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that would suck

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:34 AM
As I was laying in bed next to my sick fiance last night , I had all my focus on her and away from what was on the forums and the news turrned off, witch is not my normal ritual at night. She does not like to hear me talk about all the " what if's & can you beilive's " that we ll dicuss here. Not because she doesnt belive she does find alot interesting but fear itself of what if even a little is true ! She tells me constatly that why get myself so worked up over things I really cant control or cant even be proven true. Any i laid there worring about her health and about the problem that was in front of my eyes and an issue that I could touch , feel and more than likely do something about my usual worries where pushed back and to the side. Then the thought entered my mind at the wee hours of the night what if the sleepless nights and grey hair and hours of reading and research I tend to consume my time with is all for nothing. What if the moon landing was not faked or aleins are just ...not real or chemtrails are just exhaust from jets at high altitudes of kenndy was just shot by one crazy dude and another crazy dude shot him. and so on and so on.There are so many facinating ideas and even more facinating inteligent people out there deticating thier time to find the truth, But what if ....Its all just fact and nothing more. Im not saying Im giving up any of my ideas thoughts or theories because that just wouldnt be my makeup as a person, hell look where i am right now !!!! My only thought is it really suck if this world was really all that cut and dry that the masses all belive as truth. I know I will forever look for truth and be one synical S.O.B. but i think I will also start to take more action on things that come in front of me that directly effect my life that I can have a positive impact on. Sorry for the long thoughts , just kinda had to think out loud .

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

you're right. I also got that feeling recently. it's all a waste of time that should be spend on really important stuff. especially when you remind yourself that 99% of this conspiracy stuff is complete nonsense.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Rohdan

compleate nonsense yes....but why does it have to be so damn interesting !!!!!!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

S+F because I sometimes worry about some members here on this site. I'm glad to see someone realizing the important things in life. It seems everyone spends more time stroking a keyboard than stroking the back of someone they love. These plastic keys will be here for ages, but the woman lying next to you, physically will not.
I make it a point everyday that when I get home, I never touch my mac unless its necessary. The only time I spend on a computer is during my 8 hrs at work. Even that could be too much.
I hope soon more people will learn to disconnect from this virtual space and reconnect with people close to you that matter the most.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

Because a lot of it may not be bull?

I don't believe in intangible things as a rule,but I have to admit,it's exciting.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

i don't know. maybe we're bored. we want life to be exciting and spectacular. I think we're also a little bit paranoid. and there's a (pathologic) feeling of being opressed by the powerful which has it's reason in us being envious of those who "move things". we're pretty pathetic. at least I am.

sorry for my bad english.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Why would it suck?; it'd be rather refreshing to trust and take things at face value again:
You've pointed out to yourself "moderation" is important (I too spend way too much time online)

We really can't control whats out of our reach":An uneasy truce exists: ( if the New madrid goes like Cayce says I think we are either" beach front property" or underwater; However;I am not packing and moving o the Rockies on a vision. We do have affect over family relationships.and personal development. This ( and other) forums are alot like alcohol; Sometimes its fun to let loose fora few hours and find some diversion;but it can be detrimental to people aroundus if we don't "check it".

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:53 AM
I can sum up your thoughts with one phrase.

"It's not the destination, but, the journey which fascinates."

For many here at ATS, it's not the results that intrigue, it's the research that catches the person.

At least that's what it is for me. I have family that is close to the "Know" concerning many of the things we post about here. I like taking subject matter here and verifying/debunking them where I can.

ATS is a menu
Conspiracies are the food.
Salt to taste.


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:55 AM
It would not suck at all. Because nothing would be better if our government was indeed transparent and honest. Better if there was no NWO, no looming 2012 doomsday prediction, etc.

Whether any of these or other theories are more than theories nobody knows. I think it is healthy to question things you don't understand. don't believe, don't quite add up, and so on. We were made to be independent thinkers, not mindless lemmings blindly walking off a cliff of ignorance.

When it is allowed to take over your life it becomes an issue. Laying awake everynight waiting for the reptilians to take over our world, wanting to get in the fetal position pondering FEMA camps, or dressing like a ninja to follow your neighbor to a Mason meeting is a bit much. Theories should not interfere with your mental well being.

