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The Real Conspiracy - Are Your Eyes Open?

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:22 AM
---The following account is a fictional event. It started out as a writing exercise but I decided to post it here. It is based on real life experiences I have not necessarily personally been in, but have seen and experienced. It is a log of a person who has finally been able to see through all of the layers of deception woven in the fabric of society to see with blaring clarity the real truth behind all things.

While some choose to remain in darkness, others are forced to do so. Those who have the light of truth are under obligation to reveal it to the world. Each and every one decides for himself to accept or reject it. In the end all the minds will be freed though, and everyone will know

Long has it been since I began my journey. A quest, I suppose, that a great deal of people start out on in their lives. While some may have the privilege of starting out early and finding the road, others only set about to finding it later on in life, and the more my eyes are open, the more I realize that many never do find the road that they have been searching for. Indeed the more one becomes aware of the world and of what is really taking place the more he realizes that it has been specifically designed with the intent of keeping mankind in a deep slumber unaware of the realities that are now taking place. Being thus disarmed and without knowledge of what is happening and about to happen, most are at a huge disadvantage.

Thus it is that I thought I’d take the time to sit down and finally write down my thoughts on matters in a chance that they might in some way help another soul searching as I had for so long a time. For I have come to discern with no little toil and hardship the truism of the words of “keep on knocking and it will and it will be opened to you.” And just as surely as the rain does fall to the ground, it will not return to its source without first saturating the earth and making produce sprout.

If you the kind reader, would be so kind as to bear with your humble servant as he tries to dictate the best he can important events that lead up to this being written, I hope to enlighten perhaps your mind with a spark, a fire, that started over two thousand years ago and is still now even being spread. Indeed, more than ever in human history.

First I should start off with telling you a little about myself. Not that I am of any importance in my own right. Only to show to what extent a transformation has taken place in my life, and the real importance of the events that followed.

I was an only-child raised in a semi-religious household. My mother held to strict religious and superstitious teachings of the Catholic Church. Interestingly enough my father, who is long dead, was a semi-religious person but after marriage, his disillusionment with the Church and what he saw going on in it lead him away from a belief in God. He was a very intellectual person and loved books. Both my parents were stubborn though, and I guess that trait has passed on to me for better or for worse, many times for worse. For as stubbornly as my mother stuck to her rosary-beads and the confessions on Sunday, and the reciting of the Our Father prayer, my dad stuck more and more to his idea that we are here alone in the universe without a spiritual force beyond all things. I remember my childhood being filled with arguments, long and bitter between my two parents so stubborn in their ways. My dad eventually started to drink, and I learned the bitter experience of physical beatings, and verbal abuse.

One sad night I was awoken to screams from my mother in the living room. I ran in only to discover that my dad, who was driving drunk, had run a red light, crashed into another car, killed two people, a mother and her eight-year-old son, and himself in the accident. This was a huge blow to me. I was nine years old and my father, for better or worse, was an anchor in my life. Thus it was I was rudely introduced to the reality of suffering, and death. Of which I have only tasted too much of in this short life which we feeble humans most nobly endure from birth to death, if not nobly, then at least ignominiously.

My dad’s influence was profound on me though as I was raised in a Church where I saw our priests abuse many of friends that I knew. I am glad nothing ever happened to me, but there were always whispers going about what would happen to certain altar boys when they went in to light the candles; although no one dared talk about them openly. To do so invited open ridicule and scorn from the other Church members.

My mind as a child in Sunday school was an eager one that was full of thought and questions. I remember once asking a nun why, if God was a loving God, would he burn someone in a hellfire forever? As this thought could not enter into my mind with any semblance of acceptance. I was rudely slapped over the hands with a yardstick and scolded for questioning the teachings of the Church. I had other questions that were sincere but were always met with the same harsh responses from the nuns and priests; I was ignored, scolded, or even beat for questioning the teachings. So I drew away from the idea of organized religion, and I grew older of the idea of a personal God altogether.

