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What to Eat - The Lowdown...

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:15 AM
Ok, there's some buzz on the boards about plants being the king for eating then there's some that say it's meat all the way etc.

Well I can tell you both sides are wrong!

It's not meat or plants exclusively for people.
A mix of both isn't unwise. However due to the variations in a persons bio-chemical make-up even this isn't ideal.

Every person is different, has different tastes, some prefer this, some prefer that. That's only part of the puzzle.

It mostly boils down to blood groups.

Yes blood groups play a big part in your diet make up. It's not the 100% factor (When you were born, ancestry also are slight influences).

Here's the raw data:

Type A: Vegetarian based diet with white meats and some fish.

Type B: Varied diet that consists of meat, vegetables, grain and dairy.

Type AB: The diet is of mixed type of A and B that is primarily vegetarian with meat, fish and diary included occasionally.

Type O: They need a high protein, meat based diet.

Now don't gasp or shout out that this list is wrong or that your Type A and eat a lot of meat etc.
The deal is you can buck the list and trend away from it, it won't kill you or mean bad things will happen.

You can either throw the plan out the window or read on for the specifics.

However, to gain optimal nutritional value from what you eat, the list above would allow you to do it.

Blood Type A - Optimal Food Resources:

Diet for A Positive Blood Type

The A positive blood type diet plan encourages people to eat right food for their blood type. Given below is the diet specifically designed for individuals with A positive blood type.


The best way to curb health-related issues is to consume a lot of vegetables in its raw and pure form. Vegetables such as sprouts, tofu, okra, artichoke, horseradish, chicory, greens, alfalfa, tempeh, turnip, parsley, romaine are vital to A positive blood types. These vegetables are a source of antioxidants, enzymes and minerals required for a healthy balance. Garlic, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, onions, pumpkin, kale are known to enhance the immune system of the A positive blood types.

Unfortunately, there are certain vegetables that have adverse effect on the digestive system. They are cabbage, mushroom, potato, pepper, eggplant, yam, lima bean and sweet potato.

Poultry and Meat

Cornish hens, chicken and turkey and other poultry products are easily digestible, and that is why it has been included in the A positive blood types diet. However, it is best to eliminate meat from the diet. A positive blood type has low level of stomach acid content, due to which meat is not easily digestible. This in turn leads to sluggishness in an individual.

Dairy Products

However tasty the dairy products are, they are best avoided as these cannot be easily digested by an A positive blood type individual. However some of the products that are harmless to health are yogurt, feta, kefir, string cheese, mozzarella and ricotta.


Alcohol-based beverages, soda and black tea do not support the immune system and are also hard to digest. These are not at all recommended for A positive blood type individual. One cup of coffee a day can help increase the acid secretions in the stomach and thus improve digestion. The other beverages good for the stomach are slippery elm and ginger.


Diet for A positive blood types should mostly include akaline fruits such as berries, plums, figs and prunes. Fruits with high mold counts like melons cannot be easily digested by an A positive blood type individual and hence has to be eliminated from the diet plan. Fruits like pineapple, cherry and apricot have digestive enzymes which is an excellent help for the digestive system. Grapefruit and lemon once digested exhibit alkaline tendencies, which again helps the stomach in a positive way.


Seafood is a gourmet's delight. However, A positive blood type individual has to keep a check on the types of seafood that are not agreeable to the sensitive stomach. The most beneficial seafoods are mackerel, grouper, carp, red snapper, salmon, snail, whitefish, etc. The seafoods that are not allowed are lobster, oyster, crab, octopus, beluga, bluefish, eel, shrimp and turtle to name a few. Read more about heathly foods.

Blood Type B - Optimal Food Resources:

People with this blood type can benefit from eating meat and dairy products, while chicken and bacon should be avoided.
Blood B types are people who are able to digest nearly all kinds of foods, without having to come across any sort of digestion problems. However, there are still some kind of foods which are better when kept out of their diet. These are corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts and sesame seeds. These foods and other wheat products may cause severe weight gain in such people. In this case, when it comes to eating for your blood type, diet should include foods such as red meat, greens, eggs, seafood, soy foods, puffed rice and licorice tea. These items aid in an effective weight loss program.

Blood Type O - Optimal Food Resources:

Considered to be primarily meat eaters, people with this blood type have the toughest of digestive system. For them, vegetables and fruits are as necessary as animal protein, for good health. The only type of food that should be excluded include those with high carbohydrates. So, talking about eating right for your blood type in this case would include a diet high in animal protein, low in carbs and less in diary products. Read more on low carb diet. Of the many foods which would help to lose weight are sea kelp, seafood (cod, halibut, salmon, sardines,etc.), red meat (beef, lamb, heart, mutton, veal, etc.), vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli. Intake of beverages such as coffee, distilled liquor, sodas and black tea must be avoided.

Blood Type AB - Optimal Food Resources:

If you are of blood type AB, then you come with the best and worst characteristic features of the type A and B. Most foods which are intolerant to the types A and B, pose the same issues for the blood type AB as well. So what foods to eat for your blood type? The foods include include lamb, mutton, rabbit and turkey, which are the most suitable sources of animal protein. However, the portion size is important and the frequency too. You must also include bromelain to your diet as this would help in the digestion process of the animal protein. For weight loss, best foods are green vegetables, pineapple, dairy products, spirulina, tofu and sea food. Kidney beans, lima beans, corn, wheat and red meat are some of the foods that can cause weight gain.

