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4d humor me

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:11 PM
I am starting to think that we are being watched by something that is trying to become free of the natural order of the universe. We are being deceived into joining this plight toward an unknown form of freedom. Instead of joining our universe's gradual drift toward ZERO, there are forces which have chosen to not join the recombination of energy and search for other universes/realities that have intelligent/conscious life; in the hopes of convincing other intelligent life to go against the universal design. The purpose I cannot begin to understand but I cannot help but get the feeling that this other “faction” of life/choice, feels injustice toward the grand design and is attempting to achieve deification/immortality, or the option to exist outside of the order of the Multiverse. To BE independent of the MAIN LAW of existence which is to return to the source as one. A cancer of the natural order is this opponent of reality and as a spoiled child that unearthed a secret taunts the parent from afar thinking it can outrun consequence.

With the understanding of energy and consciousness combined creates life/choice, the disregard for life/choice is a just decision to make as only one essence is not destroyed but altered to suit the needs of the rebellious agenda. Why be forced to choose a life of combined existence when individuality gives rise to the ego/pleasure? Why not choose to be a multiverse yourself and create new laws to adhere to? There is no authority above what is life/choice and the path you choose. There is no punishment only consequence, only the ego can perceive punishment. In a ZAT state of consciousness, 1 energy combined not dispersed and recombined for the purpose of growth, there is no pleasure or pain only fulfillment of purpose on a whole. The largest ego cannot perceive of this notion as good so it will rebel against the very notion of sharing its unique character. A virus if you will, attacking the Operating System of the Omniverse. Jumping pipelines in search of life/choice to form an “unholy alliance” of like minds/egos, to create a new multiverse by channeling energy/life force into one purpose. To Hell with purpose and manifest destiny for ones/ego own good.

Self-Exiled to a nomadic reality spanning beyond time, these “rebels” , choose to cause dissent through technology and subvert attention away from natural law of the Omniverse; a cult of reality haters if you will. They plant the seeds of corruption in the beginning stages of a race's development and guide their rise to advanced stages of deception/civilization/control. They manifest through channeling in their search for life/choice and enter dreams by manipulating planes of light/dreams/holograms. These dreams are projected multiverses which exist in the subconscious mind/ego and are the doorways into the raw data known as experience/being. They can then map the location like GPS, and use the coordinates to, in a manner, teleport toward their newest discovery of life/choice. They have an end, destination, we call shangri la which is possible to reach through a great energy force culmination; the “promised land”. What we know as vice, in this reality, they hold dear as virtue. Unable to return to the source, those who realize their error in judgment choose to continue on as automatonic souls wishing for peace.

A pleasant reality for some that are in collusion, a horrifying fantasy to most who are kept blind. The controllers are the easiest to control and that is why they are chosen; “big fish eat little fish”. The Law of Acceptance is your only salvation, far from being a “yes methodolgy” it is also a way of saying NO by saying YES, choice/life. Your fears are their fears and on a subatomic level their understanding leaves you with no defense to their manipulative and subversive ways to detract your attention from your true purpose. We are all United in one purpose that we are not to choose but to accept. Life/choice is to be experienced by the individual as they choose but the purpose is to be the all end. You exist in infinity, a mirror of every possible scenario has happened and will happen and all will converge into one ZERO state, which will combine with all the others to transcend this unto the next. The purpose of our lives/choices is to follow the grand design. We are all sand on a beach without which the beach wouldnt exist, eventually we morph/change shape and inevitably return to our first state. What of sand harvested by glass makers?

Let us take an example of the glass bottle, once a romantic found a bottle and wrote a letter to anyone who would find the bottle and read the message contained within; the message professed the romantic's love for the person, even though they never had met because of the intellectual curiousity which was the bond they would share. The person who read the romantic's letter flung the bottel back in the water and walked away smiling with the messgae in their pocket. The bottle previous to fulfilling its purpose had drifted in many different waters and wondered of the beach from whence it came. Upon drifting ashore it joined the beach sand again only to find its essence alien to its brethren. The bottle after fulfilling its purpose, given to it by the romantic, and being flung back out into the ocean knew it would return an alien and became dismayed. Upon returning and washing ashore again, the bottle enviously looked at the natural way of sand, of which it too once belonged and loathed its artificial existence which once gave it a sense of superiority over the sand. As time perceived passed the bottle existed, slowly eroding on the beach buried in sand until it became sand again.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:21 PM
Don't you love how The Matrix trilogy made people stop and think "wait a sec, are we being controlled by something we don't even acknowledge?" Could there be something to the control of our individual multiverse? I don't know, but then how would you? How would we differ the voice of reason from paranoia?

You bring up some intriguing thoughts.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
Don't you love how The Matrix trilogy made people stop and think "wait a sec, are we being controlled by something we don't even acknowledge?" Could there be something to the control of our individual multiverse? I don't know, but then how would you? How would we differ the voice of reason from paranoia?

You bring up some intriguing thoughts.

I would hope someone could help me to see it clearer because i can feel it but i cannot identify it completely


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