Then in the 90’s I was in my teen years. My mother stopped going to Church so much, so much the better for me. She started to frequent bars and one night came home with an unkempt man, a long beard, a big belly, and a huge tattoo of skull and crossbones on his right shoulder. He had a sailor’s mouth; I guess they call it, which I wasn’t accustomed too. I thought he would leave the next morning but sadly he was there when I awoke. And a week later he was still there.

He was rude with me and pushed me around. I was thirteen and rebellious, he was forty and some odd years and a crude and humorless man with little respect for his fellow humans. He smoke and drank and sat around the house all day yelling at me when mom wasn’t around, and even hit me sometimes when I talked back.

Those years I fled from home. I guess when you’re a child you want it to be a place of refuge of peace where you can run too for protection from the relentless cold of this heartless world, but it was just as cold as the outside. I turned to drugs for solace and stayed at schoolmates houses for days at a time not calling home. Of course when I did return I was usually met with a verbal thrashing from my mom who was now an alcoholic and a good physical beating from her live-in good-for-nothing boyfriend.

This went on until I was fourteen until I finally decided to run away from home. By then I had progressed from using marijuana to coc aine, and was involved with three girls from school sexually. To keep up our vices we resorted to stealing. One low life of my life is when we robbed the house of an elder woman one night. We tied her up in her bed and ransacked the place.

I do not say this proudly, only to relate how bad I was. We were eventually caught and I was sent to juvi for nine-months and spent a long time afterwards in community service. But the time I spent in juvenile hall I met more harded criminals than myself and became even more hardened. That is also when I learned that I was stronger than I thought I was. A sixteen-year-old bully tried to start a fight with me, and I ended it quite quickly with a few placed blows from my fists. I earned respect of the other kids quickly, and found myself turning to a life of violence.

When I was sixteen my mom sent word for me to come home. I hadn’t spoke to her since I was locked up and by then was a very violent, drugged out, drop-out with no care in the world. Yet nostalgia for home ate at me and I made my way home. I was informed by the neighbors who had seen me approach in my old ’82 CVC I purchased from a junk yard for $200 that she was in the hospital. I went to see her. She was badly bruised in the face and other places. The live-in boyfriend had taken to beating her, and she finally ended up here. He was in jail, and after he got out he left, went somewhere else.

Seeing my mom like that there in the hospital bed made me question my life and from somewhere deep within me I felt a yearning to know why there was so much violence and suffering in the world. I thought I was a tough man, but I wept like a little boy seeing my mom in the way she was. I stayed with her that night and for the first time in many many years I said a prayer. I didn’t know to whom I was praying but I asked, “God, if you’re out there, please, you can hear me, tell me why this world is so full of suffering? Who are you?”

I fell asleep and awoke the next morning as we got home and entered there was a knock on the front door. I opened it and found a well-dressed couple standing on the front porch. “We’re talking to people asking them the question if they ever wondered why life is full of problems, and if there will ever be an end to it,” the young man said with a smile on his face.

I checked myself because I remembered the prayer I said the night before. Was this perhaps the answer to my prayer? Is there really a God out there?

“Life’s tough,” I responded. “You gotta deal with what it gives you. No one is gonna help you if you don’t help yourself.”

The man said he respected my thoughts on the matter and asked if he could share a scripture with me. I saw him pull a Bible, and against my better judgment I said, “Sure go ahead.” I knew the Bible anyway and there wasn’t anything he was going to show me from it.

He shared with me the words of Habakkuk 1:2, 3 where it says: “[How long] shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful, and you keep looking upon mere trouble? And [why] are despoiling and violence in front of me, and [why] does quarreling occur, and [why] is strife carried?”

I admitted that I too had the same questions. Why if there is a God, is there so much suffering? I felt as if this man was asking the very questions I was of God, if he really indeed exists.