You don't have to give up asking questions and contemplating if you can do so without becoming OCD about it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Cuhail

I can sum up your thoughts with one phrase.

.""It's not the destination, but, the journey which fascinates

For many here at ATS, it's not the results that intrigue, it's the research that catches the person.

At least that's what it is for me. I have family that is close to the "Know" concerning many of the things we post about here. I like taking subject matter here and verifying/debunking them where I can.

ATS is a menu
Conspiracies are the food.
Salt to taste.


"It's not the destination, but, the journey which fascinates

Its been awhile since ive heard that phrase.....thanks for bringing it back !!!!!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:58 AM
Conspiracy Theories are nothing more than an extreme form of entertainment... You would not be wasting your time - just using it to amuse yourself in a mentally "dangerous" way...?

I particularly dislike "chemtrails", immensly, because they keep believers deeply worried about some jet exahust while there's a REAL life around spreading on the reachable ground.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by AboveTheTrees

i work in the aviation industry and think chemtrails is just silly too!!! i just trew it out there to make a point i could have threw out hollow earth too

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:13 AM
I had quite a few jobs where I just felt like I was wasting my time and quite disappointed with the state of the world. So what if there are aliens, it is a big universe. I just can not handle all this me, me, ego stuff with the lies and games just to make an extra dollar, get a bigger tv and feel happy for a day until it just becomes another tv. I just want to understand what is going with this world on so I can stop chasing my tail and do something that matters.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:16 AM
I was laying down next to my cat last night and petting this tangible living lesson in love, and thinking, NO those who allowed 9-11 (gave standdown orders etc) will not get away with it, some will not apply the anesthetic brain cream of "Move along, nothing to see here, mind your own.." I always vote and will vote, people in Egypt did not lay down and go to sleep and mind their own biz, people in Wisconsin are not staying where they are asleep, they are in the streets. Yeah I paid my very high electric bill, but I am researching on line for a way to unhook my own hose of profits profits profits to those utility terrorists. I don't believe for a nano second that Oswald acted alone (or was even a shooter) and I don't give a flying rat's a** if no-one likes that.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by saintsjunky
She tells me constatly that why get myself so worked up over things I really cant control or cant even be proven true.

Bingo. I think it's human nature for many of us to seek answers to questions we all have, but at the same time, we shouldn't lose focus on what is really important in life: family, relationships, etc. Your girlfriend is right. It is absolutely pointless to worry about things that are beyond our control.

ATS isn't for everyone. A lot of people choose to keep their heads in the sand and remain ignorant about what may possibly be going on around them. They look up in the sky and see a contrail. You and I see plain as day what appears to be a chemtrail. They look up and see a strange object in the skies and to them it's swamp gas, Venus, balloons, birds & Chinese lanterns, etc. We look up and see a strange object and immediately think we may have just seen a UFO.

I don't know if it's a form of closed-mindedness, or if some people simply can't handle having their realities challenged? They feel safe and secure in their own little world, and don't want it rocked. The average person on the street would probably find many of the topics on this forum to be sheer nonsense and not have a clue about any of it, but at the same time, we sit here and spin our wheels looking for answers and seeking truth, but to every post wildly claiming this and that - there is never any proof. Take many of the topics on here with a grain of salt and don't let it worry you or produce fear. We have nothing to fear but fear itself - it's true. What will be will be.

So, I would take your girlfriend's advice and only worry about things that you can control. The rest is just noise.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

I have to agree with you. I've had the same thoughts many many times. In fact, I think about a lot of things I spend too much time, energy and money on.

When it comes right down to it, what is hurting us more... the possibility that chemtrails are real or worrying about them? Let's say it's just exhaust from planes. That alone isn't healthy, but doesn't stress people as much as chemtrails. What isn't good for is worrying. Worrying does nothing. Let's say chemtrails are real. We're still alive... they haven't killed us yet, but stress has been known to kill. I don't think anyone has died from being stressed about chemtrails alone, but the stress of many many things put together adds up and can have detrimental effects on ones health. So, what is hurting us more? The chemtrails or the stress? I think the latter.

