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War on Noah's Ark?

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:22 PM
I just stumbled upon an news read that not only is there belief that Noah's Ark had been found, but people are actually going to blows on who found it first.

Imagine if such a thing had really been found. Would it change anything? Finding a vessel of any size in those mountains might be a bit big to comprehend for world historians.

War over Noah's Ark

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:34 PM
Is that an H.R Giger avatar your using? I have all his work (books) but I haven't seen that one, at least that I can remember.

As for the Ark, I think they found a big boat from that time period. The thought of having 2 of every animal on one ship with provisions for them all (including cleaning the pens) makes no sense to me whatsoever. The Ancient Alien theory that the Ark was a alien 'gene bank' is even more believable.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

After watching the video again, something jumped out at me. Could be nothing at all, but what exactly is the guy taking a sample of? Wood or carvings in the wood? Is that a flower or just bad eyesight

anyone willing to tell me how to embed that image rather than a link? Thanks!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by AnteBellum

I think it may be inspired by him, but not really sure of it's origin. It was my desktop at some point. It got lost and found in alot of other images I had. Threw it in the wash to shrink it some and there she is.

Back to your responce. You got to admit though, if a ship of any size that far up in the mountains exists, thats a tough explain. How do you, and why would you get a ship that high up in the mountains? If the flood was 10,000 years ago, then perhaps civs had the knowledge and ability to build ships. It would definatly show one heck of a flood to boot. It's also possible that a tidal wave of huge magnitude could put a vessel so high up. Still though, at the same time, it also puts into light that a flood could have occured 5000 years ago as well, as, if the carbon dating is correct, puts the ship 4,800 years old. Yet, it's a video as any other, and I cant prove wether or not this is a hoax or something actually found.

Maybe this might catch more of the worlds attention if it does hold some weight of truth. Could stur an even bigger war! Anythings possible

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Go to tools then pictures.
Once in the media part of the site go to pictures.
Upload any photo.
Once uploaded click on it.
You will see at the bottom of the photo 3 links choose the last one and past it in using the add photo button in the post section.

There are threads that explain this also do a search.

So is that Giger?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by AnteBellum

Sorry, didnt realise it was that complicated. I figured the simple "Image" tool at the top of the page did the trick, but every link i used had diffrent ill effects.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

I'm not disputing that there was a flood for there is evidence of this on the bottom of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Sea. What I am in dispute over is the biblical 'story' of how Noah sailed the Ark with all those animals. He would have to be an alien to do all the work including sailing a ship that size during a catastrophe. There may have been a group of people that used this vessel to save themselves or relocate. But as for anyone thinking it was Noah's Ark I would believe in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny first!
People fighting over this is just the norm for that region, hostile negotiations!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Perhaps but whats the chances of being on a really big boat durring a flood? One could guess that the flood happen almost instantly, so the chances of happenstance for those passengers were slim to almost none. Not to mention, they'd have to have a way to repopulate a then flooded world that put them so high up. Thats nearly pure extinction gloabaly or by tidal wave.. a very BIG tidal wave. One could reason that there had to be some serious intervention there to prevent a global drowning of life. We would have had to evolve from dolphens in a span of 10,000 years
Yet another plausability!

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

The flood was not entirely global, it was regional occurring on a global scale, with Eastern Europe being hit hard. With no real access to what was happening in the rest of the world they looked at it as 'the end of the world'.
If all you ever knew was an island and that island started to sink into the ocean you would think the world was ending.

There is no evidence however of a single huge flood, which covered all the mountains of the world, only many stories from throughout the world of great floods, which decimated humanity in the distant past and changed the map of the world in the process.
Sumerian origins and the great flood

With this said, floods don't occur like this from huge tidal waves. They propagate slowly from glacier melt and sea level rise. The seas I listed earlier were hardest hit for we have archeological evidence now showing cities under these seas. To create a big tidal wave you need a tsunami 'maker', this being a comet/meteorite strike which tidal waves would be the least of our worries and there is no mention of other effects from this type of event or earthquakes/volcanoes which again would only affect specific local coastal areas and would not be a world wide calamity. These submerged cities/buildings they have found are intact for the most part which coincides with slow water level rise not tidal wave for a tidal wave would of wiped the slate clean.

Back to the island example, if I was on an island and saw the water slowly rising I would start to make a sea worthy vessel.

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