HALF of 23, or technically 22 many are starting to say was an illuminati sacrifice??

does the number 11 ring a bell??

2/11 ???



could there be any connection? read on to see and lets continue down the rabbit hole shall we??

Are there any significant dates coming up this month said to be connected to the Illuminati that might correlate to this theory about 322 and 223??


George Washington's_Birthday
On January 1, 1971, the federal holiday was shifted to the third Monday in February by the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This date places it between February 15 and 21, which makes the name "Washington's Birthday" in some sense a misnomer, since it always falls between Washington's Old Style birthday, February 11, and New Style February 22.

Thats pretty interesting imo... February 11th and the 22nd are the days connected to GEORGE WASHINGTONS birthday ?? REALLLLLY?

Thats quite a BIG birthDAY for the Freemasons and probably the Illuminati if you ask me.

OH, and could there be any connection to that BIZARRE event that just occurred on the 11th of this month???? Perhaps another reason for that "sacrifice" as well connected to someone named GEORGE perhaps??? ie the DEATH of KING GEORGE VI??


Making it 3 HUGE ANNIVERSARIES this month connected to 2 GEORGE'S and 2 QUEENS AND the 11th DAY

Reign: 11 December 1936 – 6 February 1952

11th & 6th for KING GEORGE VI


Any other anniversary events happening in the next few days around this FEBRUARY 23RD date that also relates to the Illuminati?

well, as a matter of fact...
TODAY February 20th 1962, is the 50th ANNIVERSARY that JOHN GLENN became the 5th person in space, the 3rd American in space and the 1st American to orbit the Earth aboard Friendship 7 on the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission, circling the globe 3 times during a flight lasting 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 23 seconds.

So some interesting dates this week so far on the 20th, & 21st.

PART 2 follows

edit on 20-2-2012 by truthseekr1111 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2012 by truthseekr1111 because: edit

edit on 22-2-2012 by Gemwolf because: Remvoed all caps title

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:45 PM
PART 2 of 3

which brings us to 2/22/12 & 2/23/12

Is the number that all big events are connected to, somehow or in some way.
The Knights Templars had only 23 Grand Masters (Jacque de Molay was
the 23rd) 23 is the 1st prime number in which both digits are prime numbers
that add up to a prime number. In the Qabbalistic Tree of Life the 23rd path is associated with the Hanged man Tarot Card.

Is there anything else interesting about February 22nd & 23rd that might connect to 322, 188, and 311 (3/11)???

Well, as a matter of FACT....
February 23 is the 54th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 311 days remaining until the end of the year (312 in leap years).


Or Design?

February 23 is the 311 day of year.

But in a LEAP year, that would mean FEBRUARY 22nd is the actual date connected to the 311th day!

which is interesting since 311 would then have an esoteric connection to 3/11 ie JAPAN as it relates to 3/22 (322) or 223 ie >>> FEBRUARY 23 IN THAT CONTEXT, would it not?

not to mention what I've explained about the hidden meaning of 311 ie 113 and TRAGIC events or DISASTER.

OH YEAH! one more thing....

how strange is THIS!??
its been repeatedly SCRUBBED due to weather supposedly.

coincidence it just happens to be set for LAUNCH ON or around FEBRUARY 22nd or 23rd??

what's the purpose of this mission and whats it carrying?

The rocket’s payload, a Navy satellite which would enhance tactical communications with voice, video and data communications for US forces was set to launch from Pad 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
It was the largest payload ever to be launched on an Atlas V rocket, weighing 15,000 pounds fully fueled, and is 22 feet tall.
Once in orbit, the satellite will actually become four smaller satellites. The ground crews will establish communications and within 10 days each will be sent to their planned orbits allowing for constant global communication for troops on the ground.


Funny the TIMING that its carrying a special COMMUNICATIONS payload right around the time of U.S./ISRAEL WAR PREPARATIONS for an attack on IRAN that will without a doubt lead to a War in which NUCLEAR WEAPONS will be unleashed followed by NUKE TERRORISM in RETALIATION by IRAN/muslim JIHADISTS hitting MAJOR US CITIES which will most likely then lead to MARTIAL LAW, GLOBAL FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON, and COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET & GRID blackouts that CIVILIANS will no longer be able to use.

