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Torture claims lead to call for withdrawal

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posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:57 PM

There's a call for the Government to reconsider our involvement in Afghanistan, following claims the SAS has handed prisoners over to possible torture.

Green MP Keith Locke says New Zealand soldiers have been helping catch insurgents who are passed to the Afghan secret police. That is despite the British military being banned from handing prisoners over due to the risk they will be subjected to torture or serious mistreatment.

Mr Locke says the revelations strengthen the Green Party's case for withdrawal of our SAS unit from Afghanistan. He says he does not want New Zealand's good name muddied by links to the torture of prisoners, which is believed to include beatings, electric shock treatment and sleep, food and water deprivation.

In Afghanistan the guilty is tortured along side innocent, this is a fact no one can deny, funny how the human right peeps keep quiet in regards, instead keep their focus on Iran.

This is another war crime supported by the occupying forces.

Torture is nothing new to Afghanistan, the US have been accused of horribly torturing prisoners, even those who are taken for questioning excluding them being guilty or not, a suspicion is enough to get you tortured:

On March 1, 2003, U.S. Special Forces arrested eight Afghan soldiers at a checkpoint on a remote mountain pass in South-Eastern Afghanistan. The men were members of the Afghan army, supposedly allies of the United States in the fight against al-Qaeda and the remnants of the Taliban forces. Nevertheless they were taken for interrogation at a U.S. firebase near the town of Gardez. Seventeen days later, seven of the men were transferred to custody of the local Afghan police. Many were suffering from serious injuries - the result of what they later described as torture at the hands of American interrogators. The other detainee was dead. An unreleased report based on an investigation by Afghan military investigators concluded that he had most likely died as a result of his treatment by U.S. forces, and that there was a "strong possibility" that his death qualified as murder.

This kind of things have been under reported for a reason, forget about under reported, torture is never mentioned along side the Afghan war, as if it is a rare occurrence.

Can you guys guess why?

Federal government documents on Afghan detainees suggest that Canadian officials intended some prisoners to be tortured in order to gather intelligence, according to a legal expert.

If the allegation is true, such actions would constitute a war crime, said University of Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran, who has been digging deep into the issue and told CBC News he has seen uncensored versions of government documents released last year.

Read more:

This means they have already given prisoners to the Afghan secret service for torture, that way they can get away with it and looking very cool and innocent.

I have been astonished how this has been down played for so long, I still rarely see anything in regards to torture in Afghanistan.




To spice up the debate I will put on the table what human right groups are more concerned about:

Human Rights Group Fears Iran Woman's Execution Imminent

So they have kept the torture issues silent, and pursued the demonetization of Iran due to a woman who has been convicted of assisting his husbands horrible murder.

People don't even know how her husband was brutally killed, but that is not important, they think women in Iran are not capable of committing horrible crimes, the same way they think the occupying forces in Afghanistan are not capable of committing horrible crimes.

Very interesting, this should heat it up a bit, tit for tat.

[edit on 14-8-2010 by oozyism]

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

The U.S. Military will have a hard time standing all by itself in that conflict.
Need to put the pressure on the allied forces to withdraw in each allied country (by their own people).

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by oozyism

I think it is time for the US to pull back to defensible positions.

Tell the world we are done policing the world.

Finally, tell the freaks that if ANY terrorist or radical comes from their country and attacks ours, there country is a sheet of glass. Period.

How does that sound to YOU oozyism?

If it would have been me after 9/11, and I discovered that the people came from Saudi Arabia, I would have told the king he had one choice, surrender or feel the ENTIRE wrath of our arsenal.

What do YOU think about that stance?

posted on Aug, 28 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

What a great idea. And if we give these countries due warning, they can have no excuses when they are bombed back to the stone age.

And this subject was discussed on the ATS Euro live show a couple of weeks ago, when the show discussed some evidence from Poland about rendition flights and I remember Martin Bain saying he did not have a problem with his government doing what ever it takes to keep him safe.


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