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Always a Conspiracy in Religion

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posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:32 AM
Hasn't there always been a conspiracy in religion. Religion suppresses knowledge and always has. You must believe the doctrine to gain access to heaven! Don't think outside the doctrine or burn in hell with gnashing of teeth!
How ridiculous...Hell is probably earth anyways and the gnashing of teeth is from stress.
Religion will continue to suppress knowledge and the progress of humanity. Examples: Copernicus, Ban on Stem-Cell Research, Terrorism due to Islamic Fundamentalism, Crusades by Christians in 12th Century(?), and so many other examples....If your a humanitarian and look forward to progression for the human race, don't blindly follow the "word".

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Amen brother... all i have to say is that the only thing all religions have in common, is that they're all inherently WRONG. Considering that they all pretty much say exactly the same things. It's like they're a bunch of children fighting over who's dad is the coolest...
And, even if i beleived in a God, why would I have to go to a particular building or 'Holy "site to praise this entity... Don't most religious doctrines state that God is in everything , and all around us at all times anyway?
Why should only a select few be able to decide who gets saved and who doesn't.. It's all in your own mind, the only person who can be your salvation is yourself, in the way you act, and treat others on a daily basis.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:25 AM
Its important to distiguish "religions" from the people who claim to be followers of such religions. Most Christians around the world do not in any way represent the Biblical presentation of Christanity. Also, Islam is a highly misunderstood religion around the world. I don't know the intricicies of Islam, but I know there are several major faction which all interpret the Quran very differently.

"Religious leaders," who interpret holy books, or ancient beliefs to modern people are to blame in my opinion. They have their own agenda, distorted beliefs, or other misguided practices that they think everyone should follow. Religions aren't all evil. Most do, however, teach that all others are wrong, but they still demand their followers live a good lifestyle and treat others fairly. Religion has been the foundation of cultural evolution throughout history. There are many bad examples to show how religion is a negative thing for man, but I think its our fault, not religion's.

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