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Loss Memory from my past with a strange twist...

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posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:18 PM
When I was about 14 y/o, my father was stationed on an air base in japan. There were 8 kids in the family with me being next to the older. To this day I can not recollect the younger 5 kids ever being there. I remember my older brother and my brother under me but I just simply can not remember the other 5 brothers and sisters as if they never existed ever being in japan.

I remember the layout of the house at the time which consisted of a small room that my older brother claimed for his own, and me and my younger brother shared another room. the other room was for our parents. then you had the living room and kitchen. where did the other younger 5 kids slept. to this day I have no idea. after spending 3 years in japan, I would at lease would remember something, not a clue!!!.

I was wandering if anyone else had this to happen to them.

I stated that this had a strange twist to it and yes it did. One day I went to my bedroom because of boredom, I took out of my desk drawer a large piece of paper and using a no.2 pencil began to draw what I perceived was a face with big insect eyes and mandible something similar to a praying mantas but with human features.

Here's the kicker, a week later, I had went to my brother's room to talk about a job we both landed at the local commissary bagging grocery for tips. even at 14 y/o this was my first job and I didn't want to screw this up for being late. During this time I also asked my older brother if he had some drawing paper because I had used up all my paper drawing that stupid face. He started to shuffle some paperwork around on his desk. suddenly out comes this face of this Insect. I turned around and went to get my drawing and we compared pictures, with a few miner exceptions it was a perfect match.

We kept these drawings to ourselves and didn't mentioned it to mom and dad. this all happened in 1968.

I'm beginning to think if there was a connection between my total lapsed memory of my 5 younger brothers and sisters and these faces my brother and I were drawing. As you can see from my typing that I go into detail of what happened, but I can not recall a single thing about the other 5 kids in the family.

Just to let everyone also know that my younger brothers and sister 'do' recollect being in japan.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Strange ! I would suggest discus it with family member mom dad and other will help you .

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by avisharma
Strange ! I would suggest discus it with family member mom dad and other will help you .

Every now and then the subject comes up that happened in japan, being modest, I let them tell something that they recollect, they would sometime say 'do you remember when......', I simply reply 'no I don't'.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by tiso_us

Maybe those 5 younger brothers and sister were not there. Maybe you really don't have 5 younger brothers and sisters.

Maybe that preying mantis alien dude and his crew just set them up with your family and scrambled up your brains so you don't realize it.

If your dad has no idea what's going on (maybe he's got some hunnies on a space ship?), then I say test to see if you're really related those 5 younger brothers and sisters. I mean, they could be from "someplace else".

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 04:52 PM
When do you have memories of your brothers and sisters being there?

Are there family photo albums that have pictures of all your siblings from Japan?

Have you talked with your brother about the "bug" creature?

On a side note....I have very few memories of my childhood. It really bothers me if I think about it.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Fascinating story ---- what does your oldest brother remember about the time in Japan and the rooms in the house..? Are there photos of this time? Do you have any similar memories - maybe slightly different but with the same elements?

I love the idea that you both drew similar pictures... there could be 2 seperate stories here.. or 2 parts of the same story with the drawings as a clue.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 06:03 PM
MegaCurious - I would not believe you would have the Audacity to call someone a Liar. What happened, happened. If you believe me fine!!!!. I have never told anyone this event before, but of course my brother knew this event happened.


When do you have memories of your brothers and sisters being there?

I have none, nada. not even a thought of them going to school, nothing.

Are there family photo albums that have pictures of all your siblings from Japan?

None that I can think of, if there were some it must have perished in the fire we had in 1975. but trying to remember, none.

Have you talked with your brother about the "bug" creature?

Yes he still remembers, but jokes it off from time to time.


what does your oldest brother remember about the time in Japan and the rooms in the house..? Are there photos of this time? Do you have any similar memories - maybe slightly different but with the same elements?

As far as does my brother remembers the house I would say yes. I will ask him if he remembers the youngest 5 kids at that time. perhaps its just me losing memory.

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