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have I found the Common denominator for conspiracy theorist's?

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:28 PM
Now, I don't label myself a conspiracy theorist, and neither should any of you. Labels put you in boxes you may only partially fit into, while leaving out core parts. That being said, I will label one of my many faults as being un-able to trust. Un-able to trust what I am being told is the truth. Healthy skepticism is good, but what I'm trying to heal is the fact that I can't hardly bring myself to trust anyone or anything outside my small group of family and close friends. Even then, sometimes I have my doubts.

This is not me whining, complaining, moaning, groaning, belly aching or self pity. This is merely my attempt to look at myself from the outside in order to gain a different persepctive.

Now onto my point:
I don't feel the need to mention my distrust for world events, world facts, or world issues. That should be immediately obvious. But what happens when we ARE told the honest to goodness truth? Will we believe it? Even if we scream for un-adulterated facts and get them will it be enough?

My questions are: Does conspiracy theorism create a self-perpetuating machine of self-destructive Miss-trust? And if we won the truth that we so desire could we learn to trust what were told again? Would we even be able to trust our fellow truth speakers?

My answers are: possibly, hopefully, and if we can't there's probably no point to any of this. In that order.

What are your answers? Thoughts? Hopes? Fears?

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 06:01 AM
I am just like you, i have really become the 'trust no one' type from every point of view except family because oh well they are the most trustworthy people you will ever know because they will never want anything bad to happen to you.

But when it comes to other people i am very skeptic and i don't trust them at all, even my best friend, and i am carefull what i tell them about anything.

But its good to make it look like you trust them and don't engage in conversation about conspiracy because they will most surely move you further from them ...

So my advice is, analyse everything your friends or people arround you tell you and see who can you trust most.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 06:42 AM
I agree to a point...Fact is, at 48, I am still at times a naive, country boy that thinks most people grew up in Mayberry...when I realize too late that is not the truth at all.

I tend to give most people the benefit of a doubt the first go round. You know the proverb..Foll me once...shame on you.Fool me twice...shame on me.

The real reason I am a Conspiracy Theorists...and I honestly believe many here are too...Is that I ask inquiring mind. It's not a matter of trust, but of critical thought.

Is it completely normal and a coincidence that John Hinkley's parents were good friends with the Bushes...and that john hinckley Jr tried to kill Pres. Reagan?

Is it completely normal and an eyebrow shoulod not be raised that the Bin Laden Family and the Bush Family belong to the Carlyle investment group that profits from weapons developement. favorite...absolutely no reason for conspiracy here...the JFK assassination...volumes could be written on the completely normal sets of coincidences of the Bay of Pigs ships named Barbara... GHW Bush was in CIA at time and helped put together the failed invasion...Bush from Texas...VP Johnson from Texas...Kennedy killed in Texas...CIA head Dulles had a brother...Cheif of Dallas cause for a hmmmm, here.

Why do all the major NASA events happen on pagan/solar/sun worship days? recent example...the shuttle was to launch on May1...mayday...the first day of may which was for fertility rites...mechanical problems forced them to the absolute FullMoon launch..and it landed on the absolute New Moon...all hold special significance to the pagan folks....just sayin'

Further, at age 10, I saw a did my mother and my younger brother...not some light in the shy...but at about 100yrds....that opened up a whole new world to me. I started to question everything...investigate for myself.

It wasn't a matter of trust so much as there more. What is the big picture.... turn the map upside down and show me what i am not seeing...right in front of my face.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Deafseeingeyedog

Does conspiracy theorism create a self-perpetuating machine of self-destructive Miss-trust?

Yes, absolutely.

And if we won the truth that we so desire could we learn to trust what were told again?

No. In fact, most conspiracy theorists refuse to accept the truth when it is handed to them on a platter. Think how often someone will come forward and admit that they were just staging a hoax and the believers simply decide that someone "got to them."

Would we even be able to trust our fellow truth speakers?

Visit the 911 Board and count the number of times people accuse one another of spreading "disinfo."

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 09:06 AM
I feel those that are most likely to fall for this conspiracy crap are those who have the least exposure to the real world.

Once you are out there (so to speak), you find yourself exposed to all kinds of weird random events that make a real impact on your day’s experience.
Those days where you drive all the way to work only to question yourself, Did I stop at all the lights? I don’t remember if they were red or green?
Those rare days where all the lights were green and you didn’t have to stop once. Conversely those days where you had to stop at every stinking light.

Just look at the random events this year that had an impact.
The chopper that lost lift in the OBL killing. Opps that secret stealth chopper is revealed.
The flooded back up generators that results in the meltdown in Japan.

The bigger and more grandiose your plans, the more random events will creep in. You have heard of Murphy’s laws?

Once you understand that random events affect the real world, you understand that these conspiracies are ALL FALSE. Every conspiracy ever created relies on two things, secrecy and multiple people. I don’t know who said it, but it’s a true statement.
“Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. “

You can ponze 50 billion.
You can get a BJ in the Oval office.
You can break into a Washington hotel.
You can twitter your privates.
You can gas millions of humans.

But it’s always going to come out. You can’t silence everyone. Young people are oblivious to their mortality. Old men will talk without fear. People want to come clean before they meet their maker. Some just want revenge.

So the next time someone tells you that our government pulled off some big conspiracy, think about it in terms of what could go wrong to expose it. You can’t control random events and you can’t control thousands of people’s actions for the rest of their lives.

The statute of limitations starts the day the ‘crime’ is discovered not the day the event happened. And there is no limit for murder. So those involved in 911 have to live the rest of their lives in fear of being prosecuted.

What if that remotely piloted plane had sucked in a flock of geese and crashed in the Hudson instead of the tower? Couldn’t happen? Don’t bet on it.

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