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New ash cloud heading toward Europe...

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posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:19 AM
It was just announced over the radio here in Kansas City that the Ash Cloud is escalating and worse then what they had first thought .Air travel throughout Europe maybe canceled until Friday .Here are A couple Of Recent Posts

New Ash Cloud

Also they are saying at this point 40,000 Americans stranded in Britain due to the ash cloud and that the cloud will eventually reach the US ,though it will most likeley have lost alot of its power .Scientists are allready saying this one eruption has released more carbon dioxide then all of humanity in its entire history and will most likeley cause global cooling .

Americans Stranded

Also scientist at this point are fearing more eruptions and are projecting how much worse it could get .

More Eruptions

My heart goes out to all those affected by this tragedy ,and May Peace Go With You All

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 4/20/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:27 AM
Its not a tragedy,its a beautiful natural cycle.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Well true i would agree it is the cycle of life here on earth ,i speak only of thoose who are hurt by this even and stranded .

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:33 AM
Don't you find it ironic how the British demanded payments from icelandic banks when they went bankrupt when they knew they were belly up, and now Iceland is spewing ash back at them.

Nature sure has a sense of humor.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:36 AM
If there was loss of life it would certainly be a different story.Being stranded is inconvenience more than anything,iam sure we have all been stuck somewhere before,just have to sit it out.
Recent reports going on another thred say its getting worse? Bans in place till possibly friday!!!

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by LOLZebra

I have to admit that is Ironic ,I just hope the :ANGRY SISTER " does not blow its top to ,or england might will look like a coal mine .

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by essanance
Scientists are allready saying this one eruption has released more carbon dioxide then all of humanity in its entire history and will most likeley cause global cooling .

Er, what Scientists say that? I've often heard this claim about volcanos, CO2 and human output and yet, every time I look it up, Human CO2 emissions dwarf that of any volcano.

Also, why would these "scientists" you refer too (yet don't quote or link) think that if this volcano did indeed emit more CO2 than humans have in forever, why would they say it would cause global cooling? I am aware of the mechanics of how a volcano would cause global cooling, but it has sod all to do with CO2...

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by stumason

Originally posted by essanance
Scientists are allready saying this one eruption has released more carbon dioxide then all of humanity in its entire history and will most likeley cause global cooling .

Er, what Scientists say that? I've often heard this claim about volcanos, CO2 and human output and yet, every time I look it up, Human CO2 emissions dwarf that of any volcano.

Also, why would these "scientists" you refer too (yet don't quote or link) think that if this volcano did indeed emit more CO2 than humans have in forever, why would they say it would cause global cooling? I am aware of the mechanics of how a volcano would cause global cooling, but it has sod all to do with CO2...

I am listening to talk radio 710 kcmo and that is what i heard on the top of the hour news at about 10 tonight .Im sorry i cant post what i heard but i will not be called a liar ,it is what was said on the news.

Here is a post stating how eruptions can cause global cooling

Global Cooling

CO2 Levels


Since this is a global warming question, I'll assume you mean CO2. We don't know how much CO2 the Iceland eruption has emitted yet. However, we do know that the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991 (2nd largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century) emitted about 10 gigatons

More proof for you

Climate From Eruption

[edit on 20-4-2010 by essanance]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by stumason

No No No! They got it wrong. CO2 causes global WARMING - Al Gore said so and he is never wrong.

Seriously though, when the scientists spew such contradictory garbage year in, year out, is it any wonder people start to view them with distrust and derision?

They concentrate on CO2 as it's the preferred nasty substance that the entire AGW crowd have placed all their chips on, and have pushed as the single most dangerous substance of all time. They can't very well backtrack now and tell us they were wrong after all, not when they have invested so much in setting up the brokerages and are expecting their big returns on carbon credit trading.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by stumason

and why do you have to attack me ,I am simply posting what i have read and heard ,i have posted sites showing and have others agreeing with me .You seem to be the minority here ,well maybe your on the board of Al Gores Carbon Tax company and then i can see why ,to you guys nothing causes anything bad but us awfull awfull humans

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:57 AM
I'm currently in the Philippines after flying out here a day before it went bang..

I have not completed my purpose for my visit and I have to fly back on the 24th. Somethingf tells me I am going to be stranded at Dubai airport for quite a while.

I seriously hope I have a job to go back to and a place to live too as I have to pay my rent as soon as i get back.

None of that is as important as the overall implications of this volcanic event, I am just one of millions who are currently in a position that leaves you with no choice but to sit and wait it out.

As much as I would like to get home, it kinda reminds me of being snowed in during the winter, but not as snug and homely.

Wonder if I need a visa to enter Dubai itself.. ???

There's always a plus side to everything.. and if this volcano does cause global cooling then maybe we'll get some peace for a while, though I doubt carbon footprint taxes will be reduced..

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:03 AM
It was just said on the news here that they are going to try to open up atleast 3 airports in England and get as many flights out as they can before this new cloud reachs England

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:17 AM
Volcanoes spew a lot of debris and gases high up into the upper atmosphere that ends up spreading around the world with the upper winds. These particles and gases can prevent sunlight from penetrating the upper atmosphere thus resulting in a cooling as not enough of the Sun's energy is hitting the surface.

If more big volcanoes go off around the world and don't just "BURP" for a short period but erupt big time for 1-3 years.

Something big obviously triggers Ice Ages roughly every 25000 years and the 5th-6th cycle of this event appears to be really bad.

I heard on the news that the last time this volcano in Iceland erupted it blew for 18 months. Even if it only goes for a month or two. That will be devastating for the airline industry.

My personal opinion is that the airline industry in Europe crashed a loaded 747 into the volcano to set it off in order to secure a bailout from the EU as airline travel is so vital to Europe. They used the volcano to cover their misdeeds

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 07:35 AM
Last night when I was looking at the ash advisories and the Eumetsat ash images I could not see any evidence of a new ash cloud. I posted to this effect on another thread.

This morning the fact of a 'new cloud' looks even less likely as the cloud appears to be going due south from Iceland.

Take a look at the latest Ash Advisory from the Met Office and you will see there is no mention of a new cloud.

Please also visit the Eumetsat ash page and play the animation. The ash cloud is the slightly pink stuff. The brown and black is normal clouds in this instance. You are looking for an emission from a single point and this is the pink at present (it can be black sometimes)

In my opinion there is no significant new ash cloud yet

[edit on 20/4/2010 by PuterMan]

[edit on 20/4/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Click on the above link and then click on "Forecast" at the top of the page. Below the page you will see some maps, just click on them to see the predicted out come of the ash cloud.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by essanance

As I said, I know how the cause global cooling.

Also, your link about volcano CO2 actually states that is a fraction of Human CO2 emissions, which is what I called you out on. I don't doubt thats what they said on the Radio, but you parroted the information without checking it. It is, in fact, a total bare-faced lie that Volcanos emit anywhere near the amount of CO2 generated by human activity.

From your very own link:

The Pinatubo eruption was estimated to have emitted only a modest 42 megatons CO2 (Gerlach 1996), a small fraction of the total natural and anthropogenic annual emissions. M

Which completely contradicts your statement here:

However, we do know that the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991 (2nd largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century) emitted about 10 gigatons

Total annual human CO2 emissions are 28.5 Billion Tons (Gigatons, as you put it)

EDIT: Have a link :

[edit on 20/4/10 by stumason]

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