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Inside the mind of a conspiracy theorist

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:21 PM
When I think of how many people there are that follow conspiracy theories I can’t help but wonder if we all think the same.
If so why do we think the things we do and if not to what extent does our thinking differ.
If we monitor for a moment the level of acceptance in each of us that exists when we are asked to believe something as truth, I think we can clearly see that we all have differing levels of acceptance in us.
Some of us accept immediately with blind faith and without question, some consider then either accept or do not accept and others are totally dismissive
Now we may not continually adopt any of these 3 characteristics of thinking but we certainly exhibit one or more during our lifetimes.
I guess the point I am trying to make is that I believe conspiracy theorism* is a mentality each of us adopt when we venture into the world of conspiracies and that depending on our level of acceptance it determines how much we are effected or controlled by that given way of thinking.
Some of us chose to wear this mentality when we have time to sit and read and learn about conspiracies some of use the mentality when we are questioning events we experience others live inside that mentality day in day out.
My concern is that this way of thinking is growing and more and more people are starting to question the whole conspiracy theory issue.
Many still think we are nuts and rightly so but there are those of us that do look at the subject logically and intelligently and are able to analyse and relay information effectively.

My point is no matter how effective you are or how intelligent or creative you are, subjecting yourself to the mind frame of a conspiracy theorist, overwhelms the senses.
I strongly believe that the subject itself can do the most transformation in human thinking and development more than any other subject even religion.
The only thing about this way of thinking is that it is still undetermined as to whether or not it is a good thing or a bad thing. Does it enhance your life or damage it.
Fair to say it is a very small percentage of us that put our money where our mouths are. It is easy to sit on a computer and put your thoughts out there it is another thing all together to actively fight for your and others rights.
Does thinking like a conspiracy theorist necessarily make you a better humanitarian or does it simply make you more paranoid, dejected, reclusive, antisocial and lonely.
My question to myself is should I continue to think like a conspiracy theorist or should i put away this way of life of thinking and of living and adopt a more positive, loving, open way of thinking.
Should I stop worrying about the illuminati, 2012, the end of the world, nuclear destruction, new viruses, war, famine, stock crashes and so on and adopt a more spiritual way of life , meditation, breathing, balance etc etc
What purpose does it serve my life other than fuel my need to satisfy my curiosity and in the process potentially making me lose my mind.
What difference does it make to me whether I think one way or the other. Does it manifest as part of my individuality into the consciousness of us all or does it form part of a collective way of thinking. Is there a consciousness that is bigger than an individual one. Perhaps a group or world conscious does exist.
The more we move forward into the future the more we are going to change and in much quicker ways.
Are we being controlled by some kind of Mkultra tactic to all think along the same lines. Why does conditioning exists and why are we now becoming aware of it. What are the powers that be hoping to gain by having a section of conspiracy theorists to control. Do we help them achieve their goals. Are we puppets that are manipulated by the information we are made to digest. What is it that i am waiting for, what fuels my curiosity and am i tired this way of living and thinking and simply want a change. Should i continue to believe or just leave it well alone.
What do you guys think are you happy with the balance you have with normal life and the conspiracy mentality or do you feel it invades your whole life and focuses your attention on major world events.
Have we as conspiracy theorists been sucked in to a way of thinking that now grips us and installs fear in us. Are the powers that be playing alchemist and trying to produce an evolved human or do they just want total anarchy and control.
What the F*** is going on!! People!!!!


posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:50 PM
Please don't use the word Anarchy for chaos, it really bothers me when people do that, but nice thread. I think all conspiracy theorists have a way at looking at things differently than other people and finding the small things of the big picture. Most conspiracy theorists are anti authoritarian.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Are the powers that be playing alchemist and trying to produce an evolved human or do they just want total anarchy and control.

No way are they trying to produce an evolved human. There are many ways to evolve humanity but their practices are not one of them.

I've seen many theories of this, including the one about them trying to instill a culture of fear into the populace before the next consciousness shift that's supposed to come around 2012 or so and that level of consciousness will manifest itself for the next thousand years. Obviously in this, they say terrorists are everywhere and that the swine flu is a real danger, or insert 'X' fear propaganda crap of the day here. Nothing beats an imaginary enemy.

While I am not saying 'don't believe in Planet X' or something, what's wrong is saying that Planet X will wipe us all out, when it probably won't if we're prepared, etc...

IMO I think it's just an insane theory that the PTB have, and they do have an religion where symbolism and other forms of magical tricks is everything because they think it will give greater powers to their practices, as much garbage as I think it really is.

My money is on them doing this crap just so they can make lots of money and try to gradually introduce a form of government where they pretty much control everything in people's lives, and if they fail in doing that, go into their underground bunkers and start flinging nukes all over the place to lower the world population to 500 million people as per the Georgia Guidestone's directions.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 04:03 PM

My question to myself is should I continue to think like a conspiracy theorist or should i put away this way of life of thinking and of living and adopt a more positive, loving, open way of thinking.

I'm afraid this is the open way of thinking.

I liken it to being raised in a basement and never getting to leave the house and then all of a sudden you are told that there is a world outside. Sure it blows your mind but you are now entering the real world not a false sheltered environment.

At least this is the case for 9/11, the jfk assassination and other obvious cover ups(to me at least).

I believe in UFO's i guess and hard to believe there are no aliens with the universe being so vast.

The real sickos in this world are the power hungry elite that practice eugenics on the human population.

Just use your discernment don't take anyone's word for it research yourself and come up with your own conclusions. Cross reference what you have found and compare it with others and find common ground and when an overwhelming amount of people share this common ground you have something to go on.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Reply to post by spirit777child

Very well thought out post. I look at the dividing influence it has. Every thread in this forum has people disagreeing with each other. Agreeing something is wrong then go on to argue about specifics. If 'they' are trying to get us to think along the same lines they have failed. There are too many of us with our own ideas of right and wrong to be able to agree on anything as a whole.

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
Please don't use the word Anarchy for chaos, it really bothers me when people do that, but nice thread. I think all conspiracy theorists have a way at looking at things differently than other people and finding the small things of the big picture. Most conspiracy theorists are anti authoritarian.

fair point, i had to look at the definition of anarchy and it isnt really fitting in my last point. so thanks for the correction.


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