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Bacteria can survive and reproduce in 400,000 G,

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posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 04:31 PM
Live is every where.

If alien life is out there, it may be able to exploit more-extreme environments than scientists think, because huge gravitational forces don't seem to pose much of a problem for microbes. Several different species of bacteria can survive and reproduce in "hypergravity" more than 400,000 times stronger than that of the Earth, a new study reports. The find suggests that alien life could take root in a wide range of conditions -- and that it could survive the high G-forces imposed by meteorite impacts and ejections, making the exchange of life between planets a distinct possibility. "The number and types of environments that we now think life can inhabit in the universe has expanded because of our study," said lead author Shigeru Deguchi, of the Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science and Technology in Yokosuka. [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life ]


This shows that life can exist in and on the most extremes places on this planet and on any other planet out there.

It just goes to show that life is not so limited as we think it is.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:03 PM
Every time we look at microbes., they can survive virtually anything:
- High temperatures [above 100C] at the bottom of the ocean
- Via sulphur based respiration
- Further underground than we imagined

And now this. Statistically speaking, each find is making planetary and moon cross contamination more likely...

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:12 PM
So the idea of sterilizing space ships and stuff before you send it anywhere, is just a wast of time and money.

If the bacteria can survive this then it can be anywhere.

How much money would NASA save if they could just skip all of this step while making space hard ware.
Years of time mostly and millions of $ would be saved because it would not matter.
There is nothing that we have on this planet that is not all ready out there to contaminate.

And to think they know about this in 1965 of all things.

edit on 25-4-2011 by jsettica because: stuff

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:37 PM
By extrapolation I can now suggest that
a virus can ride on something like this and live.

It's a British 4 tipped rocket that reaches [color=gold]mach 3.5 long before separating.
Although, surviving detonation is another matter entirely and even 'small rocks' would be a better choice.

But what I find more interesting than all of this is that the atmosphere is alive with bacteria, 400 times more
over woods than desert yet even in the desert there is so much of it, that bacteria could be described as the weight of the wind.

Under such conditions it's a miracle that none of the adjacent planets are enough to have accidentally started supporting some form of life from earth. Is our container really that air tight? Such that not a single microbe has made it even to the moon?

Or is it that space alone is still such an unsurvivable condition.

David Grouchy

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:50 PM
It seems like we are astonished by new forms of life every day, whether that is arsenic based life forms, animals living next to super hot vents in the ocean, creatures thriving at the bottom of the ocean where the pressure would crush us like berries, and now this.

If bacteria can survive and reproduce in these outrageous conditions, imagine if somehow we let life evolve in these conditions for a couple million years. I can only imagine what kind of wacky life forms would be around.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by jsettica

Nice finde and an interesting read. It reminded me of an article I read a few weeks ago about extremophiles that live in water heaters and in your kitchen sink. They are finding that there are many lifeforms that can flourish in harsh conditions that were before believed incapable of sustaining life.
Article Link

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:34 AM
does this mean that life can live every where, it just that we don't look for it as much as we should.

There could be bacteria in space, just that we have never looked for it there, but how knows.

It might just be.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by jsettica

yes life is amazing and unstoppable, it seems.

there is bacteria that live in the nuke pools, too.

but it still is a good idea to sterilize anything we send somewhere.

we can't introduce an alien species into another environment.

we should just be responsible in that area.

think cane frogs in australia, rabbits and fish species like snakeheads and the silver carp.
not necessarily all in australia.

edit on 26-4-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:20 AM
That is a singe that life is more versatile than we think.


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