The man then pulled out a couple of magazines I had never seen before and told me that they explained what the answers to the questions I had. I was going to accept them but my mom with her bruised face had heard the conversation had come to the door and looked out at the two friendly people on the doorstep and nastily asked them, “Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses?” to which they nodded and she said, “you’re not welcome here,” and with a great force slammed the door in their face.

I was taken aback by her rude attitude toward the couple but she started to curse and swear about them. “Don’t you listen to them devil liars,” she broke in. “You can listen to anyone in the world, but not that lot of wicked people.”

I had never heard of them before, but my mom’s word was enough for me. And thus it was that I stayed at home for a time with my mom, but I was soon back into my old habit of going out late and getting high and drugs and fighting in the streets.

Then one night in a dirty urban ally, in the cold of an autumn rain I watched a friend die of a drug overdose. I found a phone booth and called 911 but by the time they got to us it was too late.

By then I was living on the streets, and that was probably a real low for me. I vowed never to do drugs ever again after that. I was eighteen at the time. And found work as a bouncer at a nearby night club, where I was nightly in danger of my life. But I was young and full of energy and nothing could do me harm.

I used the money from that job as a bouncer to get a small studio. I didn’t drink or do drugs anymore, and even started going to the library and read books, and educate myself. I got my GED when I was twenty in 1997. I went from there to working customer service for the local phone company and moved into a better apartment. I put my back into my work and quickly rose from a customer service rep to a supervisor. I felt accomplished with my work, and used the weekends to drive to the mountains to ski, a hobby I was introduced to by a couple of workmates that I hung out with.

Then when I was twenty-four, came the date September 11, 2001. And the world cried.

All those nagging questions came into my mind about why there is wickedness and suffering, and if there is a God why did he allow it. Again I remember staying up late that night and saying a prayer to God asking him, if he existed to please explain it to me.

While I was saying the prayer the scripture that couple read to me all those years ago on my mom’s front porch came back into my mind. But I didn’t recall who the people were. ‘Jehovaers’ or something.

To my great surprise the very next morning as I was leaving a 7-11 with a cup of coffee in my hand and a donut and a newspaper with the graphic image of the Twin Towers in flames a kindly old woman approached me and asked me what I thought of the events of the previous day. I admitted that I was deeply shaken and couldn’t understand that if there was a God how he could permit such wickedness.

The elderly woman said that in Bible times, there was a prophet who saw great badness going on around him and asked of God the same questions and looked up that same scripture that was read to me all those years ago and shared it with me. I said, “Yea I know that scripture. And those are good questions.”

Then she directed me to another text, Isaiah 61: 1, 2. There it says: “The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, for the reason that Jehovah has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those taken captive and the wide opening [of the eyes] even to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of goodwill on the part of Jehovah and the day of vengeance on the part of our God; to comfort all the mourning ones.”

She said, that God too was deeply grieved at all of the violence he sees going on in the earth and has appointed a day of vengeance where he will wipe out all badness on earth, and that now he is sending a message of comfort to the ones that are mourning over all the badness that is going on in the earth. As I saw the name Jehovah in her Bible I remembered the name Jehovah’s Witnesses. I asked her, “Are you a Jehovah’s Witness?” She said yes. I said, “You must have been sent by God for last night I was praying that he answer the very questions you posed me.”

I felt a great peace with the woman but told her I needed to get to work. She left me with an Awake! gagazine that talked about the threat of terrorism and I was off. Unfortunately my coffee spilled on the magazine on the way to work and I threw it out. I got caught up with life and forgot about the conversation we had.

But I didn’t stop thinking about 9/11. It was perhaps a couple months after this that I was introduced by a co-worker, who I was now dating, to some videos on youtube about 9/11 conspiracies. I watched them and got a very grim outlook on world events and politics. I already knew religious leaders were corrupt and evil, and now it appeared that politicians were no better. I started listening to a man called Alex Jones on the internet and his conspiracy theories came alive in me. I suddenly realized that we live in a twisted world of cunning design. That if I wanted protection I needed to give it to myself. I prepared for the coming martial law that I was expecting by stocking on food and water and buying survival manuals. At the objections of my live-in girl-friend I also followed the advice of survivalists and bought a .45 and started taking gun practice. We had to protect ourselves because we couldn’t count on the government.

