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Virginia State Issues 6,996 Traffic Tickets in Weekend Blitz

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:31 AM

"Last Saturday and Sunday state troopers were ordered to absolutely saturate Interstate 95 and Interstate 81 and to issue as many traffic tickets as humanly possible during those two days. Why? Well, it turns out that the state of Virginia has a 2.2 billion dollar budget deficit that they are trying to deal with, and so they need to find some quick sources of cash."


"driving as little as 15 miles an hour over the speed limit in Virginia can get you a reckless driving charge that can carry a fine of up to $2500.

So why the hefty fines?

Well, the law increasing the traffic fines in Virginia clearly admitted why they are so high....

"The purpose of the civil remedial fees imposed in this section is to generate revenue." (Virginia Code 46.2-206.1)"

Source: ent

The crime-for-profit racket set up in today's age is disgusting. The idea of fines and fees for crime is barbaric because it only punishes poor people while the rich are not bothered a bit. Fines or fees are only acceptable when they are going to compensate the victim. Going 10mph over the speed limit never has a victim since most speed limits are set 10mph to 20mph under what is reasonable so that the city can collect revenues from tickets. In fact, some areas have 30mph or 40mph lower speeds than what is actually safe. Its safe to go 95mph on some roads with low traffic during daylight hours yet the speed limit is sometimes posted at 55mph.

The most dangerous driving is done well below the speed limit. When it is snowing, there are cars in the ditch all over the place on many interstates because people are so stupid as to drive the speed limit on a snow-covered road. People should be pulled over for speeding only if they are truly driving recklessly.

I've never met a person in my life who lost control and crashed a vehicle because they were exceeding the speed limit by even 20mph... rather they made stupid mistakes like failing to see a stop sign. Not only are these fines and fees barbaric but they are contrived and pointless to begin with.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Virginia is a pretty safe state, in general, but it is also one of the most crazy traffic states in the union.

It's so bad in Fairfax County (just outside DC where all the government really is) that the Police do far more traffic work than anything else. They are traffic cops first and foremost.

They recently had a MASSIVE rebuild of the main courthouse, which is used as a traffic fine assembly line. This is NOT abnormal in Virginia, especially in Northern Virginia.

This is how they get their money, so they take it rather seriously.


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