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Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Isn't.

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:14 AM

An Italian radio program's story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt. The reasons were mentioned only in passing, and since then, this little-known member of the European Union fell back into oblivion. As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example. Here's why

Link to full article

This is an old story, but it is a good one; and one which many people still probably haven't read. It's the story of how Iceland kicked the IMF and the cabal's other front groups, out of their country. Methinks a lot of other people should probably try to follow their example.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Until we do follow their example, but ideally without reinstating a money-based system of any description, we will fail and continue failing. This is how I see us about our economy:

Kind of sad, isn't it? Kind of like...LET GO ALREADY! Grieving is understandable, but at some point it becomes pathological. We're past that stage already.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by petrus4

I have read little bits here and there about Iceland since 2008, because I haven’t been searching I only get little pieces of information.
It says there population is roughly 320,000 people. This seems to be the perfect community in which to stand up to the banks, word would have spread fast about how the banks were scamming them. I can’t see people standing up in big western nations tho and we will get it 100% worse than Iceland did.
Hopefully people will stand up before it’s too late, but with the media hiding things like this it’s easy to see why people are confused. This really should be BIG news.
Go Iceland.

edit on 28-1-2012 by adaption because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:13 AM
The documentary "Inside Job" that was released last year (directed by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon) started off talking about how Iceland was doing great. They didn't have a central/national bank and then as soon as foreigners came and established one, within MONTHS they went bankrupt

if you haven't seen the movie, you really should. It explains the whole 2008 financial catastrophe and makes you angry.

I'm really glad they're getting out of their hole though

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 10:19 AM
A Finnish soothsayer from the mid-1900s said that "The light will shine from the North" with regards to this period of time we're currently in (Ascension, 2012, NWO, TWZ, End Times....whatever you like to call it). It has always been assumed that the specific "North" in question was Finland. I would think that the light for the way forward out of this mess is coming from Iceland. As much as we can, we should all follow suit. Our actions until now are weaker than weak. We've only rewarded those who sunk us in this mess. We're pretty stupid, to be totally honest.

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