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Does multiculturalism work?

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:42 PM
World is a multi-cultural place .
There is only one Human Race .
Multi-culturalism is what future is all about .

Otherification of other people have reached delusional states .

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by GuerillaFighter
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

There are criminals (on the streets, and in corporate offices) all the time, but they're more often from this country than anywhere else. Criminals are criminals, and should be treated no better or worse depending on where they're from. I do no consider you a racist for disliking multiculturalism.

Also, a little off topic but I like the "Duck, bullets have the right of way quote" for your signature

Oh, boo hoo, play the racist card huh? Is that all ya got? If you took all the food flavours in the world from all the different cultures and threw them in a blender and that's all you were allowed to eat, how fast do you think you'd get sick of it? I love different cultures and going overseas and living just like the people of those cultures. I think I am considerate enough to not impose my own culture on them, otherwise I wouldn't be overseas in the first place, I'd just stay in my own country. I am always telling people, don't go on vacation for a couple of weeks, go there and live and work, don't just see people, know them. So, me a racist, I think not.

On the quote, I was only shot once by a sniper on the Zim side of the border, broke my lower left rib but I was wearing a vest. Two inches to the left and it would have probably killed me. That was on the Zimbabwe border in the late 80's, Mugabe's bunch were racists and terrorists, they actually went about killing people of different tribes, specifically soft targets. If you follow what is going on in Africa, the indigenous population are actually the biggest racists and xenophobes on the planet.

Cheers - Dave

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