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Stop being sheep, govern without representatives.

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posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 05:23 PM
Complaining and whining about issues of concern that will never be solved has become our way of life, people make money from these unsolved issues. If you allow a hand full of Representatives to govern your country what could you expect? Your laziness towards Representatives has already cost Australian people their culture, land and future. In depended Political Parties registered and none registered, Organizations, Agencies, must join as a One to solve issues of concern if you truly Care about your Members, Country and planet not PRESTIAGE and MONEY.
The Individual Majority Vote Self-Government is for Individual citizens, to govern all aspects of their country government departments and branches. Without the services of Dictators, Politicians or Presidents, to achieve a True Democracy “Rule of the People by the Individual People.”
All government departments and their branches shall enter alphabetically within a Debate to solve Issues of Concern by Citizens and within Departments, also to structure our Government Departments efficiently and to stop Corruption that maybe within. Each Government Department will enter a Debate with Issues of Concern put forward by Citizens and the Private Sector. Local, State, Territory and National Issue of concern must reach “one-third” of the population within their boundaries to be eligible for Debate. All Debates shall have Citizens Directly involved within the Issue of Concern or have Knowledge of the Issue of Concern. Citizens within a Debate shall put forward Three (3.) Proposed Amendments to the Issue of Concern to be voted upon by the Citizens within the Boundaries of the Debate. A Majority (Two-Thirds) or more in favor of One (1.) Chosen Amendment shall become law.
This system is user friendly from the comfort of your home and will stop most corrupt that stems from representatives as well as saving a future for your children

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:01 PM

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I like this better:

Democracy has always failed that is why the American founders set up a free republic!

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 04:53 PM
I like solutions. But I don't think that's the only kind of solution that there is. We need to really change around the plutocracy we have in Washington. It's because this plutocracy that we get nothing done.

People who truly believe in small government or people who truly believe in using the government as a force for progressive big government economic reforms can't get what they want because we have forces in the government acting as an aristocracy preventing any meaningful kind of change from happening. It's just not what a Republican form of government is meant to be. A government should be somewhat responsible to its people. I mean... I'll agree that the current state of affairs in the government is pretty sad.

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