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Its 12:09 PM GMT-1 (March 16) lets celebrate living through march 15 and wait for march 19 :)

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posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:09 PM
So the polar shift did not occur, not yet alteast. Admitted there are most likely those who will say the earthquake was cause by the geomagnetic stress of the alignment of a comet, (thought it happened before) and those who will say that Elenin is infact a brown dwarf which explains the extreme weather we have been having including the recent Japan earthquake.

What are your takes on this day and could the " Super Moon" of march 19 (mind you all of its evidence have major natural disasters happen close to super moon date and not on it, which makes it circumstantial but also fitting in the Japan Earthquake time frame) be the explanation ?

(this is not a debate to pick apart my statement as that was only meant to spark discussion about recent events and possible explanations or correlations)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by WiseThinker

You know I never get what timezone these things are supposed to happen in, maybe they should go off GMT or UTC, cuz somewhere in the world the day is ending while on another part that day is only just beginning.

I was saying "looks like I made it" last night.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by WiseThinker

lol it's only 7:26pm on march 15th for me. I agree, they should put a timezone on this doomsday thing. lol

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

I agree, since it's just 20 minutes past 18:00 May 15th here... Maybe we can have a clock installed on here for everyone so we all know when to expect the expected not to happen.. Or maybe we just refer to the posters exact time/date for it to happen instead of waiting for the rest of the planet to spin it's way through the exact time.

edit on 3/15/2011 by wyldwylly because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 12:19 PM
This is why you don't believe in annoymous sources making doom predictions. Little something called evidence, multiple sources etc before you should even consider believing a stupid doom date prediction. ANOTHER doom fail comes and goes, when will ATS stop promoting any doom prediction that pops up on the internet with ZERO evidence. Fail, utter fail.

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