My violent nature became apparent to my girlfriend as we continued to get into more and more heated arguments over small things the next few weeks until I hit her. She fled from the house in tears and I stood there in shame.

She never came back and I wept bitterly. To absorb the emptiness that her absence brought I poured over information on the internet when I wasn’t working, and sometimes at work, learning about all sorts of conspiracies, thinking that the veil over my eyes was lifted. That I knew what the common ordinary Joe did not. That we are all living in a society, a world, where a web of deceit has been woven over our eyes, and that I had broken free from that web.

But one thing did not sit well with me. All of the survivalists, and milita-men, the radio personalities such as Alex Jones, and even conspiracy websites like Above-Top-Secret, never really explained how all these things will be resolved.

Finally one night in 2005 I said another prayer to God. I rarely prayed, but I figured the last two times I was answered, well perhaps. I’ll try it again. I didn’t feel worthy of praying, but I did anyway. I got out my Bible and asked God, if he was out there, to lead me to the passage in the Bible that the elderly woman had showed me several years before, the day after 9/11 about being comforted, and the year of good will.

I opened my Bible and my eyes landed on Isaiah 61:1, 2. There I read it again:

“The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, for the reason that Jehovah has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those taken captive and the wide opening [of the eyes] even to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of goodwill on the part of Jehovah and the day of vengeance on the part of our God; to comfort all the mourning ones.”

There it talked about the “wide opening of the eyes” of the prisoners. I was familiar with the concept already of one being asleep as to what is going on around them. I wondered, what does this mean? The wide opening of the eyes, opening them to what, to what are they closed, that they need to be opened, to what are they in bondage, or prisoners to, is it referring to the conspiracy theories that I had learned about? I prayed again and asked God, if you are out there, and you have been answering my prayers, please explain to me, why do my eyes need to be opened? To what is mankind imprisoned too?

That weekend I had off work and I was sleeping in late, probably three days later and a knock came at the door. I came to the door in my pajamas and there were two nicely dressed men standing there. “Don’t tell me, you’re Jehovah’s?” I asked.

“Good morning, yes we are Jehovah’s Witnesses,” one of the young men told me.

“Good, now that you’re here. Can I ask you a question? My mom told me that you guys are wicked and evil, and I truthfully don’t know much about you, but why are you called Jehovah’s Witnesses?”

The young man looked up a scripture, Isaiah 43:10, 11 and asked me to read it. I did, and read aloud:
“YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.”

I reread the first part again and looked up. I said; wait a minute, so you’re saying that God’s name is Jehovah? He nodded his head. I let that sink in. I never really thought of God as having a personal name. And the question came to my mind, why didn’t my mom ever tell me about God’s name, or the nuns at Church, or the priests? In fact I hear no mention of that name from anyone, on the radio, conspiracy theorists, politicians, religious leaders, no one.

Then it was as if the cobwebs started lift from my eyes and the darkness that engulfed them started to loosen its grip as a little bit of light began to shine through. I ventured a little further as to test them out as if they were going to be able to answer my question I had posed God a few nights before. I said there is a scripture that talks about a year of goodwill, and being comforted, and a day of vengeance. The young man swiftly turned to Isaiah 61 and shared the scripture with me. Yea, that is the one. Thank you; I couldn’t remember exactly where it was. Then I posed the question, “Have you heard of the conspiracies about 9/11? The man said he had been aware of different conspiracies going on. I asked, “Is this verse talking about that? About opening our eyes to what is really going on in the world.”

His answer was two-fold. “Yes, and no.” Yes that it is referring to the lifting of a veil from among people’s eyes but not necessarily because of political conspiracies. Then he shared another scripture with me and asked me to read it. It was 2 Corinthians 4:4 and I read aloud thusly:

“Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.”

