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Besides you'll always have the ingredients ready to go for hotdish... yum!

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:54 PM
The Hoarders are Helping!

I just had an epiphany... the hoarders will help us dig our way out of the foreshadowed economic apocalypse.

All the "buy gold" commercials and fear mongering that the next revolution is imminent will kick the hoarders in gear and, *poof*, no more recession.

Get the people scared and they will use their extra pennies to buy stuff to hoard for possible pending SHTF situation -i.e. H1N1.

It's brilliant. So I say keep hoarding -it sure won't hurt anyone; in fact, it will help us all. It's always a good idea to be prepared for sit. x, anyway, right?

Besides you'll always have the ingredients ready to go for hotdish... yum!

[edit on 12-8-2009 by anyone]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:41 AM
if you buy what you normally eat anyway you are not wasting anything.
Well your somewhat right...however the 401's that tanked will take a long time to rebuild to there original state if this recovers...I think it might not and you should be as prepaired for the worst as you can.Do not go crazy and charge up cards but get what you need for atleast 3-4 months worth of food, water and other daily use items.

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