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Union Teachers Being Forced To Attend "THE WHITE PRIVILEGE CONFERENCE"

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 08:47 AM
"White privilage" is a racist buzzterm the anti-white racists teach, and many self-hating whites(usually communists) just eat up and believe because their leaders told them this. Being honky is a curse these days, and there is no privilage to it. Nothing is for people of the honky presuasion, the system is all about people who are not honky. The communists, unions, and Democratic Party are hand in hand and have a unified anti-white bias and agenda. Yes, some Dem followers are in the dark and being lead ignorantly. But once you research it some, it's all right out there. White hate is prevalant, and the lies conferneces such as this push, only increase it, and increase social division, by telling racist lies lke whitey got it all, whitey making you do crime, whitey what holdin you down, join us so we can unite aginst whitey. We as a nation of all races need to denouce these racist agenda that put children at risk, and endanger innocent people. We need to outlaw the CPUSA, this conference, which is a hate festival of lies, which will be programmed into children's minds.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by DJM8507

This is the semantic trap of our English socio-ethnic labels. I agree that the name should not be so confrontational. But, howelse could they phrase it. A neutral term like "Towards Human Equality" (bad acronym, ha!).

And obviously, not being members, we can't speak for individuals involved who may be working through their own racism. The possibility is always there.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:24 AM
edit on 13-4-2011 by Sphota because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Analyze76

Listen to your intition, people!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:07 PM
More white bashing from a bunch of self-hating libtards.
Look what these fruit cups are doing here in California:

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:15 PM
White privilege is explaining to your children that they won't be considered for many race based scholarships.

White privilege is explaining to your children that they will have to work harder to achieve positions that are being offered to lesser qualified candidates because of the color of their skin.

White privilege is having to justify your ability to be hired for a position because you have the wrong skin color.

White privilege is being allowed to tutor one of your classmates( with the correct Hispanic last name) because your the top in the school and your classmate has a full ride scholarship including the cost of tutors and may flunk without your help.

White privilege is explaining to your children that while they didn't get into a very prestigious school, one of their friends did even though academically they were far less qualified but they had the right shade of skin.

White privilege is seeing things like this happen all the time, not complaining about it, and being successful in-spite of all this white privilege.

My opinion is that the term white privilege was created by academics to explain the failings of underrepresented minorities. But no matter how hard they try they cannot explain how Asians come to the US and succeed in the schools. If "White Privilege" really existed, no minorities would succeed.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Analyze76

the WPC site looks like a bogus troll to me. i have to join Stan & Kiel in declaring 'shenanigans' on this one.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

What folks went through can be obtained through a history class. What folks went through decades ago has absolutely nothing to do with a 16 year old today who is illiterate and jammed up in the criminal justice system. What folks went through decades ago has nothing to do with someone who is not working not getting any exercise. What folks went through decades ago has nothing to do with folks getting fat. To suggest otherwise is absurd.

When will it be enough? I would be totally supportive of giving every "repressed" group in the US a few hundred thousand bucks if that would allow us to totally eliminate the social programs and mandated PC nonsense that is infused into the culture. I would gladly pay more in taxes to get this nonsense put to rest and be done with it. The primary reason that would never be acceptable, even if we did have the money is that impoverishment is a massive business in this country and the political racists have too much invested in it. The irony is that tens of thousands of government jobs are dedicated to folks who don't have them, yet the unemployment levels of these groups continues to rise. Despite our troubled history, there is not a single country on the planet where a minority of 12% has achieved even close to what African Americans have achieved in this country. Highest levels of government, highest levels of corporate leadership, highest levels of success in the entertainment industry, highest levels of success in sports. Is our society better for it? Without question.

I've been to a number of these propaganda programs that have been mandated in the corporate world. They are complete BS. At the end of the day, they school you to lower the bar and that is the last thing these kids need. They go into all sorts of nice things, like it is not reasonable to require minorities to be at work on time, since they have not grown up in an environment where rigorous schedules are routine. They go into how you need to recognize the need for special training, hence rejecting more qualified candidates for jobs or promotions. They go into how white folks can't socialize outside of work and not invite minorites (or women) as it creates an atmosphere of exclusion (no monthly poker game with the guys or if you have one, don't ever mention it). It goes into all manner of reasons as to why you need to adopt a lower standard and how to redefine that lower standard as actually the same standard - the same justification for affirmative action with respect to college admissions (which has been ruled illegal), gender norming and the rest of this rubbish. At the end of the day what they go into is that you will be jammed up if you don't abide by their world view. The real take away is how to document your actions so that you can sit across from an employment lawyer or member of the EEOC and not get sued.

