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Nanoparticles destroy soil and the environment, study finds

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Dam chemtrail, Lets hope that the people of earth wake up to the horrible things that are being done to this planet so we can star to heal mother earth.

(NaturalNews) Though some might argue that nanotechnology offers benefits not afforded by normal molecules, the environmental and human health consequences of this "breakthrough" technology appear dire, to say the least. New research published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials explains that nanoparticles damage beneficial soil bacteria and ultimately ruin plants' ability to uptake necessary nitrogen.

Researchers Niraj Kumar and Virginia Walker from Queen's University in Canada set out to investigate the effects of nanoparticles in the environment, comparing soil from the Arctic -- which they believed would be the least contaminated with nanoparticles -- to soil that was deliberately contaminated with various nanoparticles, including silver nanoparticles.

"We hadn't thought we would see much of an impact, but instead our results indicate that silver nanoparticles can be classified as highly toxic to microbial communities," the team wrote. "This is particularly concerning when you consider the vulnerability of the arctic ecosystem."

According to the team's analysis, uncontaminated soil contains beneficial microbes, some of which are necessary to help plants absorb nitrogen. But when nanoparticles enter the picture, these microbes are largely killed off. The end result is plants that lack nitrogen, and which thus lack the ability to grow properly and maintain necessary levels of vital nutrients.

The experiment, however, involved highly-concentrated applications of nanoparticles on soil samples for roughly six months. In actual environmental conditions, however, it is difficult to say whether or not all nanoparticles are harmful. Silver nanoparticles in particular, which can be found in colloidal silver, offer helpful benefits in naturally mitigating disease (

All sorts of nanoparticles are now added to a variety of industrial and consumer products, including in food packaging, clothing, electronic devices, sunscreen, batteries, cookware, and even in some types of food. And the real problem is that many of these nanoparticles have never been properly safety tested, and are thus a giant experiment in environmental and human health (

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

Thank you for posting this, reading it now.

Very interesting about the silver nanoparticles...

Also, here is a working link to the article...

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:50 PM
this sounds like a waste of money sliver kills all bacteria i could have told you that
i don't think we have enough silver to impact the earth in this way unless we really try to do it and why would we

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

So they choose the one substance known to kill bacterial, fungal and viral agents to concentrate the study on. The EPA took the Samsung washing machine which made silver colloids on the fly off the market due to it reeking havoc on the sewer systems. In contrast the FDA believes the same silver colloid does nothing but make you turn blue.

It's quite funny really. Nano tech is dangerous in some respects but so are big rigs piloted by a driver who is tired carrying a load of petrol.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by MIDNIGHTSUN

So the study shows that we are wasting our money on expensive antibiotics and that colloidal silver is proven yet again to be a very potent antibiotic. Colloidal silver is not a patented treatment so you won't find that in hospitals.

I've been repeatedly told that we need government programs (as opposed to private research) for the sake of developing treatments that are low cost for consumers. Yet, governments have not in any way, shape, or form, putting even a little bit of money or effort into manufacturing or researching the substance for consumers that are low-cost and readily available. If they were, colloidal silver would have been one of the first things tried. If anything, the FDA is much more likely to BAN colloidal silver and cite studies like this as their basis.

The way the study clumps nanoparticles together as a group is mentally insane. Its like a headline saying "particles cause massive health concerns" and then detailing a study where they mixed together milk particles, honey particles, and cyanide together and found that "particles cause health problems". What a joke.

Its been known for some time now that carbon nanospheres are one of the most toxic substances in existence per volume, but that they can also be slightly modified in ways that decrease their toxicity by several orders of magnitude (though not enough to be considered healthy).

The other annoying thing about this article is that chemistry that has been going on for hundreds of years is technically nano-particle chemistry. Ever used paint before? Their use of language is ridiculous. The terminology that started the "nanotechnology" phrase had nothing to do with chemistry and related to tiny moving parts such as motors less than 1/10th of a millimeter long. Something tells me such a thing would be very inert... but since nanotechnology as first envisioned still does not exist on a large scale, we really won't know for some time what that nanotechnology can do for us.

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