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BP Wasn't Prepared For Leak, CEO Says

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posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:17 PM
The more we are finding out about BP, the more angry I get, both at BP and the Obama Administration who allowed them to operate within our borders. As I have said in previous threads, I think we should ban BP from working in the US. We should not even be allowing them to call the shots in this clean up and containment effort. It is more than obvious to me that there is more they could be doing to get this disaster under control. Now, the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward , is saying that the company with an extraordinary long list of violations was not prepared for a leak of this magnitude.


How could you be drilling so deep with out a plan in case things go wrong? Is it not a given? Many people might say that it would be too hard and time consuming to prepare for every disaster that could come around the corner but I say that is complete non-sense. This is why BP was making the big bucks.

I started a previous thread about BP's extremely long list of violations (in only a few short years) which only proves that BP was not capable of the type of drilling that our government was allowing them to do. For this, we need to hold our own government accountable, right along with BP.

Anyway, without further adieu, I present the Wall Street Journal article about this glaring admission from BP PLC Chief Executive Tony Hayward:

HOUSTON—BP's chief said the company could have done more to prepare for a deepwater oil leak, as the British oil giant met with affected residents Thursday and embarked on fresh efforts to stem the vast slick now threatening the Gulf of Mexico shoreline.

BP PLC Chief Executive Tony Hayward has come under mounting pressure over the spill, caused after a drilling rig BP was leasing, the Deepwater Horizon, caught fire and sank last month. The accident killed 11 workers and raised fears of widespread ecological damage.

Mr. Hayward said he didn't think his job was on the line over the disaster but said "that, of course, might change."

Since the accident, the well BP was drilling has been spewing about 5,000 barrels of oil a day into the sea. BP is trying to install a dome over the leaking well with hopes of funneling a substantial portion of the oil onto a tanker above. An earlier attempt to do this with a larger containment dome failed. The smaller one will be moved over the leak in the next few days.

The Obama administration says BP is responsible for the spill and will bear the cost of the clean-up. Some officials and Gulf coast residents have slammed the company's response to the disaster as inadequate.

At a community meeting in Port Sulphur, La., on Thursday, representatives from BP and federal agencies heard residents' complaints, ranging from economic hardship to perceived ailments related to the spill.

"People are truly concerned. They're not eating or sleeping," said Kendra Arneson, wife of a fisherman left without work by the spill, in the meeting at a local church.

BP has been particularly vulnerable to criticism because among the large oil companies it is by far the biggest player in deepwater oil exploration. Some in the industry have said a company with such a strong focus on deepwater drilling should have had much better contingency plans for dealing with an underwater oil leak at this depth.

Mr. Hayward, speaking to a small group of journalists Wednesday night in Houston, admitted that the oil giant had not had the technology available to stop the leak. He also said in hindsight, it was "probably true" that BP should have done more to prepare for such an emergency.

"It's clear that we will find things we can do differently, capability that we could have available to deploy instantly, rather than be creating it as we go," he said.

BP has created a huge command center at its Houston offices, mobilizing 500 people from 160 firms across the oil industry. In one room, engineers operate underwater robots to perform tasks on the rig's failed shut-off valve, or blowout preventer, which stands on the seabed nearly a mile deep.

Mr. Hayward was speaking after two days of hearings in Congress in which BP, Transocean Ltd., the Swiss-based company that owned and operated the Deepwater Horizon, and Halliburton Co., which was handling the cementing of the well, blamed each other for the disaster. Mr. Hayward declined to comment on the testimony, saying it was too early to speculate on the causes of the incident.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


BP has already screwed us enough, it's time that we take over the helms on this containment operation so that we may do it right. BP has proven over and over again that they are incompetent. We can't afford to allow them to keep screwing up while our "southern sea" is being ruined before our very eyes.


posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:21 PM
BP Wasn't Prepared For Leak, CEO Says

Well no S#$% CEO.

Good post though.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Raustin]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Yeah right, BP had all the time in the world to be prepared for this....same thing happened in 1979. the same exact scenario.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:37 PM
BULL SH...uh...
They are lying AGAIN!
I posted this before..But I will repost this here..because this is just a blatant lie.
Here is one of the places I found I posted this. I know there were others...
Earlier Post

BP told feds it could handle oil spill 60 times larger than Deepwater Horizon.

In its 2009 exploration plan for the Deepwater Horizon well, BP PLC states that the company could handle a spill involving as much as 12.6 million gallons of oil per day, a number 60 times higher than its current estimate of the ongoing Gulf disaster.

In associated documents filed with the U.S. Minerals Management Service, the company says that it would be able to skim 17.6 million gallons of oil a day from the Gulf in the event of a spill.

BP didn't even have a worst case scenario in place...such as a blowout. And here is the proof:

[edit on 27-5-2010 by webpirate]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by webpirate

I don't doubt for a minute that they are lying, but maybe they were talking about the depth of the spill. Regardless, they shouldn't have been operating without a plan incase of disaster and shame on our government for allowing this company to operate in our ocean without being prepared. I'm usually one for less regulation but only in a free and decentralized market. In this case, our government allowed a company with known competance problems to operate an extremely dangerous operation.


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