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Jesus or Yeshua... The Conspiracy

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posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 08:57 PM
If you go back as far as people saying his name right, you're also going into the time where there were many more books in the bible.

Ones that talked about the other gods.

If you've gone this far, why not go farther and see that there is NOT just one god, as that was what was truly in the bible!

I think it's something like 60 books are mentioned in the bible we do have that have still not been found to this day.

Something is being hidden, and it's a whole lot more than Jesus's real name!

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Jeanius]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Jeanius
If you go back as far as people saying his name right, you're also going into the time where there were many more books in the bible.

Ones that talked about the other gods.

If you've gone this far, why not go farther and see that there is NOT just one god, as that was what was truly in the bible!

I think it's something like 60 books are mentioned in the bible we do have that have still not been found to this day.

Something is being hidden, and it's a whole lot more than Jesus's real name!

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Jeanius]

Something or someone does not wantyou saved...

Just be yourname too

My namemeans Rock...x

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:48 PM

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." all-rose

It's not that important. Names of characters in fairy tales have changed according to the region they came from or were introduced to. I don't see why it should be any different with this fairy tale?

Edit: added link.

[edit on 24-8-2010 by aorAki]
Edit: tried to fix link, but it really just directs you to the site where the above quote was from

[edit on 24-8-2010 by aorAki]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
They did exactly according to their NAMES

Okay, so now you hit on a real truth that is hidden from those who cannot see or hear.

But they did not do according to the spelling of their names. It is about the Numerology of their names based in the Hebrew numerological system.

If we want to understand the real human being called Jesus/Jeshua, then we should learn to understand the Culture in that Time. A book called Jesus the Man is an excellently researched book into the Thinking of the Time.

For instance, the Pesher System of Understandings within understandings.. which explains the use of this phrase so often in the Bible.. "For those with eyes to see and ears to hear"

Meaning.. "Listen up folks who understand Pesher, I am about to tell you something".. and the unknowing population had no idea what was being said other than the simplistic meaning of the words in the story.

This tells us that we only understand a tiny fraction of the story because we aren't reading using the Pesher system.

Oops, got side-tracked for a second.


Thanks mate. The link isn't working, but I understand you.

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Tayesin]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 09:59 PM
when he returns he will have a new name king of kings, lord of lords... so why the hub bub... bub? and why the book of Enoch? could you be Elijah?

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

I was saved by the blood.
I call him Lord.
I call him brother.
I call him Good.
I call him life.
I call him the Lam Of God.

Are the names i call him by not* as good?

EDIT @ *

[edit on 24-8-2010 by GunzCoty]

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 11:52 PM
If you admit the current bible the majority of Christians are not using a correct bible, why do you stop at only the name of Jesus instead of all the other changes that were made at that time and since then?

Also, how dare you assume that I don't believe in god because you can't answer a simple question that is beyond your current beliefs in the bible.

I was saying you are on the right track, and have realized the bible has been edited to the point that most "Christians" don't even know his true name.

Are you saying you believe that other than this little mix up on the son of god's name, that the rest of the bible is still the word of god and infallible?

[edit on 24-8-2010 by Jeanius]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:14 AM
i believe it was yeshua or something like that

his father was an alien, the whole virgin birth means something totally different, its symbolic, very complicated

he would have been a freemason in these days, literally "royal bood"
think alexander the great, hercules, etc

good teacher(one of many) not really a god but very good a magic and the occult

alot of his life was published but taken out by the church for obvious reasons, he has a kid probably studied what it now the teachings of the freemasons, rumored to have a kid if not a whole bloodline, fled to france when the establishment found about him and his divine blood. thats all ive looked into him

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:20 AM


Santa....St. Nick

It really doesn't matter....when we are talking about them, or talking to them....we know and they know who they are.

By the way, I have had dealings and confronted evil spirits...and Jesus worked in repelling them.

The Bible uses many names for Jesus and God...His name is Wonderful, Holy, Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Merciful, Father, Rabbi, Rabboni, Master, Lord of Lords, King of Kings.

We are to go to God and Jesus with a child-like faith.... don't make it hard. He knows who He is...and I do too.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by Yissachar1

The Helenized form Iseous means "man of zeus"... What does Our King have to do with the pagan zeus?

