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Thomas Townsend Brown & crash of 1947!

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:44 AM
ok so i was just thinking as i was looking at a you tube video of High Voltage Lifter. and i remembered a year ago i was looking in to Thomas Townsend Brown and the connection to the 1947 crash. and i think that it was not a ufo but a High Voltage Lifter in the Roswell picture. it looks just like what would be used to make a High Voltage Lifter!
balsa wood copper wire and aluminum foil.

Thomas Townsend Brown, Electrogavitic propulsion inventor

High Voltage Lifter

Roswell incident

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:13 AM
Hm, I dunno. From memory there were problems with making it larger-scale.

Not saying it isn't possible with the help of some classified tech.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:56 AM
In this case, my reaction is to chalk this up to a coincidence in the true sense of the word. The question was posed at the time this image of the air force men with the "debris" was circulated about how in the world could experienced air force men confuse what you see in this picture with a flying saucer. I think that is a fair question. One report held that these same men were ordered by superior officers to carry out this charade for the press and that they were very, very embarrassed at having to do this.... and rightly so.

[This is but one example of the sort of nonsense that must, once and for all, stop. I am referring to the superior officers making such an order and then foisting a blatantly implausible response on the public.]

I find your connection of Brown to this evidence a good thought, for sure. I don't know what that status was of his research at this point in time.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:04 PM
I'll have to go with Malkuth on this one as probably coincidence, but also have to say that was some mighty fine thinking there.

Enough so that it deserves further study it seems. It certainly made me think this morning and open up my mind a bit.

T.T. Brown is always interesting whether he was a fraud or a true genius, but it's always the same stuff over and over, so it's nice to see some original speculation.

S&F for originality and to get some other opinions in here. Peace.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Those pictures from the Roswell Incident are not of the real material that was recovered. At least, that is what was reported by the man holding the material in the pictures...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by ilian51378

Man you are always such a kill- joy.

First using math and now this.

You are no fun AT all!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by A51Watcher
reply to post by ilian51378

Man you are always such a kill- joy.

First using math and now this.

You are no fun AT all!

Hey, you remembered me?! It must be my avatar...
Anyway, I am sorry about doing what I am doing!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by ilian51378

And the investigation by the GAO revealed that all the documentation of the "incident" was inappropriately destroyed...I find this very suspicious. It has never been explained. If it wasn't aliens, why the destruction of all the documentation. Let's say for a minute it was a Project Mogul balloon, would it really have been necessary to destroy all the paperwork. It just doesn't make sense.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:21 PM
...hence, the conspiracy, eh?

Perhaps, one of the true military "insiders" will one day see fit to explain to the poor, ignorant slobs they protect (joe and zoe taxpayer) just how it is that once a person enters the military that they become mentally superior to the rest of us (i.e. their former selves) and that we are no longer remotely deserving of even plausible explanations for things..that is, when they even see fit to dignify our reasonable inquiries with any explanation whatsoever.

In the case of Roswell, how does a man with decades of military experience, clearly a person of integrity, intelligence and respect turn to his fellow (yet subordinate) officer an order him to take this pile or rubbish out to the press and tell them we actually have men among our ranks who mistook this for a spacecraft from a superior race from the stars.

The very minute that cover story, awful as it was, was rammed down the public's throat there should have begun an immediate congressional investigation of the highest order and hence...another conspiracy. Why did something like this not happen apparently at all? I can only imagine the chilling looks that must have been exchanged between those soldiers and the reporters in the room the moment they changed their story while offering that pile of **** as their..what, evidence? How totally insulting on every level.

The original post here sheds a moment of light on still another great conspiracy, that of anti-gravity research. In the late 50s, T.T. Brown and many, many other wickedly brilliant people were very hard at work in a very open and public way on solving the mystery if anti-gravity. Suddenly, right around 1960 something truly extraordinary must have happened. I say MUST HAVE because we went from books, newspapers and magazines regularly reporting on the progress of the research in this area to a complete informational vacuum. Books, periodicals and magazines were removed from libraries, patent office policies on the subject changed and nothing was heard for many years but for small rumors from other countries.

Well, I'll stop here. Joe sixpack (that'd be me) has been expected to go to work, shut up and not to think too hard about anything for way too long. The people who paid for much of the great research have been shut out of any benefits to be derived from those spectacular discoveries..all in the name of national security. When this shoe finally drops, the thud from the impact of it hitting the floor is going to be a whopper.

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