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What do aliens look like? Our own history might answer the question.

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posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 01:00 PM
The extra terrestrial is something that everyone gawks over. Sci-fi films for many years have portrayed alien life forms as little green men with big heads and giant bush baby eyes. But has anyone ever thought beyond the spectrum of fictitious, distorted, hollywood visualizations? Of course! But many photos show the government holding these little green men and doing experiments on them, or pictures of "aliens" floating in a tank of murky liquid in a secret underground facility. But what are the chances these photos are phonies? The chances are unsurprisingly high. If you think about it, humans have existed for a very small span of the entire Earth's life. It shows that humanoids are not the most livable species and it can take hundreds of years for us to adapt to new climates. But what species besides microscopic bacteria have been able to survive for a large portion of the Earth? Think real hard. You don't see them around a lot, but they are everywhere. They live under you. If you haven't figured it out yet, you are an idiot, and the answer is not one species but an entire kind of animals. They are insects! Ants, roaches, spiders. These little guys have evolved and survived through the worst of the worst. I believe that the first aliens we see will be these exoskeleton scavengers. If our modern day ants could have survived for a few billion years, imagine what an ant on a different planet that has evolved for trillions of years could be like. What if these aliens have evolved to large, hulking carnivores that have advanced technology. It seems very plausible to me if you look at our own past and apply the same factors to another planet. Of course there are many different variables that go into this visualization of an extra terrestrial species, but this to me is the most logical for a planet that has had a history like our own. If you have ever read the book "Ender's Game", you get the same feeling as an advanced ant like population invades a battle torn Earth. This very well may be the future of Earth if we go looking for other alien populations that seemingly co exist along side us right at this moment.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by N1ghtCr4wl3r]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by N1ghtCr4wl3r
Hiya, I like your ideas and others have often suggested some type of insectoid aliens. Some freakish 'praying mantis' critters have been described by contactees/abductees over the years. Even the Greys have drawn comparisons to hive in wasps, ants, bees.

At the same time, your argument that insects have been around for millions of years goes counter to the idea of evolving intelligent insectoid least from an Earth perspective. Our own critters have adapted that well to their respective environments that natural selection has been minimal over the millions of years. Primitive ants are still recognisable as ants despite the 80 odd million years they've been dominating their environments. We've got great examples preserved in amber.

As devil's advocate, there's no Earthly evidence that insects would evolve into a technological, space-faring species.

All that said, I'm guilty of the same type of imagination. It's something science-fiction writers tap into and no bad thing. Maybe there are insect races out there? Who knows? Speculating about them is a good thing imo.

Edit to add: There's a fascinating case involving 'insectoid' aliens. The guy claims 'missing time' too. The 'scoop marks' on his hands look real...Abduction on the North Canol Road. See what you think.

[edit on 16-6-2010 by Kandinsky]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by N1ghtCr4wl3r

If you are thinking about large creatures with an exoskeleton, then I suppose those are less likely than other possibilities, because an exoskeleton has some drawbacks in large sizes, they are less efficient than an internal skeleton.

But I agree, there's no reason to limit the possibilities to something looking like humans do, a species has to adapt to its environment and we don't know what type of environment a hypothetical alien species would come from.

PS: just to keep things as they are, spiders are not insects, and insects are a class, not a "kind".

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 04:01 PM
you guys are still stuck in the earthly frame of mind.
ask a mathematician the chances of a few things.

- the chance of something evolving on a different planet that resembles something human, ie greys

- the chance that an alien looks like a reptile, something existing on earth millions of years ago (i mean dinosuars), again evolving on a different planet

- the chance that an alien resembles an insect, earthly, evolving on another planet


well i guess hed have to be a scientist too.

im no scientist or number cruncher, but my estimations for any of the 3 questions above. the chances are about ...

1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,


look at it this way, take life, we'll make it a seed of energy i dont know.

if you submerge that seed in water, you get fish,
if you put that seed in fire you get fire....things,
if you put that seed in a waffle planet, you get a waffle being.

now put that seed in a mixture of carbon, water, oxygen, hydrogen, this planet is what you get.

put that seed in a mixture of methane, silicon, and speghetti sauce, you think you'll get something that resembles anything on earth?


i dunno, i wish i were inebriated.


this is why i laugh when people say aliens who look like humans come from another planet.

or how the reptilians are from the draco constellation... have an easier time believing that the fountain of youth is an abandoned office toilet in Chernobyl

[edit on 16-6-2010 by]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 04:25 PM
What do Earthlings look like?

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