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Democrats Bury ‘Community Transformation’ Plans in Health Care Bill

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posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:05 AM
Here we go again folks. Classic back door legislation at its finest. Bury and spend just like the Stimulus Bill. This is ripe and what % of the $1 trillion will go to this?

Senate Democrats inserted a wide-ranging provision for “Community Transformation Plans” in their half-completed health care bill, outlining the proposal on page 382 of the now-615 page bill, major sections of which have yet to be written. Some Republicans have criticized the provision as a means to funnel money to liberal activist groups under the canopy of “community organizations,” whereby they will use the funds to promote big government health care but also monitor people’s eating and exercise regimens in the name of “healthy lifestyles.”

In the bill, the Affordable Health Choices Act, community transformation plans would be carried out using federal money and be overseen by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC would distribute the money as well as coordinate the various state, local, and “community” entities responsible for carrying out the plans.

Whichever type of group receives the funding, it must submit to the CDC director a plan for community transformation. As it states: “An eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the [CDC] Director (for approval) a detailed plan that includes the policy, environmental, programmatic, and infrastructure changes needed to promote healthy living and reduce disparities.”(p. 383)

More red tape. This should be in its own Bill so it can be scrutinized. Many of these "activities" are already in place in our schools and are already paid for with our local taxes. Ever take a Health or Phys. Ed. class? The schools can't do everything.

The transformation plans must include “activities” for all ages, beginning in public schools, which focus on eating healthy food, adequate amounts of physical activity, the “promotion” of healthy lifestyles or “any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee.”

More govt. involvement in private enterprise.

The transformation plans must also take action to promote certain “healthy options” at privately owned restaurants as well as “prioritizing strategies” to “reduce racial and ethnic disparities,” although the bill does not explain how racial and ethnic disparities figure in to community transformation.

Naturally, there is no mention yet again about how much this will cost!!!

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:52 AM

This has got to stop. They keep reaching and reaching and reaching.

I have a feeling that this will be an added cost on top of the trillion+ dollars that the health care bill will already cost. The health care bill is only a 6th of the way done, which means that the estimated cost of a trillion dollars is only for a 6th of the bill.


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