Funny thing is that I never had a hard time finding qualified minorites. All things being equal, I always gave the job to a minority because I think diversity makes for a more interesting workplace. I created internships with traditionally all black colleges and got absolute rock stars through those two programs. Who were the rock stars? Kids who grew up in homes where they were told to make their own way and not believe in this less than bs pushed by the poverty pimps.

The only good thing about this class is that hopefully it will take these teachers away from the students for a couple of days.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

What folks went through can be obtained through a history class. What folks went through decades ago has absolutely nothing to do with a 16 year old today who is illiterate and jammed up in the criminal justice system. What folks went through decades ago has nothing to do with someone who is not working not getting any exercise. What folks went through decades ago has nothing to do with folks getting fat. To suggest otherwise is absurd.

This a very good point, my friend. While there was a time when slavery was not only practiced by several states in this nation, it was also indirectly condoned by the remaining states due to its tolerance of what was very clearly and undeniably an abrogation and derogation of peoples rights. You would think that the 13th Amendment was all that was necessary to put an end to "white privilege", but astonishingly just a few years later Congress, for whatever reasons, felt compelled to pass the 14th Amendment, and in doing so set up the series of events that have led today.

Today, it really doesn't matter what color your skin is, or what religion you worship, or what creed you follow, if you hope to take part in the American Dream, far too many people, and most assuredly local, state and federal governments, will insist that you need a license to do so. Anyone who has bothered to study history should know that after the Progressive Era the nasty beast of credentialism reared its ugly head, and in doing so, began locking up an economic system that should be free to all.

This blind faith in credentialism - and by labeling it blind faith I am being generous - has created a scenario where the entire nation has a bevy of credentialed teachers, and yet children today are struggling to get through a system that has made many a school board member wealthy, has adopted all sorts of insane theories and "educational" programs, has embraced standardized testing, but cannot seem to figure out how to actually educate the children they have been credentialed to do so.

This nasty and deeply odious practice of credentialism goes well beyond teaching, and our medical system is rife with licensed doctors, but iatrogenocide, while being the third leading cause of death among Americans, is one of America's best kept secrets. It is largely a best kept secret because credentialed journalists seemingly have no interest in reporting this as news, or a scandal. This is the real value of credentials, and that value lies in empowering and expanding bureaucratic agencies withing government and has absolutely nothing at all to do with protecting people from harm.

You bring up a most salient point of illiterate 16 year old's jammed up in the criminal justice system, and while it has been reported that The United States now imprisons more people per capita than any other industrialized nation, including China today, and the Soviet Union at the height of their tyranny, this really doesn't seem to bother too many people. Hell, it doesn't even seem to bother many parents and siblings that the state has imprisoned one of their family members for some "victimless" crime, this is how bad it has become today. Families accept the nanny state to the point that many parents are angry with their 16 year old child for being imprisoned over drug use instead of angry with the state, or federal government who has decided this innocuous behavior is criminal. It is not really a big leap that mothers would stand and watch a government agent grope their child and act as if they are helpless to stop it.

The primary reason that would never be acceptable, even if we did have the money is that impoverishment is a massive business in this country and the political racists have too much invested in it.

Here again you hit the nail on the head! The so called "War on Poverty" is in actuality a war on the American people. Poverty is good business for a few, and as far as government is concerned that is good and just. No good and just government would ever agree with that, but this is not what we have today. What we have today is an ever expanding government from the bottom up, and the top down. It is all about an aggregation of power, and public school systems are very much a part of that aggregation. "Social engineering" programs are laughable attempts at "governmental social control".

I've been to a number of these propaganda programs that have been mandated in the corporate world. They are complete BS. At the end of the day, they school you to lower the bar and that is the last thing these kids need.

Tragically, you are once again right on the money. This effort at lowering the bar is disguised as benign social programs but it is really just an insidious indoctrination program designed to convince people that they are less than what they really are.

The only good thing about this class is that hopefully it will take these teachers away from the students for a couple of days.

Again you are right, and how sad is that?

Great post my friend. Truly great post.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Analyze76

Can someone show me where it says teachers are being forced to attend? Thanks.

I don't think White privilege is about guilt, but about a deeper understanding of our history. I would love to go, personally, but then I already understand about white privilege.

I recently heard Oprah Winfrey talking about her childhood. She was a "dark black" and as a 6-year-old, she was sent from her grandmother, who had raised her, to live with family members who were "light black". So, on the first night away from her grandmother, her new family made her sleep on the porch, instead of in the house with the other, lighter, children.

It's important to understand what people went through JUST because of their skin color. It's not to feel guilty, but to feel compassion and understanding for our fellow man... Who could be against learning about that?

Because white is a social construct created by English Americans. Being white didn't save German Americans from experiencing severe discrimination and lynchings from the colonial era all the way up to the 1950's.

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