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A Guide to the Bohemian Grove

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:59 AM

Source: Vanity Fair - Julian Sancton: A Guide to the Bohemian Grove

What really goes on inside the secluded Bohemian Grove, the site of the ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club’s yearly bacchanalia among the California redwoods? Related: “Bohemian Tragedy,” by Alex Shoumatoff.

Conspiracy theorists believe the Bohemian Grove’s idyllic grounds, in northern California, are host to right-wing, old-boy machinations about the New World Order.

Honorary member Richard Nixon, meanwhile, called it “the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.” For V.F. contributing editor Alex Shoumatoff, who was arrested for trespassing at last year’s encampment while investigating the club’s forestry practices, the most suspicious activity that takes place in the grove is the alleged logging of old-growth redwood trees.

But common to all reports from the two-week-long gathering of the country’s rich and powerful old guard—members have included every Republican president since Coolidge [...]

We present to you a guide to the Bohemian Grove, including a map of the premises, highlights of the events, and a list of prominent members and regular guests, from the club’s founding, in 1872, to today.

The last Bohemian Grove encampment took place in July 2008. Here’s an abridged schedule of events from the club’s program. Who knew the Grovers were so soulful?!

[Click to Enlarge]

Situated 75 miles north of San Francisco, the Bohemian Grove covers 2,700 acres of magnificent Douglas firs and redwoods, some over 1,000 years old. As of 2007, there were 118 camps, distributed around the site’s central feature: a man-made lake, watched over by a towering Owl Shrine, where the infamous “Cremation of Care” ceremony is held at the beginning of each encampment. Survey the idyllic grounds with our map.

The Bohemian Grove is 1 of many places, where tyrants in government & other infamous criminal-organizations come together to have sex with homosexuals, plot against the general-population, torture children, and kill young victims (as a sacrifice & for their amusement).

Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove

Google Video Link

WHAT IS BOHEMIAN GROVE? SEE THE TRUTH AS DOCUMENTED IN ALEX'S FILM, DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California.

Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" Include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia." Now, for the First Time in History, an Outsider Has Infiltrated Bohemian Grove with a Hidden Digital Video Camera and Caught the Ritual on Tape. That Man is Alex Jones, the Exclusive Digital Video is Just Part of His Shocking New Documentary: DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE

Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove: Special Feature(s)

Google Video Link

In this special bonus video feature, Alex discusses the reaction to his July 2000 infiltration of Bohemian Grove and how the media tried to discredit Alex's presentation of the evidence. Also, the delusion of liberal hippy socialists who 'protested' the grove by having their own pagan ritual is exposed.

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

Nixon mentions witnessing homosexual activity while attending bohemian grove.

David Icke spoke with Arizona Wilder about her experiences with the occultists, who have been seen (quite often) participating in cannibalism, devil-worship, and other deplorable activities at places like Bohemian Grove, on a monthly basis:

David Icke Revelations Of A Mother Goddess

Google Video Link

Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was mind-programmed from birth, to become one of the three most important female conductors of Satanic rituals on the planet. Her programmer was Josef Mengele, the notorious, "Angel of Death" in the Nazi concentration camps and when he died in the late 1980 s her programming began to break down.

In this video interview with David Icke, she describes human sacrifice rituals at Glamis Castle and Balmoral, in which the Queen, the Queen Mother and other members of the Royal Family sacrificed children in Satanic ceremonies. She talks of the same experiences with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton, members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of the most famous names in the United States and the United Kingdom. Your view of the world will never be the same when you hear the revelations of Arizona Wilder and their relevance to your daily life. This video is a companion to 'The Biggest Secret,' the sensational book by David Icke.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by News And History]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:26 AM
Focus, man, FOCUS!!!

Originally posted by News And History
The Bohemian Grove is 1 of many places, where tyrants in government & other infamous criminal-organizations come together to have sex with homosexuals, plot against the general-population, torture children, and kill young victims (as a sacrifice & for their amusement).
Nowhere in the quoted section of the VF article you've provided did I see anything about torture or killing. Where's your source for that?

David Icke spoke with Arizona Wilder about her experiences with the occultists, who have been seen (quite often) participating in cannibalism, devil-worship, and other deplorable activities at places like Bohemian Grove, on a monthly basis:
So you've got someone saying something bad happens at places LIKE Bohemian Grove, but she can't actually go on record saying it's happening AT the Bohemian Grove???


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