But of course i'm sure these NEW MILITARY COMMUNCATIONS payloads will ensure MILITARY continuity now wouldn't it??

Any other connection to this ROCKET named ATLAS this week near an ANNIVERSARY??

Oh yeah, thats right... JOHN GLENN became the 5th person in space, the 3rd American in space and the 1st American to orbit the Earth aboard Friendship 7 on the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission.

what an odd Synchronicity this ATLAS V ROCKET just happens to be launched on and around the ANNIVERSARY of the FAMOUS JOHN GLENN MERCURY ATLAS VI LAUNCH & LANDING back on FEBRUARY 20TH 1962 ?

thats what I call one hell of a coincidence!

The bigger question might be then, how and why this launch of an ATLAS military rocket just happened to coincide with the famous anniversary of Mercury Atlas 6.

And whats another MAJOR concern coming in MARch??

Isn't there something about the WEB BOT warning of an INTERNET BLACKOUT or MAJOR EVENT in MARch related to the INTERNET being "RESET" or OFFLINE???

as a matter of fact... check this out:

what are the odds??

but nothing to be concerned about of course. LOL

whether or not the webbot has merit or not is irrelevant in terms of the FBI announcement they're resetting the internet?? HUH?

so would any communication glitches in MARch be a coincidence? Or do they know something is going to happen?

Or perhaps a cover story??

Part 3 follows...

edit on 20-2-2012 by truthseekr1111 because: edit

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:46 PM
PART 3 of 3

But MARch does look like the MONTH the Illuminati would CHOOSE for such a MAJOR WAR to begin if they're following occultic patterns since MARch in Ancient Mythology, is connected to MARS or the Roman GOD of WAR!


but then, using the 322 code of 3/22, MARch would be directly connected to FEBRUARY AS WELL! ie 322 in reverse or 223 (2/23).

So, will the next few days leading up to or on February 23 pass without incident or anything unusual??


but there's sure quite alot of strange yet intriguing numerical synchronicities this month & next to say the least

However, whether or not anything occurs, after 9/11 and with all these HUGE ILLUMINATI dates/connections, I think people not only learned an important LESSON, but ARE now, or at least SHOULD BE, more AWARE of these hidden matrix codes... especially when those who orchestrated 9/11, are the same scumbags about to launch WWIII by attacking IRAN shortly.

PS. don't forget its a NEW MOON tomorrow!!

and the time of this moon phase is interesting as well:

2012 Feb 21
TIME: 22:37

now that you know THAT, I highly suggest everyone read THIS:
" we have to pull retrograde Mercury and retrograde Pluto into this puzzle. Pluto has been lurking quietly in the background in Capricorn since 2008 and has, in this sign of worldly power, been the silent pot simmering on the back burner, ready to destroy the established world orders. It represents changes that take time, but leaves nothing standing after it passes.

Mercury will go retrograde on March 14th – April 4th. Many people believe this to be a time when technology fails us, and communication systems break down, but this time it will not be so simple, as these are strange and unusual times.

The curtain actually goes up at or about the time of February’s New Moon on the 21st of this month. We have a strange zodiac on this day.

On this New Moon, the planets line themselves up to demonstrate a very unsympathetic set of aspects to poor Pluto, who’s just about to go retrograde anyway, and in this way, create stronger opposition to this planet. As the planets move away from the New Moon, the 90 degree angles will come to completion, and the strain will be felt very strongly, both by the society who wants freedom, and those who want to keep them in prison. After this new Moon, we will experience a quickening of events, in relation to governmental and financial destruction

some very amazing synchronicities going on this week imo which leads me to believe something BIG is about to happen...

perhaps a MAJOR Quake 6.6+ to 7+ possibly as high as an 8 in the next few days??
I say its an almost guaranteed event, but for an entirely different reason having nothing to do with any human controlled event
you heard it here first... areas that should be on high alert this week...
California, Chile/Peru, Mexico, Central America, DR, NZ, FIJI,. Indonesia Sumatra/PNG & Japan South east region.

so everything seems to be ALIGNING (no pun intended) by what appears to be intelligent design.

the question is, will it be this month or next.

but at least now people know what to look for down this rabbit hole
edit on 20-2-2012 by truthseekr1111 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2012 by truthseekr1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by truthseekr1111

You put a lot of work into this, but Im afraid using Terral as a reference point is borderline threadicide.
I can say I am 100% certain the day will pass without incident. At least nothing like this.
Elenin is gone, taking with her sooo much un-needed fear mongering.

