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Trader on BBC "Goldman Sachs" Runs the world.

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+29 more 
posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:24 AM
An interesting interview with trader Alessio Rastani on the state of financial markets and a claim that Goldman Sachs runs the world, also talks about preparing for the coming depression, protecting ones assets, but obviously does not give away too much helpful info.

So what is the best way to protect your assets at the moment? How does one take financial advantage of the coming crisis?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:28 AM
Europe is doomed.

But America ain't escaping this...sooner or later the "cancer" will spread over there aswell - and people know its gonna be worse than Europe.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:39 AM
My jaw just dropped too. Someone honest? Someone frank? On the news?

i want to know more about that guy - that took cojones.

What does it mean for America though - that's what I don't know - he's talking from the European perspective.
Too bad I can't make money off the downturn because the last downturn got me.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:42 AM
We REALLY need to start tradiong amongst ourselves with things that have value....

Not something shot out of a printer that is backed by NOTHING.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:53 AM
Well its getting close. The more people start to talk about Markets crashing publicly then you know its time to panic. Ive been, and many other, have been worning everyone for months. Its COMING!
edit on 26-9-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

+16 more 
posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:05 PM
I watched that video earlier and was waiting for it to hit ATS... He basically just outlined everything people have been saying on here since 2008 giving Conspiracy Theorists a lil more credibility. (that took guts)

I have an Aunt in my family that is Super Greedy..I mean completely Consumed by it and she stole basically 90,000 dollars (which was all of my inheritance) because she was the Executor of Estate. Well her dumb ass took all the money and decided to play stocks and buy a house before all this happened back in 2007 and now she is upsidedown/Underwater on her house and broke. I know I'm not supposed to take pleasure in others misery but it FEELS F"N AWESOME to watch the crooked get robbed by bigger crooks.

I can't help but think maybe that's why god didn't give me what was promised by my grandparents...Maybe She needed to learn Humility and I needed to learn what I have learned struggling without my inheritance. My Fishing/Survival skills has been a constant study since I noticed the world changing and maybe if I had that money I would have been too preoccupied with the money to learn the skills needed to survive the coming Whatever.....Strange how things work out sometimes, I'm not religious but sometimes things work out so weird that I have to question my non-belief..

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Oh boy!! I'm thinking that this guy's gonna be having an "accident" very soon.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:11 PM
interesting how he seams to believe the exact same circumstances as ww2 are about to happen again, for those that don't know, this is the point where particular bankers managed to grab -ALOT- of cash (still an understatement with caps.) while hyperinflation caused the legendary $8 coffee thing, or in laymans terms, everything costs rediculous.

my question is simple, how does the layman get ahead of the ball this time around? also what if they planned for that, and expect that..

ed: lets face it, who doesn't want to own an island?
personal note, if I did somehow manage to pull that off, by some form of miracle, I would probably spend my time working on antigrav rather than world domination, just to let it be known, I am not a soulless monster.
edit on 26/9/2011 by whatsinaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:13 PM
It was a great
I loved the way he inferred that Goldman et al run the world.. refreshingly honest
I bet it woke up a few people watching
hope they get him on again, but I bet they don't..

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:22 PM
Interesting interview. I am surprised that it aired on BBC.

This has to be first honest trader I have seen on MSM. He said straight forward that it will get worst than this and that banksters, traders will profit from it. This is quite obvious but people have to hear it from "experts", officials or MSM to believe it.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

bump - s&f

Amazing interview, simply amazing

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by NewsWorthy

Karma is a bitch.... your aunt seems like some of my relatives .... they will lose in the end. If you want to buy some good books about living off the land and how people used to live and survive I would suggest you get the "Foxfire" series where they did interviews with older Americans and how they lived ....

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
It was a great
I loved the way he inferred that Goldman et al run the world.. refreshingly honest
I bet it woke up a few people watching
hope they get him on again, but I bet they don't..

This is what people need to be seeing, I just showed it to my dad and it is just another piece to use to help wake up people like him. Needless to say its scared him s%%tless. Doesn't make me look quite the loon for wanting to stock up on supplies.

Basically stripped away all the MSM BS spin on the crisis and laid it out bare.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by fnpmitchreturns
reply to post by NewsWorthy

Karma is a bitch.... your aunt seems like some of my relatives .... they will lose in the end. If you want to buy some good books about living off the land and how people used to live and survive I would suggest you get the "Foxfire" series where they did interviews with older Americans and how they lived ....

