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Change, the ultimate addiction

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:25 AM
The human need for change can be compared to an addiction to a drug. Like a drug people often wonder about it, and if they never try it they never know the difference. Like drugs change is becoming more acceptable and the shadows that once were over it are being lit up. Every moment its becoming easier to access. It can come in many forms and doses. If you know the right ingredients you can develop the type of change for very cheap if not free. It is everywhere but unnoticed and is hidden in spots you may never think to look. Its offered to us by others who also use it. Some are approved and some are not. They alter your perspective, some times temporary sometimes forever. Different types can give you different experiences. So much change happen to us that it will leave us overdosed. When over dosing more of a different type can either help us or we may end up "dead" (death isnt fully understood but we know if is different then life, so we are unsure if it). There will be a point in time where we will have received too much change and all we know doesn't exist anymore leavening us dead and starting something new or a with a new chance.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by hautmess]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:44 AM
You sound like Tzeentch, or maybe Obama..

“Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, and my body that crouches in the shadow. I am Tzeentch and you are the puppet that dances to my tune...”

- The Lord of Change.

The skin of tzeentch crawls with constantly changing faces, leering and mocking the onlooker.
As he speaks, these faces sometimes repeat what he says with subtle but important differences, or provide a commentary which throws doubt upon his words.
This makes it very hard to interpret what exactly Tzeentch is saying.
These lesser faces appear and disappear quite quickly, but the actual head of Tzeentch does not change.
His puckered face sits low down and has no neck, so that it is hard to distinguish his head from his chest. His curving hornes appears to spring from his shoulders rather that from his head.
The firmanent surrounding Tzeentch is heavy with brooding magic.
It weaves like liquid smoke about his head. Forming subtle and interwoven patterns. Forms of places and people appear in the smoke as Tzeentch's mind contemplates their fate.

Off topic huh, but it's all about change.. ahh well, ok.

I don't really understand what you're getting at.. from my experience people don't want change at all, people want to things to stick the way it used to be, sometimes they live through their glory days all in their head for years..
Or.. are you talking about drugs?

[edit on 23-2-2010 by TheLaughingGod]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:53 AM
The Emporer's Will shall not let the vile forces of Chaos trample this thread!

Hammer ftw! ...

On topic: Yes, my initial reaction to your OP was the same as first poster, most humans are not addicted to change they are basically the opposite of it, most people resist change. People become entrenched in their ways, habits form, life becomes almost auto-pilot; and for the most part people enjoy this, when they get "thrown out of their routine" they are confused and angry. Most people do not embrace change.

I try as much as I can to embrace change, after all it is the one constant of this universe; there is always change. The way you shape change will affect the way change shapes you, it is an ever-occurring cycle and there's really not much to stop it.


P.S. For the Greater Good, Mont'ka!


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