Im not putting down you or your efforts here. Like I said, you put a lot into this. Well, let's hope Im right-about February 23, two thousand and doom, not your efforts. :p

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:59 PM
Not only do I see cars with license plates and time clocks with number 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888 1010, 1111, 1212 regularly

It all started with the number 322 and 223 on clocks mainly 12 years ago.

Revelation 322
New International Version (©1984)
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Revelation 223
New International Version (©1984)
I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

My birthday is Pi 3.14

Well of course im insane....
Ya shoulda seen my brother John

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
reply to post by truthseekr1111

You put a lot of work into this, but Im afraid using Terral as a reference point is borderline threadicide.

If you looked carefully at what i SAID about "HIM" and his particular "THEORY", i said he WAS WRONG
and was simply using the link to show ONE aspect of data regarding the 188 anomaly... Some parts he discusses have merit, but most doesn't. So for all intents and purposes, I agree with you in that respect.

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
I can say I am 100% certain the day will pass without incident. At least nothing like this.

I actually hope i'm wrong as well. Just raising awareness

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
Elenin is gone, taking with her sooo much un-needed fear mongering

well, as I explained, This 188 pattern probably wasn't caused by Elenin.

so again, I pretty much agree M8

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:28 AM
just wait and see

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by truthseekr1111

My apologies. I didn't read it thoroughly, and I would want someone to do so with mine. Like I said, I can tell you put a lot into this; I dont mean to gear negs your way. Consider mine to be productive, positive energies from now on.

I thought about it, and last year I really went for the ELE coincedences. I think seeing this triggered in me how most of us felt when nothing happened during the Oct. & on alignments..

I wanted to add-it IS a large thread, and the first thing I scanned my eyes over was his name..just sayin' :p

edit on 21-2-2012 by threewhiteeyes because:

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:30 AM
Whitney Houston death
188 day earthquake cycle

Oh my!

Look, kudos for spending the time to throw all this together, but to be honest, the straws are being firmly clutched here.

Terrel is a hoaxer.

Webbot does not make predictions.

Houston was a crack addict.

The earthquake cycle conveniently leaves out significant dates (Haiti).

The illuminati no longer exists.

But apart from all that, good thread

edit on 21/2/12 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:34 AM
Nicely done thread, you seem to have quite a good theory here. S+F for presentation

You should check out the All Roads Lead to Rome Thread, also underlines the 3/22 date allegedly the date which julius ceasar recovered after being stabbed.

The 188.* cycle is news to me, but all online versions of the origional graphic seem to have been moved. Does this apply to only certain events, are rather from a certain time? Has this cycle always been in operation?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:07 AM
Sorry, but this silly counting never works. Its just attempt to find another interesting date.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:47 AM
An event may happen 23-FEB-2012 to 22-MAR-2012 that will be epic. How it is interpreted is up to you. Either way, it is a distraction.

But ask these questions, why would the US congress, and president do acts that are clearly criminal and unpopular, especially during an election year? Why all the sudden urge to pass martial law legislation in many countries world wide? Why have a lot of bankers decided to suddenly resign? Why the urge to cause a great war in the middle east risking world war III? What is about to happen that is so drastic that they are risking world war III to distract people from it?

All I can say is this, Comet elenin was the wolf cry to try to get people to be afraid, but alas nothing happens. This way when something real happens no one will believe it: Who Knew, maybe it's real maybe it's not?