I'll look into that, Thanks... I love finding good reads, especially educational ones. thanks again

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by dario86
Interesting interview. I am surprised that it aired on BBC.

This has to be first honest trader I have seen on MSM. He said straight forward that it will get worst than this and that banksters, traders will profit from it. This is quite obvious but people have to hear it from "experts", officials or MSM to believe it.

In 2008, just after the whole meltdown started, there was a BBC radio program, Business Daily I think, where the program hosts went literally across the street to the London School of Economics, and asked two of the top lecturers some awkward questions. The biggie was "Did all this money that is now owed, ever exist?". The stammering LSE fellows replied "Er, um, no, not really". It is all make believe, and it all started with a Canadian computer programmer working on Wall Street who came up with a clever algorithm that allowed for the creation of huge amounts of money, or debt really. He has now retired and lives on a farm somewhere, and wishes he had never written the code. It is all a fraud, and all those toxic assets or debts should be torn up, and the banker crooks and associates jailed. The Wall St protests occuring now are a good start.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

And since then have wondered if this really was a mistake by the BBC..

why him? why now?

Usually the interviewers are on the ball enough to interrupt or cut people off when they get too far off track, yet in this instance they allowed him almost free reign to express himself as he wished and be as far off topic as he so desired.

These are not novices, they are professionals and are used to dealing with upperty politicians who have an own agenda to push and they certainly don't add off the cuff remarks along the lines of how everyones "jaw dropped" at this information.

The whole interview honestly has left me with a pause for thought moment as to whether this was a mistake of not.

Edit: rubbish spelling grammar and sentence structure

edit on 26/9/11 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:59 PM
I wouldnt trust that guy at all,I certainly wouldnt take his advice on what to do with your money. He's probabaly got some crafty plan to make money from the actions of all the people who take him as a genuine guy. Having said that though, what he said about millions of savings going missing I kinda believe that.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Angrybadger

I don't take him as a genuine guy, but he is only saying the things we know, that normally the MSM sugar coats and spins.The only advice he really offers was to protect your assets. Seems like pretty good advice, what has the MSM recommended people do? Dont panic and Carry on.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

As someone involved in finance and trading, and I cannot agree more with what this man is saying. It's widely known throughout the financial sector that things are going to fall, and hard. However, it's not exactly scary, it's actually exciting. I have been waiting for things to fall apart again since they did a few years ago with the collapse of the housing market, there was great opportunity to make a lot of money in that scenario. The majority of people don't understand how our financial systems work. Most people understand that if you buy a stock, you are buying "stock" into a company, and effectively by doing so, you're of course investing in its future. So naturally, you don't want to see the market start a downward tumble, because that puts your investment in jeopardy. However, there are ways to hedge this using the "magic" of derivatives, and it isn't hard either. In fact, I only trade derivatives, I haven't actually "owned" a stock in years. Why? Because there is so much MORE risk in owning something that you don't have much control over. The market is heading into its death throes. Last week there were some substantial drops across the board, in both equities and commodities. Typically, in uncertain times, when equities (think private firms) are having a hard times staying afloat, one can rely on commodities (think gold, silver, oil, etc.), because it's something one can "hold" on to – it's tangible. What's happening though is that there is so much uncertainty that everything is in a downward spiral and it's directly correlated to fear. If you're trying to ride out the market right now and hoping it will turn around, I'm warning you, there is a lot of risk to that. By just buying stock you're only able to move in a linear direction without much control, but if you start looking into how to perform hedging strategies, like spreads, you have a lot more insurance that wherever the market will go, whether it decides to sink into a freefall or explode drastically upward, you can make money with it. If you're at all interested in what I'm saying, read further into trading derivatives. There is a lot of potential out there if you know where to look.

If you have some free time or are genuinely interested in reaching financial freedom and security, I recommend starting with something like this. Someone had mentioned the Khan Academy in another thread and I really believe that these videos are incredibly informative, easy to understand, and straight forward.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Resonant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 04:10 PM
Wow... I can't believe I missed this. Thanks for posting it.

It is true that we are not exactly, 'enlightened' by his words, but it is refreshing to see some press acknowledging it... and his advice was very sound..... S&F

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