It should be noted that if you eat 'out of sync' with your blood group you can influence weight gain. In a SITX this might be needed. For trimming down your weight, you could do worse than giving the above guide a try

edit on 4-2-2011 by WatchRider because: Bold additions

Mod Edit: No Quote/Plagiarism – Please Review This Link.
edit on 2/4/2011 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:33 AM
I certainly am not disputing your post because I do not know enough about blood to do so.

What I do know that in a survival situation you better eat whatever you find when you find it or you won't last long.

Meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, berries, roadkill....whatever.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:41 AM
Very interesting, thanks for the info!

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:47 AM
Great thread - thanks for bringing the information to the boards.
I'm not so sure how this will go along with Survival - as - as some have pointed out you’ll not be in a position to be choosy, BUT - at least having the knowledge of what you should be eating to keep you well and healthy is a great step up from just guessing or not caring at all.


posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:57 AM
Thank you for that information. It can be useful now.

In a sitx situation I plan on eating anything I can catch or harvest.

If I get hungry enough I'll eat a human if it's fresh killed.

People like me will have already looted the drug store and food stores so there will not be much choice.

All's fair in love and war.

I will survive.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Thank you for that information. It can be useful now.

In a sitx situation I plan on eating anything I can catch or harvest.

If I get hungry enough I'll eat a human if it's fresh killed.

People like me will have already looted the drug store and food stores so there will not be much choice.

All's fair in love and war.

I will survive.

That's good to hear from a survivor-mindset, but I don't reckon you to be a good american doing some of those things. I also worry about your bloodlust a bit.
Are you O Pos by any chance?

Anyway, the OP is basically a guide and hopefully something that can be honed and added to in this thread. I also would suggest that EVERYONE who reads it attempts to use it in order to bring their weight down to an optimal Body Mass Index Range.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:17 PM
Interesting ideas...guess this O needs to cut down on the carbs...but then I knew that.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 05:45 PM
Not what I was expecting when I read the title, but I was thrilled to see what you had to post.

Not that I equate the blood type diet matching with survival, but this was something I have always been curious about, and theorized as much.

I noticed that when I modified my diet to match what one health expert or person deemed the best, quite often I ended up feeling worse. What you listed also matches with other family members of different blood types and their eating preferences.

I only wish there was more "Why" to these articles. What makes a food good or bad for a given blood type? And why in some articles, foods listed as those to avoid for a given blood type are then recommended for weight loss for that blood type?

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:41 PM
The blood group diet is largley the work of one man, doctors, nutritionist etc... all recognise the lack of evidence for it, and can see in the mans books that he breaks rules to make things fit.

It is pseudoscience.

Blood Type Diet

On an interesting side note take a look at what Koreans believe about blood types ;

Bloodtype A : A man with bloodtype A is deligent, methodical, steady, and nervous.
Bloodtype B : A man with bloodtype B has originality, but is fickle.
Bloodtype AB : A man with bloodtype AB is sociable and sensitive.
Bloodtype O : A man with bloodtype O is durable and resolute.

In a survival situation you eat anything you can handle and anything you can digest.

edit on 4-2-2011 by _Highlander_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 10:13 PM
All you have to do is look at nature.

We share 98% the same DNA as Chimpanzees and our digestive system is around 85% the same as a chimps also - given the choice, chimps will eat a diet of virtually 90-95% fruit, vegetables and nuts - the other 5-10% they consume animal protein.

With that in mind, the human diet should be around 60-70 percent fruit and veg 30 percent animal protein.

One should avoid grains and any processed food really.

But in a survival situation what ever doesn't kill you I guess.

Do some research on Paleolithic Diets if ye are interested.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by _Highlander_
The blood group diet is largley the work of one man, doctors, nutritionist etc... all recognise the lack of evidence for it, and can see in the mans books that he breaks rules to make things fit.

It is pseudoscience.

Blood Type Diet

On an interesting side note take a look at what Koreans believe about blood types ;

Bloodtype A : A man with bloodtype A is deligent, methodical, steady, and nervous.
Bloodtype B : A man with bloodtype B has originality, but is fickle.
Bloodtype AB : A man with bloodtype AB is sociable and sensitive.
Bloodtype O : A man with bloodtype O is durable and resolute.

In a survival situation you eat anything you can handle and anything you can digest.

edit on 4-2-2011 by _Highlander_ because: (no reason given)

From the people I've met and what blood groups they are that's a fairly accurate belief I can tell you

There are other factors into a persons personality matrix also.


I am not claiming authorship of the OP, I provided a link to the source to prove this in the OP

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

There is often a combination of options available to you personally when you'd like to advance ahead using o blood type diet food list. Selecting the most beneficial and most efficient motion possible is obviously the particular intention yet this could not be the same activity across the board. Occasionally people ought to hire professional help and guidance but, in most cases, folks just should be aimed in the appropriate direction. Though we've supplied you quite a few genuinely useful methods and inspiring ideas without a doubt, has a lot more that you might be capable to put to work.

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