Could it be? Level Eight Operational National Intellegence Directive: Extinction Level Event Nine, Impact November, 23 2012.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by eywadevotee

Could it be? Level Eight Operational National Intellegence Directive: Extinction Level Event Nine, Impact November, 23 2012.

I have not heard of this, could you elaborate? Don't mean to derail the thread.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by harryhaller
Nicely done thread, you seem to have quite a good theory here. S+F for presentation

The 188.* cycle is news to me, but all online versions of the origional graphic seem to have been moved. Does this apply to only certain events, are rather from a certain time? Has this cycle always been in operation?

thank you. appreciate your kudos.

as to your question regarding the cycle.. from the research I've done, it does appear there's a strange connection/anomaly to other 188 day patterns and major quakes, but haven't fully connected the dots and THIS cycle doesn't seem to have any consistent or clear correlation like the last 4 quakes did.

and here's some good info that explains the 188 anomaly further

and I posted this in another thread last month:
There's tons of numerological connections and big celestial events aligning around 3/22 that most here might know is clearly a huge illuminati power number these sick bastards would most likely plan something big to coincide with. However, whatever seismic events occur, I don't believe will be associated with anything they had "control" or dominion over in this case.

3/22/1980 is even connected to the GEORGIA GUIDE STONES

Now, as much as I don't agree with many things terral presents or claims, we do agree on some things, so i'm going to link his recent video that gives a good BASIC synopsis of this upcoming event/date that may also connect to the current 188 pattern/anomaly.

So he claims an HMO alignment around 3/22/12 will cause a pole shift and mega quake... But what he doesn't seem to realize is that his planet x/HMO theory this time around especially, has NO MARKER now, that it had THEN, which may have put it within the 188 day cycle. So either he needs to provide better and more evidence for his claim where the HMO is at and why its positioning will alone cause or add any magnetic disturbance/anomlies on 3/22, or he should abandon that theory for a far better alternative "theory" that my quake warnings far better explain and support.

Terral has offered a YT presentation with SPECULATION about where he THINKS this HMO is, but nothing more.

Also, both Web bot, & TWZ (time wave zero) theorists, see a major event around mid march as well even though many feel webbot has not been consistent enough to be considered a credible or reliable source.

One of the most important parts of understanding the 188 pattern, is to first realize that it may have absolutely nothing to do with this alleged HMO or heavy mass object as its being called now, which was initially what first began to fuel the theory according to TERRAL who still seems to be clinging to it as a basis for his hypothesis.

As I said, although I find some of the data about this 188 theory to be correct and give him partial credit for helping to raise awareness, but there's alot i didn't and don't agree with him on which were key elements or data he ignored that led to his admitted failures and misinformation last year but just recently he's finally made some alterations and admits that the HMO might not even have to be involved for this mega quake and cataclysmic event to occur. What Terral hasn't seemed to figure out yet like most, is the deeper significance of his hypothesis as it relates to WHY there wouldn't need to be any HMO involved for a major quake to occur; something I've been trying to teach and show through most of my quake warnings.

Do I still believe or agree with him that there is a Jovian Mass Object or System approaching us?
somewhat YES; and the new uptick of all the bizarre earth changes, is evidence of it Imo. But the ability to TRACK or TRIANGULATE this object, ended around September of last year for the reasons I've explained having to do with the "krulian" factor.

I'm sure most here remember the BIG date September 26/27th 2011 that surrounded the great "Elenin" controversy. Many were concerned that the date had the potential to be cataclysmic, but only turned out to be a non-event due to both incorrect theories and data as well as a bizarre twist of fate or what apparently might be best described as "intervention".

How might that relate to this 188 pattern and why is it important??

Because what happened or DIDN'T happen last SEPTEMBER, may have been due to an uncanny coincidence or miscalculation that actually instead of being on 9/27/11 as most expected, was really for the YEAR AFTER ie 9/27/2012.

Is it a coincidence that 188 days after MARCH 22, 2012, is SEPTEMBER 27TH, 2012??!!! And from what I can see, there's some MASSIVE celestial events occurring.

