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Pentagon Report Calls for Office of ‘Strategic Deception’

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Pentagon Report Calls for Office of ‘Strategic Deception'

*MODS* I didn't know if this belonged in the general conspiracy forum, or political madness, so i flipped a coin, and it landed in here. Please move/remove at your hearts content.

The Defense Department needs to get better at lying and fooling people about its intentions. That’s the conclusion from an influential Pentagon panel, the Defense Science Board (DSB), which recommends that the military and intelligence communities join in a new agency devoted to “strategic surprise/deception.” Tricking battlefield opponents has been a part of war since guys started beating each other with bones and sticks. But these days, such moves are harder to pull off, the DSB notes in a January report (.pdf) first unearthed by

“In an era of ubiquitous information access, anonymous leaks and public demands for transparency, deception operations are extraordinarily difficult. Nevertheless, successful strategic deception has in the past provided the United States with significant advantages that translated into operational and tactical success. Successful deception also minimizes U.S. vulnerabilities, while simultaneously setting conditions to surprise adversaries.”

What are your thoughts on this one guys?

First Sunstien with cognitively infiltrating conspiracy groups, attacking gun rights, and now the defense department is trying to do a better job at lying.

Doing that will not only requires an “understanding the enemy culture, standing beliefs, and intelligence-gathering process and decision cycle, as well as the soundness of its operational and tactical doctrine,” the DSB adds. Deception is also “reliant … on the close control of information, running agents (and double-agents) and creating stories that adversaries will readily believe.”

What do you guys think of this article?

disinformation campaign in the works, in the likes we have never seen? I hope not, but i wouldn't be surprised with whats been coming out in the past few weeks.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:50 PM


The purpose of battlefield deception is to mislead or confuse the enemy decisionmaker by distorting, concealing, or falsifying indicators of friendly intentions, capabilities, or dispositions.

The Objective

The objective of battlefield deception is to induce enemy decisionmakers to take operational or tactical actions which are favorable to, and exploitable by, friendly combat operations.

The Risk

The risk, if we don't successfully conduct battlefield deception operations, is that we permit the enemy to see the battlefield clearly, thereby allowing him to gain and retain the initiative. OPSEC alone won't adversely influence enemy capabilities to perceive friendly mission intent or dispositions. He will either commit more assets to gather information or will become dangerously unpredictable.

Battlefield Deception Operations

Honestly, this is more fear spinning. It's nothing more than a strategic level of Battlefield Deception.
You people really don't cease to amaze me with your ignorance of warfare and how things work in the real world.

This thing doesn't have anything to do with cover ups against the population or pressing of propaganda, we've already got the MSM which does more than enough of that stuff on a daily basis.
Another item is the fact that it would not be aimed at the American population, it would be used for future invasions and conflicts overseas.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

Surely we should be suspicious of such intentions, should we not? I do think it would be wise to weed this out rather than dismiss this entirely, would it not?


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