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Why Hate the British Royals?

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posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: subtopia
That whole "Divine right" thing comes, as I understand it, from the Joan of Arc legend....are you Seriously adopting the FRENCH motiff ? Yeesh..

Yeah, us Americans had our faults...but after a while even a die hard Rebel like me says enough is enough. Just give em enough rope and even a Yankee'll hang himself ... no need to stir it up.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 05:12 AM
Perhaps if the Kaiser had not abdicated, Hitler would not have gained power, we will never know, same with the Romanov's, perhaps if the Czar had better advisers, and the Czar was better informed, Europe to-day would be vastly different, or perhaps not, no way of knowing, just seems to me that monarchist nations just seem to do a little better than so called democracies.
As for 'those royals' just what sort of non-entity would they be replaced with? Cameron? who sets his sails according to which way the wind is blowing?

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