I think we hurt ourselves more than any of these other things do. Worry about chemtrails, FEMA camps, terrorists, 2012... I don't have to go into all the things that are discussed on here. We all know what they are. I try not to let stuff bother me anymore. I don't know if chemtrails are real, but if they are, they haven't managed to kill me or even cause health problems, to my knowledge, but I'm well aware that stress hurts me immensely. I've battled anxiety attacks my whole life and most of them were caused by worrying about things that I just couldn't control, so what's the point?

So, I have just decided to live my life and focus on the good things in it and try not to pay too much attention to other stuff. Yes, it's there, but what good is it doing me to waste my time and energy worrying about how the negative things are going to affect me? Worry solves nothing. Worry wont make chemtrails go away. It will drive you insane though!

I love to read on here and I adore a good conspiracy, but I've started stepping away from ATS when I notice that I'm starting to worry about stuff on here. If I start getting too paranoid, I know it's time to go away for a while. I like to be informed and I like to know what's going on in the world, but getting all upset over things I have no control over isn't helping me or anybody else.

Maybe this isn't exactly what you were getting at, but it's the way I took it. I think we all just need to enjoy life and live it to its fullest, as long as it isn't hurting someone else in the process. Help others, take care of yourself and focus on what really matters in life. I promise you'll be much happier for it!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by gemineye

Im with you on the stress factor ! Though I tend to get stressed out WAY more on a routine trip to walmart than i do worring about niburu !!!! either way the grey hairs keep showing up !!!!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

Yea I feel you its hard for (some) of the ladies to deal with the conspiracy mindstates. I really had issues with it way before joining ATS. But for me I was more FAITH based in my beliefs of a higher power. And since I am so faith based a long time ago I began to ?? the UFO ET/ALIENS agenda for if real they could effect the religious belief systems of many in good or bad ways. SO I eventually got deeper in my understandings and the lady of that time couldnt understand my passions. I would make comments like people shouldnt take the lifestyles they have for granted for the are 3rd world people who suffer everyday. You know trying to help her see the world more for what it is. And with those types of topics discussed I would get "there is nothing I can do (GIVE UP)and I need to be happy that I am in this country where its not a 3rd world. After further observing her compassions for this topic and others like it I decided that maybe she aint the one. I am not one of those guys who feels like there isnt another who can be more compatible. So in short her ways of thinking and mine would clash. When I started comming on ATS would get the bs about being on here BUT IT WAS OK FOR HER TO WASTE PART OF HER LIFE ON FACEBOOK -YAL FEELING ME- So was I wrong because face book was boring and ATS was not NO! And neither was she OUR WILLS ARE DRIVEN TOWARDS WHAT THEY ARE. So instead of going through all the hurt feelings and disrespect I let her do what she liked more in her social circle which was the facebook twitter myspace put your whole life on display bs. Why I continued my belief and understandings. In short she and I more less parted...... But the new lady I have is more receptive to what I am interested in which helps me to feel not so alone -FEELS GOOD- which is cool and if DATA IS delieverd to the ladies properly they will begin to seek interest as well. Its just the last one her mind was too closed and she wanted mine to be closed as well, but it was ok to facebook her life away lol.

Peace to you my friend and good luck. If your wife or love isnt receptive just try not to share the light so much with her as I have learned from multiple experiences the light will shut some down if its too much data. Take it easy on her for she may be your soul mate. My last she was close but if she couldnt understand my passions then their is no fairness.....

Last and what happens if you I or others are right in our compassions and seeks for truth???? And we just gave up because someone else influenced our passions-NOW THAT WOULD REALLY SUCK!!!!! Keep that in mind
edit on 2/17/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by saintsjunky

Ha! Walmart is a whole different kind of stress, LOL! It brings out the worst in the best people, ha ha!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by saintsjunky

Last and what happens if you I or others are right in our compassions and seeks for truth???? And we just gave up because someone else influenced our passions-NOW THAT WOULD REALLY SUCK!!!!! Keep that in mind.
edit on 2/17/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

I could not have put that better. THANKS for that.

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