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1984 IS HERE. Perpetual War. (War on Terror, Drugs, Education, Etc).Everything else ILLUSION!

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posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 01:55 AM

Greetings earthlings. -My first thread (previously posted in wrong forum)

I am absolutely convinced that all of our ills (wars, tax issues, TSA gropings, immigration, education (lack of), crime, racism, etc) stem from the Central Banks.

At the end of the day, all that matters, is that we END THE FED (and it's Father the IMF). In the meantime all these other conversations (while certainly they pull the heart strings), do not matter. They are an illusion to keep the population pitted against one another and our eye off the prize: END THE FED.

It is not black vs white anymore. It is not Dem vs Repub. It is the "haves" (the Illuminists, central bankers and certain monolithic malevolent corporations- big pharma comes to mind) vs the "have nots". While we continue to argue about abortion, drug use, immigration, etc (things that will NEVER change) our country is being stolen right before our eyes by THE FED.

The words of protagonist, WINSTON, in George Orwell's 1984 haunt me. As such I made this very short, but I hope on-spot video. Please give it a whirl. I hope it will open your eyes. I understand most of you are aware, but hopefully it will invigorate you to spread the END THE FED message.

In parting, ask yourselves, does the United States of America and other developed countries have the "money" to "win" the many "wars" we are involved/face (War On: "terror", drugs, pornography, immigration, education, etc)? Do they have the will? -Certainly the people do. While most of us realize we are fighting "boogy-men" with dirty beards in far-off caves, those of us who want to believe otherwise, must know we could win if our governments would allow us or wanted to. The fact is most of these "wars" are illusions, merely perpetual motion to continue to put us into debt/slavery and thus give away our liberty and property to the bankers. There is no profit in victory.


posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 02:03 AM
is this deja vu or did i just time travel again?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:52 PM
I posted a very similar reply on another thread. This is the real answer to end the global woes. Follow the money and remove those who control it from their position. End the perpetual war on the everyday people of the globe before it ends our lives.


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