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Moon Dreams

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posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 05:03 AM
i had this dream last night!

its been in my mind all day and i finally decided to look it up and was surprised to see there were others, so i came to ATS to check here and i found this thread. now im creeped out.

in my dream:

i was at an old rustic house on a lakeside with my girlfriend and her younger brother. i was inside playing with a cello i found when i looked out a big window to my left and saw the sky was a strange dark blue and there were 3 moons in the sky, i heard someone say something about it just being some sort of reflections but i noticed they all had somewhat different texture on them. all of the sudden i saw either 7 or 9 moons and then 15, like they were instantaneously multiplying. so i ran outside and could just feel that something very very big was crashing into earth a few miles in front of me. i panicked and just didnt know what to do, then i grabbed my cell phone in a desperate attempt to call my girlfriend to tell her i loved her but it was coming so fast i didnt have time, then i just remember saying 'hare krishna' and the huge orangeish object filled my entire vision and swept over me and i died which segued me into my next dream.

this is such a strange dream, three moons and something hitting the earth and alot of people seem to be having it.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
o.k. interesting. i'll add to this by giving my only moon dream i remember having, it was vivid to.

i was outside with my family, there was lots of short green grass around as far as i could see and only a few buildings, the buildings were like nothing i have ever seen before, they were made out of stone but the buildings were very well designed interms of shape and patterns. the front yard had no fence around it, it was just a path and then a stone 2inch high wall which was more like a border going either side of the path and around the yard to define where the front yard ends and grass in the middle of the borders.
there was no technology that i could see, all though i was wearing modern cloths and so was my family. the sky was blue with clouds.

looking back at the house the front of the house is opened up, a bit like having double doors that are both opened at the same time, and i could see the kitchen which was a long room and pretty wide, in my dream this place was my home where me and my family live.

that is the setting of what i could see.

now to the dream, i was outside with my family this is where i remember it from, we are talking and the kids are playing, suddenly i notice an object in the sky. it is the moon, but it is getting larger rapidly, i point it out and we start to panic as it is obvious it is going to collide, but it did'nt fully, it came in at an angle and just scapped the earths surface causing everything to shake violently, and then carried on past, once the shaking had stopped. we saw a tsunami grabbed the kids and ran, the direction we ran in was towards the house, we ran into the kitchen and huddled up on the back wall of the kitchen, water started to come into the kitchen, the kitchen filled up half way and then slowly started to recede, it was as though it had reached it's limit of reaching in land just as it got to where we was.

thats where the dream ends.

i have heard moon dreams are common, so i doubt it means anything, but just incase..... thats my moon dream.
edit on 15-7-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

Your dream is very similar to one of mine I had years ago, it haunts me till this day because I've had dreams of tsunamis two month before the big tsunami of 2004 and Im scared this one is going to come true too.

I'll keep this short tho, I saw a dream where it was night time, and everyone started panicking somehow, we were hearing news channels saying things like it'll be fine, dont worry etc but when we all looked into the sky, and i mean the whole planet was doing this, all of a sudden I saw the entire planet earth shaking like it got hit by something. I remember thinking, omg this is the end, we're going to die...then a voice in my head said, you're very close to extinction, but some of you will survive, this is what is called a close call.

then i woke up...

i still remember it like it was yesterday : (

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:58 AM
Not sure how I missed this post, but it is great. I have dreamed more than once of an orange planet or moon and lately actually had one in great detail. A voice came with the dream as well as meeting in a room to explain what is happening.

At any rate, a few weeks ago I was relating this dream to others over dinner when this very intelligent, practical para legal woman blanched at my telling. She then related that she had a similar dream lately of this orange planet coming towards earth. In fact it came so fast, she was startled and actually ducked in her dream. I would paste my whole account but I am on another computer as my main one is being repaired.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:22 PM
I had my moon dream in the winter of 1995. To this day I remember every detail and I've made a crude illustration but I don't know it's meaning.

The dream begins and I'm in the middle of a long line of people moving south. The moon is very large and full. To the right is a large river I believe to be the Mississippi. In my dream I remember thinking: "If something changes with the moon, the end of the world is imminent."

At next glance, the moon is now 3 boxes, side by side, filled with the same silvery luminescence of the moon. Beginning with the left-most box, they quickly begin to tick away it's light in different, graduated amounts.

The boxes empty themselves and as they do a comet comes out of each one and rushes to the right. As the last comet departs, all boxes empty, I kneel and begin to pray, being very fearful knowing the end of all things is upon us.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:27 PM
My wife and I were having a discussion a little while ago about our dreams and I remembered a few nights ago tossing and turning and waking myself from the dreams. I told her most of it was of work....Until I remembered part of one of those dreams. We were on our front lawn looking towards the sky in the morning and pointing at 4 moons. They all seemed to be at different stages ie: quarter,half, full.... and we were saying what is going on,why are there 4 moons and unfortunately I once again woke myself.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:52 PM
creepy....I haven't had a moon dream but...the Orange large object in the sky...My most disturbing realistic, surreal dream EVER. I am 35 years old and back in 2006/07 I had this crazy dream.
I was sitting on the grass with my kids in a park. Green and hilly I could smell salt in the air people were strolling about. Seagulls were cawwing.
Then out of the blue this huge Orange ball took up a good 5th of the sky and was flying right towards us. Everyone around us just freaked out and ran around screaming and in a panic. I stayed were I was at because seriously there was nowhere I could possibly run to so I decided to enjoy my last few moments holding my kids and thinking happy thoughts. I remember telling my kids it wouldn't hurt a bit and we would see each other on the flip side in just a minute. I thankfully woke up before we were incinerated. At he time I only had 2 kids but in my dream there were more then 2 but I am not sure how many more.I now have 4 with no plans for more. I just remembered feeling like I had alot of kids hanging on me in the dream.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 03:18 AM
Thanks folks for all your posts, this is something we need to spread. I know there is a lot of people that had this dream and never shared because considered too strange. Yes, it's creepy but these experiences are true.

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: Trueman

I found this video after reading your thread and thought a visual of some of the peoples dreams might be a good addition for you so here you go.
(7 years later)


I've never had a dream about the moon,
only things living on asteroids.

If you do a search on youtube for 3 moons dream, there are LOTS of people who have recorded them since you started this thread.

edit on 18-1-2018 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Trueman

S & F

I remembered this horrifying experience that haunting me for many years. . .

while I was out to buy supper at night, I looked up and saw the spooky light-reddish full moon Suddenly an terrible vision of rushing flood with people struggling cried for help. . "blinding me" to cross the road for few seconds, I was in shocked and struggled
to regain my sight of worrying that I might knocked down by car. . .

I rushed home after bought the supper but lost my appetite as the whole night I was trying to figure out what and why happened earlier. . .

Then I recalled that I have dreamt of the spooky super super supermoon in my childhood but I could not sure whether it was dream or true experience yet I was terrified as it's haunting me for years then again the second experiences was much more horrifying. . .

Something big global disaster is coming. I believe _ ! _

edit on 26-2-2018 by SophiaEveLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: SophiaEveLee

And a God or goddess appeared in my dream. . . after the Super super Supermoon. That's all I'd remembered _ ! _

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