Given that Christianity spread to Greece and eventually became the main religion of the Romans I'd say it has a lot to do with Zeus. Jesus was replacing him, after all, and I doubt many Greeks were about to give up their polytheism in support of a random guy named Yeshua, so the Man of Zeus moniker gives him some cred in Greek speaking areas.

Made up words....

All words are made up. Given that the first accounts of Yeshua's life come from decades after his death I don't think we know what his name actually was. For instance, you claim that Yeshua means Yah(weh) Saves, but that in and of itself sounds more like a title than a name. After all to the people who believed he was a Savior giving him such a name makes sense, especially if his true name was lost (after all he wasn't from a wealthy family) or wasn't exactly as heroic and Messianic as Yeshua.

What is His name then?

I don't know. No one really knows what his true name was. No one really knows whether or not he even existed or how much of the stories are true. Other than the Gospels and Epistles, all of which written decades after his death, we have little evidence to support Jesus. Personally I think some figure like Yeshua-Jesus existed, how much the real man would resemble the one in the Gospels is a mystery... After all if they were willing to get his name wrong who knows what other elements to the story were changed and altered by the "faithful".

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Yissachar1

Okay, I know a bit about this...but it's complicated and I've been up for a LONG time, so I'll have to simplify it a tad...

Basically what you are addressing is a 'lost in translation' sort of deal. Keep in mind that Yeshua (and, yeah, I agree that's his most accurate name) spoke little Hebrew and Aramaic compared to the Greek and Latin that was used commonly around him - remember, Yeshua's people were controlled by the Romans at this time.
Now, also consider that a couple centuries before Yeshua there was a translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, called the Septuagint. And a few centuries after Yeshua, there was a translation of the mishmash of languages that make up the Old and New testaments into Latin, called the Vulgate.
Once you play around from language to language you lose local, regional, national, etc. connotations, slang, euphemisms,, the whole 'son of zeus' thing, consider that was meant to be taken figuratively. Taken down to its core meaning it then means something like 'son of the highest god,' which would be close enough to 'son of god' considering the cross-cultural conversion going on there.
Okey dokey. Now, as for his name, Yeshua is Hebrew, which would make it more traditional, but Jesus is the Latin equivalent to Hebrew, just like Joshua is the English equivalent to it. Oh, and by the way, 'geezus' would be the mostly English way of pronouncing it, just like 'heyzeus' would be the Spanish, and 'yayshush' is from.....crap, now I can't remember.


Get over it, there's no conspiracy. What you are doing is mincing traditions and then complaining about having done so.
Look - if you're truly concerned about salvation and all that, just remember that it's all in the state of your heart. If you believe in Yeshua then that's wonderful, but I really doubt he's going to care what you call him.

Hmmmm....that gives me an idea...
perhaps I'll begin praying to Susan instead...
maybe I'll start up a thread in a while to tell ya'll how that's working out for me.

Love and Light, all.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
The letter "j" does not even exist in Hebrew/Aramaic... The Helenized form Iseous means "man of zeus"... What does Our King have to do with the pagan zeus?

you know the pictures you see of jesus are actually a based on a picture of zeus? wanna know why? cause jesus was never real! imagine that.....wait you dont have to because he is already imaginary. like my friend tommy when i was a kid and all alone........

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 10:08 AM
I can understand where you're coming from, but I think you're placing entirely too much emphasis on his name. His name is merely a word. The word alone will not save you. The word isn't doing anything except giving us something in which to call him. It could even be Rumplestilskin. Provided we all know who it refers to, it doesn't matter. That's not the point. The point is to abide by his teachings and accept that he is the son and the truth.

Besides, seeing as modern believers are taught the name of "Jesus", don't you think he would understand? The man did forgive his murderers after all. I'm quite sure that we are judged by what's in our hearts rather than how ppl are documented within our contacts list.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

I don't realy understand this conspiracy.

Is the real subversion here that people such as yourself are attempting to get everyone to speak Hebrew?

I speak english.

I intend to continue to speak english.

I think God Almighty and His Son are not limited to one language.

I however, as an imperfect human am...sorry

If though, if I began using the Hebrew form of Jesus's name, would I have to use it as well for his Fathers name? Then, should I go ahead and begin translating all biblical names back from english to their original pronunciation, and should I then in turn go ahead and just begin reading the whole of the bible in another language?