He asked me, notice it says here that the ‘god’ of this system has blinded the minds of unbelievers. Then he asked, have you ever wondered who the ‘god’ of our world is. I said, “Yea, well in Sunday school we were taught that Jesus is god of the world.’

“No, Jesus is not the god of our world. Remember we read that the true God is Jehovah. But notice, the ‘god’ of this system of things has blinded the minds of unbelievers. Do you think God would do that?’ Well, I admitted that I didn’t understand the scripture or what he was getting at. So he led me to Matthew chapter four.

“After Jesus was baptized he was lead to the wilderness by the spirit and there he was tempted by Satan the Devil the scripture tells us. One of them was this offer. Then he asked me to read Matthew 4:8, 9 and I read thusly:

“Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.”
“Notice,” he asked me. “What did the Devil offer Jesus?”

I reread the scripture and then said, “He offered him the kingdoms of the world.”

“So who is the ruler of the world?”

“Satan the Devil?”

“Yes, the wicked spirit Satan the Devil is the ruler of the world, and we are shown in prophecy at Revelation 12:9 that he is misleading the entire inhabited earth. There he had me read the scripture and it read thusly:

“So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.”

Then he asked me. “So why does God need to lift the veil as it were from the eyes of people?”

“Because Satan, the ruler of the world, is blinding mankind as to who God really is?”

“Correct. And notice Satan is the real person in control behind the world scene; that is the world’s religious, political, and commercial systems are all in his hands. So mankind cannot look to any human leader or revolution to solve mankind’s problems. The real answer to our problems is God’s kingdom.” Then he shared with me Daniel 2:44 and asked me to read it. And I read thusly:

“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.”

With that short conversation I knew I had found the truth, and that God indeed had answered my prayers. With a few short verses this young man had explained to me all the questions I have had for a long time. It was as if the veil was completely stripped away.

Since that time I have studied the Bible and come to a much better understanding of world conditions and why they are the way they are. I am no longer a violent person and thank God that he opened my eyes to valuable spiritual truths from the Bible.

I learned that he is real, that he is listening and ready to answer your questions if you ask them of him with earnestness and sincerity.

Yes, not only have I found the real truth, and understand who is really behind the events now shaping world history, I now a satisfying answer to how they will be solved. And await with hope the fulfillment of these words:

(Revelation 21:3-4) With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”


Psalm 37:10-11) And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

At the beginning of this short writing I made mention of a spark, a fire that was started over two thousand years ago that found a home in my heart. I was referring to the words of Jesus when he said:

(Luke 12:49) . . .“I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lighted?

That fire started with his preaching when he read those very words of Isaiah 61 and applied them to himself. We read in Luke:

(Luke 4:16-21) . . .And he came to Naz′a•reth, where he had been reared; and, according to his custom on the sabbath day, he entered into the synagogue, and he stood up to read. 17 So the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed him, and he opened the scroll and found the place where it was written: 18 “Jehovah’s spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor, he sent me forth to preach a release to the captives and a recovery of sight to the blind, to send the crushed ones away with a release, 19 to preach Jehovah’s acceptable year.” 20 With that he rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were intently fixed upon him. 21 Then he started to say to them: “Today this scripture that YOU just heard is fulfilled.”

With that preaching work which he started while on earth Jesus started to spread the fire of truth which glowed brightly in the hearts of his faithful apostles and later many other disciples. In our day, a similar work of preaching is being carried out throughout the entire inhabited earth. In fact Jesus’ disciples, the true witnesses of Jehovah God, are doing a greater work than that of Jesus even as he prophesied:

(John 14:12) . . .Most truly I say to YOU, He that exercises faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father.

