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UN Security Council weighs action on Syria

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posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:00 PM

UN Security Council weighs action on Syria

BEIRUT — Updated at 9:20 a.m. ET: At least 384 children have been killed during Syria's 10-month uprising and virtually the same number have been jailed, according to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Spokeswoman Marixie Mercado calls the situation for children in Syria "of the gravest concern to UNICEF."

"It is something the world should not ignore," she tells
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 27-1-2012 by Ralphy because: (no reason given)

Mod Edit: Review This Link: Breaking Alternative News Guidelines -- Copy the Exact Headline

edit on 1/28/2012 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:00 PM
This could be just words coming from the U.N. but the fact that the U.N. is starting to speak out against syria could say something as far as some type of intervention for syria. It seems that maybe the west will go through the U.N. maybe to please Russia and China perhaps?

I'm curious as to how this will turn out as far as dealing with Syria.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:05 PM
Me to U.N.: Get our of my country and let the Muslims deal with Muslim problems. Not ONE U.S. dollar, bullet, soldier should go to that country. They want their radical beliefs, let 'em have them. They'll only hate us in the end anyway.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:50 PM
Syria is a troubled place, no doubt about that. With all the competing factions in the region it is no surprise things are a mess. But trying to pull a Libya and dramatically raise the body count while destroying social infrastructure is just using more nonsense on the current nonsense.

With the current media spin going around it is hard to trust any reports that do come out of the country and accurately gauge just what is exactly going on. With more international review and pressure hopefully a clearer picture of the exact problems can surface. Considering the cultural conflicts going on I am not expecting any easy answers and it will take generations to sort out, if it is at all possible.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Ralphy

Russia will defend Syria, you think Russians will should let the UN whatever America tells them to?
edit on 27-1-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Russia can be bought off easy style. There are bits of its former USSR empire that are up for grabs. These can be traded with Putin for access to ME territory such as Syria. It's a bit like top Trumps, Syria for something, Iran for ukraine. Russians know their real abroad and their near abroad

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:00 AM
UN Please do not forget the 30,000 children who die each month in Africa out of hunger and related diseases. 384 children in Syria is barely 1% of those who perish in Africa, each single month.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

Russians would be idiots to trade a dollar for a dime. Near abroad is pretty much in their pockets via CSTO.

NATO further expanded all the way to the doors of Russia even when Ruskies thought the cold war was over.

Guess Russians are not going to trust the West.........ever again!

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Ralphy

Me to UN: Stop interfering in the internal affairs of independent nations, UN is not an organization, it is a treaty, those who are trying to turn it in to an organized International Government are the NWO and their ignorant followers.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:02 AM
And this is why we need Ron Paul.

No more world police.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Ralphy

This could be just words coming from the U.N. but the fact that the U.N. is starting to speak out against syria could say something as far as some type of intervention for syria. It seems that maybe the west will go through the U.N. maybe to please Russia and China perhaps?

I'm curious as to how this will turn out as far as dealing with Syria.

UN is not "speaking out" against Syria. UN is considering a motion tabled by a member. When the Security Council passes it is when you can call UN speaking, until then it is just individual members' opinions.

Russia has very clearly stated that they would veto call for military action against Syria, while acknowledging that others may act on their own and without UN authorisation.

Tabling the motion means either the motion is meant for further sanctions against Syria, which Russia may not oppose, just to dare Russia to veto it or that the notice for the motion had already been given before Russia went public with their intention to veto it and the sponsors don't want to look silly by withdrawing it.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:04 AM
No forces....according to the draft resolution....
edit on 31-1-2012 by freetree64 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2012 by freetree64 because: (no reason given)

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