By the way, whats my name in Hebrew?
Seriously, I want to know please.


edited becuase I can't even use ENGLISH properly

[edit on 25-8-2010 by Xcouncil=wisdom]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Yissachar 1

Well I must say I'am happy you unlike many others did actually bother putting thought into your comment. Though you are still off a bit, the correct name is yeshua pronounced yah-hoo-shoo-ah. Yes power dose lye in a name, because if you refer to him incorrectly not once but twice as you have done you wind up with saying "MAY HIS NAME BE BLOTTED OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE" that's what yeshua means, and why would you want to wish that kind of hatred on anyone. It's completed because translations have been lost repeatedly throughout history. Some has been INTENTIONAL but try and refer to hebrew translations after all this is where it all begin. The difference between Y & J is a big one finding out could begin to clear up a lot of confusion for you. Back then the letter J wasn't possible for Hebrew, Greek or Latin the acronym yeshu involved rabbinic word play however, many see right through it and those who continue to use it I will consider the Antichrist. How's that for the importance of a name.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Yissachar 1

Well I must say I'am happy you unlike many others did actually bother putting thought into your comment. Though you are still off a bit, the correct name is yahushua pronounced yah-hoo-shoo-ah. Yes power dose lye in a name, because if you refer to him incorrectly not once but twice as you have done you wind up with saying "MAY HIS NAME BE BLOTTED OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE" that's what yeshua means, and why would you want to wish that kind of hatred on anyone. It's completed because translations have been lost repeatedly throughout history. Some has been INTENTIONAL but try and refer to hebrew translations after all this is where it all begin. The difference between Y & J is a big one finding out could begin to clear up a lot of confusion for you. Back then the letter J wasn't possible for Hebrew, Greek or Latin the acronym yeshu involved rabbinic word play however, many see right through it and those who continue to use it I will consider the Antichrist. How's that for the importance of a name.

[edit on 25-8-2010 by jayde]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 12:23 PM
I like this thread. I only found out his real name around this same time last year.

Personally, I feel there is alot to be said in having someone's correct name...

If I was walking across the street, and a friend called out the name "Marsha" As opposed to my actual name, Michele... how wold i know they were addressing me? Or if they needed help.. and were unable to remember my name...

I've also read that those close to him may have pronounced his name as ya-shoo. As a nickname, pet name. To avoid using the sound of god. (ahh)

Some may consider his proper name just semantics...maybe so..after all.. it's about his MESSAGE of LOVE..that's important.

Will it change things when one prays to him? Who knows...
I know it make ME feel closer to him. thats just me.

Cool thread. S&F as i think everyone should know this.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by hippomchippo

Imagine that you have a computer virus... Only the right words/informatiion will sve you....
You have been given that name but it was changed... You may think you are saved but that virus also blinded you... Even the elect

So god is being defeated by a typo?

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Godz Enigma

If I was walking across the street, and a friend called out the name "Marsha" As opposed to my actual name, Michele... how wold i know they were addressing me? Or if they needed help.. and were unable to remember my name...

Yeah, but you're not a god. Jesus would be pretty lame if he only responded to Yeshua or one certain name. If he were real, I doubt he'd be hanging out, complaining like, "I can't stand it, man! All these people keep praying to me, looking for some guy named Jesus. I'm all like 'This is Yeshua, man, I ain't got no salvation for y'all Jesus freaks.' Word." It is absolutely ridiculous to think a deity would only ken one language or respond to one name and refuse to do otherwise.

By the way, Yisschar, since you're so hung up on proper Hebrew, do you only read the bible in Hebrew? And do you think that the name is the only think that got fouled up?

Edit: Also, does it bother you when people call Deutschland 'Germany?' Or when Spanish folk screw up the name Thomas by making it Tomas? Personally, I can't stand it when people are talking about soda and they call it pop. Dummies.

[edit on 8/25/2010 by SaulGoodman]

[edit on 8/25/2010 by SaulGoodman]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by SaulGoodman

The OP's Jesus sits at a reception desk wearing a headset, listening to prayers. When he encounters a needy soul who calls out to "Jesus" he smirks
and disconnects that person and moves on to the next. Yes. The OP wants us to believe that Jesus is a bitchy receptionist or an ass of a radio host........ "next caller"

[edit on 25-8-2010 by spinalremain]

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