And thusly in this our day the preaching work that Jesus started has spread abroad and now millions upon millions of individuals out of all walks of life have indeed come out of the dismal prison house of Satan’s dark system of things. Just as it was foretold:

(Romans 10:13-15) . . .For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? Just as it is written: “How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:51 AM


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Calender

Firstly, I was honestly touched by your story, and may the spirit of God, his mark of redemption, be upon you to save you from harm and give you directions and faith in Jesjuah ha Mesjiach (Jesjuah the Messiah).

With that said, I will go on to inform you that ever since these worlds were created, the spirit of God has stayed with us. This spirit allows certain people, carrying the Mark of God to be heared in prayer and elsewhere, and here comes the tricky part -- without even lifting their voice. And this is why God revealed for us the following:

"Do not think evil of the king in your mind, or curse the rich in your bedroom, since birds of the air will carry the sounds thereof, winged creatures can reveal your words." (Ecclesiastes 10:20)

The truth is that us humans are telepathic. Either that our thoughts, feelings, desires, sins and/or good deeds etc. are broadcasted, or that one might hear voices in our minds coming from other people's minds. However, if you experience this, and say this to your doctor, he will rather quickly write in his journals that you are suffering from schizofrenia, and that you are seriously ill. These doctors would also say that Jesjuah our Messiah and his followers show evidence of the same, since our lord heared the voice of God in his mind, and saw his splendour in visions, and how his followers also saw visions and heared voices. That Our Lord showed signs of being a classic "schitzo". They will call these voices and visions hallucinations, and will not for a second listen to your witnessing, but call this witnessing as further signs of the same disease, calling them classic scizofrenic delusions. Such a diagnose might make it so you lose your job, family, friends and lovers. Carrying such a cross and honestly proclaiming it, might result in suicide, drug abuse, and absurd actions, paranoia, angsiety and depressions etc. I pray that one day the truth will be revealed, and hundreds of years with malpractice among medical doctors and others will come for a day. For after all, nothing will remain hidden forever.

"Everything concealed will be disclosed, and all things hidden will be revealed." Luke 12:2

Also: No specific church or congregation is perfect, even the Satan himself will use kind words and try luring you into what might seal your destiny to say it simply. My honest advice is to put your trust in God and walk "alone" in your faith, you will see that even in the darkest place there is light. Even in the Land of the Dead God's spirit may reach you.

edit on 30/9/2010 by Neo Christian Mystic because: Added last paragraph

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:17 PM
You need to understand the history of the word Jehovah and how it came about. In the old testament, God's name was unpronounceable. It was known only by the four letter tetragram YHVH. Some priests took it upon themselves to make it pronounceable by adding vowels. That is how the word Jehovah came about but it is NOT God's name.

Imagine when the priests read this next verse, they had to pause and say nothing when they came to the tetragram. This was part of Gods grand design but those priests broke the law of God and made a name for themselves to say, a name God did not anoint.

Exodus 6:3
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.

''... by my name________ was I not known to them...''

God made his name known through Jesus Christ. This is the NEW testament and the church of brotherly Love.
1 Corinthians 12:3 No man can call Jesus Lord unless they have the indwelling Holy Ghost.
This is how the Brother in you can identify the Brother in another so that no one be led astray.

KJV is the only trusted translation of the bible.

(Romans 10:13-15) . . .For “everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved.”

Now what if you are not English? That is why Jesus said 'believe the works'.

Because there is only ONE who died for the sins of the world.

Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour

edit on 30-9-2010 by iamnot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by iamnot

The closest we come to God's name Is Jahveh, or Jehsjuvah the unosaid name and not least .... the gnostic Word. Heavens told us to be buried alive, and so we were..

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by iamnot

As for the so called "Name" Jehovah, it came about when some smart lure idiot of the 10's made sure that the Name of god was the tetragramathon together with the vocals from Adonai.

"Come on my Thalmoud friends, let's go backwards through BERLIN with grocery stories from Hitler in my pocket"

edit on 30/9/2010 by Neo Christian Mystic because: Major lift

I can also be false as a two stringed violin.

edit on 30/9/2010 by Neo Christian Mystic because: ,,,,,,

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