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Maitreya/Antichrist = Bahai?

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posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:28 PM
The Bahai religion advocates a world government and is a "composite religion" - that is, it's a mix of a bunch of different religions, so it is easy to cross over to.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:43 PM
Bahai is a strange faith... It is an offshoot of Islam, and they claim that the Quran is an unaltered text, and the Baab claimed to be prophesied in previous Christian texts as well.

But then they also go against the Quran entirely where it says that Muhammad will be the FINAL PROPHET. A prophet (nabi) is defined in the Quran as one who recieves scripture. The Baab and Baha'u'llah dissobey this by also claiming to have been given scripture. That really doesn't make sense. They both claim to be manifestations of God, but then instead of giving all glory to God themselves, they give themselves lofty titles, and even claim that they will have power of intercession before judgment.

Furthermore, the Quran states that there are ONLY 12 MONTHS IN A YEAR, yet the Bahai'is completely disregard this tenant and claim that there are 19 months in a year. Furthermore the Quran says that messengers are only given in their native language. The Baab and Baha'u'llah both were not native speakers of Arabic, and their first writings in Arabic had bad grammar. This fact is covered up by Bahai's.

Before the Baab was killed, he said that nobody could falsely claim to be the next manifestation of God. This was abused because very soon after the Baab was died, many of his followers immediately claimed to be the next Manifestation. The Baha'u'llah was finally accepted after a long war between them.

Personally I believe that the Bahai'i faith was inspired by Satan. There is a numerical code in the Quran based on the number 19 which wasn't figured out by humans until computers were invented. However, like I said previously, the Baha'u'llah commanded his people to recognize 19 months, and he also appointed 19 deceiples. I believe that Satan was smart enough to recognize the 19 based numerical code in the Quran long before computers were invented, and was able to put that number into a false religion... Because now most Muslims (and others) equate the number 19 to Bahai's, and don't want to accept the fact that there is a code in the Quran, which would lead them to study it harder and foresake the lies attributed to Prophet Muhammad known as "hadith".

Combine that with the fact that it advocates a satanic one world government, I definitely think it was inspired by the devil.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I have studied the Baha'i faith for 32 years, beginning with an undergraduate course in Living Religion of the East, and then historical works and the body of writings of the Baha'i faith. I was not able to recognize a single comment in your posting that jibes with what I have studied and learned abut the Baha'i faith. For example it is not a 'composite religion'. It has its own very extensive body of literature and teachings. It does recognize and validate the Founders of the great religions that came before it. Also, the Bab made it clear that His mission was to prepare the way for another Messenger who would follow. There was no strife between these two Personages.

With Muhammad the Prophetic circle (Adamic) culminates, I think this is one meaning of “Seal of Prophets”. A poster on a different cite noted:

"There are two words in arabic: "Nabi" نبی which means prophet, and "Rasul" which means messenger رسول. The Prophet has no Book (holy book, scripture or new rules) and no followers (as the prophets in Jewish history), But a messenger, like Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, have brought a new book, new rules, and they have new followers or believers.
The "Seal of the Prophets" in surih 33, verse 39 in the Quran, talk about prophets and not messengers. The station of a messenger is higher than that of a prophet, by this I mean that a messenger at the same time is also a prophet."

The Baha'i faith is not an offshoot of Islam, anymore than Christianity could be called an offshoot of Judaism. THey are independent faiths. Baha'is believe the Bab, and Baha'u'llah who was a descendent of Mohammed, were Messengers. They brought new teachings and a new calendar. Some have identified them as the "twin stars" mentioned in the Bible. As to the quality of their Arabic writing, Baha'u'llah was the son of a Persian nobleman. His name is Arabic, and He was reknowned for His literacy and poetic writing. I quote:

"Bahá'u'lláh composed another poem in the mountains of Sulaymaniyyih in Iraqi Kurdistan (some time between 1854 and 1856), "The Dove Ode" (Qasídiy-i 'izz-i varqá'iyyih), this one in Arabic (though with a Persian title) and expressly modelled on the famous "Magnificent Ode rhyming in the letter T" (tâ'iyyat al-kubrâ) by Ibn al-Fârid (1181-1235). Provisional translations of both of these poems of Bahá'u'lláh have been published by Stephen Lambden and Juan Cole, respectively.[2]
The rhetorical conventions of expository literature in Persian and Arabic call for authors to quote lines of verse, usually from a famous poet, as a means to close an argument with a flourish, point a moral, or adduce a respected authority for the view expressed. Following this tradition, particularly in his early works, Bahá'u'lláh[1] quotes from many poets, including Sanâ'i, 'Attâr, Hâfez, and especially Rumi."

Bahá’u’lláh’s ‘Mathnavíy-i Mubárak’
introduction and
provisional verse translation
Franklin Lewis

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