Could the event expected last year warned about by those like ALEXANDER RETROV, have really been exactly 1 year off to the day?

another possible super quake in SEPTEMBER 2012 on another 188 cycle?
edit on 22-2-2012 by truthseekr1111 because: add link

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:41 AM
I just dripped some melted wax into a bucket of water and it told me nothing will happen. I'll wake up tomorrow, listen to the same CDs while I drive around running errands, catch some CNN propaganda and play Nazi Zombies for a bit. Same with everyone else. Well, not exactly the same, probably, but if there's anyone out there who has the same schedule please let me know as it would make me feel a bit better about myself.

Anyway, I don't get the numerical pattern thing. It's used too much as a reference when in reality you can make any number into something meaningful if you try hard enough.

Add the Civil War start date to the assassination of JFK, subtract the date of the RFK assassination, divide by 9/11, multiply my Whitney Houston's death and add the Gulf of Tonkin. What do you get? I dunno, but it's nothing. Actually, it is something. Why does every date and/or time that something's supposed to happen to be closely related to America and usually in the Eastern US timezone?

Anyway, search youtube for "I can guess your age" and "I can guess your cell phone number." Like I said, play with the numbers enough and you'll get whatever you want to get.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by tinker9917

Originally posted by eywadevotee

Could it be? Level Eight Operational National Intellegence Directive: Extinction Level Event Nine, Impact November, 23 2012.

I have not heard of this, could you elaborate? Don't mean to derail the thread.

it was originally theorized after the entire ELENIN controversy

ELE - extinction level event
NIN - National intelligence Director or Near Impact November or Nibiru Impact November

I assume Nibiru portion was omitted for this and there's a concern a major event in NOVEMBER or the NINth month of September still could connect to the acronym somehow.
position coincidently created on SEPTEMBER 2001?? 9/11/01?? wow.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Magnivea
I just dripped some melted wax into a bucket of water and it told me nothing will happen.

and I hope your bucket is right.

I've said of course probably nothing will.... but after events such as 9/11, imo its important to raise awareness considering certain events as I point out below, have had some undeniable connections showing intentional masking of truth and conspiracy fact.

Originally posted by Magnivea
I'll wake up tomorrow, listen to the same CDs while I drive around running errands, catch some CNN propaganda and play Nazi Zombies for a bit. Same with everyone else. Well, not exactly the same, probably, but if there's anyone out there who has the same schedule please let me know as it would make me feel a bit better about myself.
Anyway, I don't get the numerical pattern thing. It's used too much as a reference when in reality you can make any number into something meaningful if you try hard enough.
Add the Civil War start date to the assassination of JFK, subtract the date of the RFK assassination, divide by 9/11, multiply my Whitney Houston's death and add the Gulf of Tonkin. What do you get? I dunno, but it's nothing. Actually, it is something. Why does every date and/or time that something's supposed to happen to be closely related to America and usually in the Eastern US timezone?
Anyway, search youtube for "I can guess your age" and "I can guess your cell phone number." Like I said, play with the numbers enough and you'll get whatever you want to get.

contrary to your assertion and premise, there have been many major events that have many amazing numerical and uncanny connections that go far beyond coincidence.

Whitney, Diana, 9/11, Japan disaster to name a few are among those that have.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by truthseekr1111
I've said of course probably nothing will.... but after events such as 9/11, imo its important to raise awareness considering certain events

While I disagree with the numerically based predictions, I do think that there have been at least a few occasions where something was planned but never took place due to someone figuring part of it out and making it widely known. If it is true and there is a pattern, maybe you did do some good by this post. My money's still on nothing on any predicted day, though.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Magnivea

Originally posted by truthseekr1111
I've said of course probably nothing will.... but after events such as 9/11, imo its important to raise awareness considering certain events

While I disagree with the numerically based predictions, I do think that there have been at least a few occasions where something was planned but never took place due to someone figuring part of it out and making it widely known. If it is true and there is a pattern, maybe you did do some good by this post. My money's still on nothing on any predicted day, though.

and i gonna have to agree with you completely in this case.

I think you're closer to the truth than we realize

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by truthseekr1111

I just love it when we only have to wait 24 hours to put a nonsense thread to bed. See ya tomorrow.

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