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Tempers flare in South Florida over healthcare overhaul

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posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:04 PM
You corporatist supporters posing as "freedom fighters" will be glad to hear that Obama has caved as predicted to the interests of Big Pharma. In exchange for "no price negotiations" big pharma will pay 80 billion over 10 years voluntarily.

As I have mentioned on other similar threads I don't think you have anything to fear from Obama he is in the pocket of the corporations and will not limit your "freedom" to screw yourselves out of your own money.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to even discuss single payer. Even though a slim majority support "single payer" according to polls.

Government negotiation of drug prices? Bigger Medicare rebates? No longer in the cards. In a major coup for PhRMA, the White House publicly promised drugmakers that they would stand behind that $80 billion cost-savings deal with Sen. Max Baucus. That means the administration will help block Congressional efforts to wring additional cuts from the pharma industry.

Read more:

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:05 PM
I absolutely loved the clip O'Rilley showed last night of the man at a town hall saying he was a registered Democrat who voted for Obama when the speaker (who wasn't shown) tried to shut him up calling him a right winger. My favorite part of the clip was when the man said "I just want to know why the President is trying to rush a huge $1 Trillion dollar bill through Congress in 3 weeks total time, yet took over 6 months to select a dog for his children." That was, without a doubt, a fantastic question and whether he was a "plant" or not doesn't matter. The question has a tremendous amount of merit and deserves an answer.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
Unfortunately we are not allowed to even discuss single payer. Even though a slim majority support "single payer" according to polls.

Actually, Leo, you're allowed to discuss single payer to your heart's content, just like Obama endorsed several years ago and stated as his ultimate goal. If there's anybody who's restricting the abillity of people to discuss the single payer plan, it is the folks pushing this health care bill in the first place. They have stiffled the talk of a single payer goal because the fire surrounding it licked Obama's boot just a little too closely and they have gone into obfuscate mode.

You fail to realize that we're not against providing health care to Americans in need. We're against raising the national deficit by, at the very least, a trillion dollars and likely much more. To try and paint those of us against this theft of taxpayer dollars as being in corporate America's pockets or against medical care for those in need or anti-people is every bit as dumb and disingenuous as the liberals trying to paint anybody pushing for deportation of illegals as being flatly "anti-immigration" legal or otherwise.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Government, at least our government has proved again and again, and time after time that it never, ever, seeks to limit it's own power or give back powers it has usurped. It does though always look to expand it's powers.

Once you let the Government in to a sector, you are never going to get the government back out of that sector.

Once government establishes some authority over a sector, it continues to always broaden it's authority over that sector and when it comes to when Government meets Private Business it's always to disastorous consequence.

Much of the housing bubble is because of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac and legislation passed by the government encouraging risky lending.

Today the government runs those operations outright and has ownership in Industry and Banks as a result of your not so small Government that manages to make huge problems to create an even huger and more expensive and controlling role for itself.

Do you really want the morons who can't figure out how to wisely underwrite a home loan managing your health care too?

I sure don't.

Maybe what the government really ought to be doing is providing educational and income opportunities to and for Americans so they could afford their own Health Care as they see fit...which duh...happens to be what a capitalist free market society is supposed to be all about.

Lets stop throwing the baby out with the bath water please!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:21 PM
These people are such "obvious plants" designed to take down the AARP from the inside.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by jam321

Could be very true. But just because the majority want government-run insurance doesn't mean they are satisfied with what is being offered.

This is a very good point, and I agree with you 100%.

I am one of the ones who is in favor of government-run insurance, yet I am completely unsatisfied with what Obama has put on the table.

He is simply catering to the insurance companies, and selling out the American people for what is likely going to be a big payoff for him and the other democrats who vote on this bill. The insurance companies are looking forward to an enormous payday when this bill passes, when in reality these criminal corporations should be shut down entirely.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Kords21

You can't tell that they are plants? I can they are just saying that stuff because they were payed by special interest.

This stuff makes me sick, the libs can dish it, but can't take it. I find it appalling that they won't even let these people speak. When these people are speaking it is because they are angry, we have listened to them talk for years, and now it is our turn to talk and they don't want to listen.

So instead they get mad and pick up their toys and go home like a bunch of little kids.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The government deregulated Wall St. based on the advice and encouragement of Alan Greenspan & Co at the Fed (a private for profit - non governmental organization of banksters).

Then when the free market failed to regulate itself as promised the American taxpayer was handed the bill for the party. Privatized profit, socialized losses. Now that is a no lose proposition for the corporations and banks! Socialism for the rich! They need it I know... poor billionaires and millionaires it's hard to see them suffer!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Once again though how did the Banksters get government handouts?

Why from a Congress that said there is no time to read or debate the Bill because it's just too important.

Same thing now with Health Care, no time to read or debate the Bill it's too important!

Masterpieces take time and collabrotive effort.

The Administration seems to not want to take the time to create responsible legislation or wants collaboration with it.

That works out to socialism for everyone, especially when the tax payers get stuck with the tab, and are denied a voice in the process.

The country does not need another rushed trillion dollar bill of any kind especially something as important as health care.

Common sense might be uncommon these days but it still happens to make sense!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Once again though how did the Banksters get government handouts?

Because the corporations own the government, it's simple to see really. The healthcare industry alone has something like 3 lobbyists for every single Congressperson and Senator in government!

Once leaving government Dick Armey became the head of the lobbying group directing these town hall protests. This is SOP for the government/corporate state that currently exists. Who pays for the campaigns that need to raise millions of dollars to simply qualify as a mainstream candidate.

This linkage of multi national corporations and government can be described as the definition of fascism, oligarchy, kleptocracy etc.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

And you are for a single pay system set up by these same people that you are now speaking out against?

The fact we the people vote these people in every 2, 4, and 6 years it is up to us to change it.

Anyway you want to cut it congress is the enablers of these corporations receiving the money. I don't care what you want to think, the reality is governments will always be corrupt.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:28 PM

So here you have a situation where a citizen is really actually trying to read and familiarize herself with the Bill and has decided they have some real and pertinent questions.

C'mon now PPT citizen??? Of Roma??? Star, and flag for bringing another little bit of light to the situation. IMO a lot more of these protest's are concerning overall govt. rather than just health care. I think the MSM is trying to lump it all into the healthcare bracket; so as to control the masses, and their disproval.

star, and flag.
Just a little longer, just wait a little longer, and Rome will be gone.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones

So here you have a situation where a citizen is really actually trying to read and familiarize herself with the Bill and has decided they have some real and pertinent questions.

C'mon now PPT citizen??? Of Roma??? Star, and flag for bringing another little bit of light to the situation. IMO a lot more of these protest's are concerning overall govt. rather than just health care. I think the MSM is trying to lump it all into the healthcare bracket; so as to control the masses, and their disproval.

star, and flag.
Just a little longer, just wait a little longer, and Rome will be gone.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

The sad thing is friend if the government and the media had it's way we would never know what the protests are about.

They would prefer we just take the goverment and media's word for what they are about.

It has gotten almost as bad as little children bickering where what you actually have to say no longer matters, what matters rather instead is what your opponent then insists you meant to say and what your agenda really is based on what would make your opponent look good by comparisson.

It seems like everyone is anxious to talk and no one is anxious to listen!

The glories of Rome you see are endless, at least the bread and circuses!

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