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Cop for a Day

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

Cohesion with corporations? Rape the people's rights? I won't even answer someone who isn't open to normal discussion/debate without using that kind of language.

Ignoring the truth because the format it was presented in offends your authority. Yep, you sure are a cop.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

Thanks brother, and you are welcome.

It's pretty easy to sit here and pop off paragraph-length posts from an idealistic perspective. Or to dig up videos of police brutality or overly aggressive actions (such as the video of that unfortunate man dying from cardiac arrest). My question is, how come those same people never dig up videos of troopers being shot out of a passenger or driver window while approaching a car and being polite on a routine traffic stop. Or how about officers who have given their lives without a second thought protecting women, children and other innocent people.

How about this, I dig up some of the dozens of videos of soccer riots where scores of people were trampled to death, then I can make a quick post about how soccer fans are all dangerous, maniacal murderers. Maybe that video that shows a teenage girl on a cell phone crashing into and killing the occupants of another vehicle. Then I could assert my point that all women under the age of 20 on cell phones are violent and murderous lunatics.

If people fail to see how short-sided commentary like that is (aka posting a video of police brutality then accusing all LEOs to be the same way), well, good on them. I assume they have much better plans to safeguard the general public. I mean, they probably aren't writing them on here because our simple little brains could not understand the complexity of it, but I'm sure they aren't being the stereotypical, hind-sighted pr**ks that are always good at pointing out the failures of an existing entity, but never offer any constructive criticism or help conjure up ways to solve a problem.

It's always a pleasure to put some well thought out words onto the virtual page on ATS, as long as there are members willing to PRODUCTIVELY discuss issues. I don't know a single LEO that would say the system is perfect, hell, good for that matter. You can not just abandon the system though. Most of the idiots who say cops are worthless "pigs" are the first people to pick up and dial 9-1-1 when turds hit the spinny thing on the ceiling. Regardless of your position on law enforcement in this country, those people with badges are going to be the first ones to jump into the line of fire and take a hot one for you; regardless of your beliefs.
edit on 28-10-2010 by Use your brain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Use your brain

The reason why personally i will always talk like i do about the police, is because of what they did to me. They have nothing absolutely nothing in my life that gave them anything to start there campaign that has now lasted 18.5 years of haressment and personal excitement to them.

Amazing how people come here, and i can understand how cops would rationalise what they do. All murderers and serial killers rationalise what they do. jJust tell yourself they are some vermin and you can do what you want.

But what about when police go after innocent people and destroy them in same way. Society loves it just as much.

Does the innocent man or woman have a right to come on here telling teh truth about the murderers that have the name police as they are paid villians in effect of the state.

I bet you some cops will come on here reading my posts, that are 100% about the police, but i bet there inate drive to destroy innocnce, drives them to go into work and want to destroy more lifes for there friends.

Do i as an innocent man who the police have hounded for 18.5 years, have a right to tell the truth like above, or do the cops on here want to quieten the truth from there rationalised world of going after anyone they want without due reason other than vendettas.

edit on 10/28/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by andy1033

You ABSOLUTELY have the right, no, the responsibility to tell your story. I shutter to think that a police or sheriff's department has targeted you specifically for the past nearly 20 years. I hope you can also see why I would find that hard to believe. I am not, however, in any position to comment on the legitimacy of your claims.

IF you have indeed been the subject of repeated harassment, well then I am sorry my friend. Do you know WHY they have been targeting you? Do you or have you taken part in illegal activities? Have you been or are you aggressive and generally "dickish" to all law enforcement? I'm just trying to picture why any group of people, especially law enforcement, would target you individually for that long. Please give me some more details of your continued harassment. I stated before, abuse DOES take place, that is obvious. I was merely making the point that you can not place the idiotic actions of a very FEW on the shoulders of the LARGER WHOLE.

I would suggest taking action through the ACLU, or any attorney for that matter. I assume after 18 years of abuse, you have been able to gather evidence of this abuse, right? This is where I need clarification as to what constitutes "abuse" in your mind. Believe me my dude, I've seen LEOs target good people and abuse their power, but I've also seen a cop beat the sh*t out of another cop for some ridiculous stuff...quite entertaining actually, and the LEO who got his ass kicked got laid off the next day. Richmond City Police do a pretty fine job of keeping stuff straight in the city.

But by all means, I am interested, and I know abuse does take place. We need to get you some help, professional and legal. Get back to me with further details.
edit on 28-10-2010 by Use your brain because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2010 by Use your brain because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2010 by Use your brain because: (no reason given)

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