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have woken up with a paralyzed feeling

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posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:54 PM
well, It has happened to me occasionally when I was younger ( I'm only 16 now). I would wake up and my whole body was paralyzed, but I could open my eyes. I couldn't look around I usually end up falling back asleep frightened even though I try to move so desperately.

I remember one time when I used all of my strength to try and break the paralysis and it worked. I could move my arms and I appeared to have escaped? From that point on, I haven't experienced being paralyzed in the middle of the night.

I've always felt fascinated by the unknown and I felt like I was being watched by something when I was paralyzed.

Has any ever experienced anything like this?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:59 PM

I cant believe you didnt do a search its been discussed ad-nauseum here..

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:07 PM
well, I feel stupid...I guess I am just too much of a believer that I just jumped to conclusions

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:17 PM


posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:44 PM
I get paralyzed more and more frequently as I age. My first time was probably in my late teens/early 20's. I'm pretty sure I traded sleepwalking for sleep paralysis through heavy cannabis/psylocin use. I'd say its a decent trade because most people don't get a chance to do one, let alone two of those bizarre activities.

I'm a huge fighter when I'm paralyzed. I know its awesome once you let go and float down the hole but I usually get too scared. A good way to get out of it is microshakes (little shakes everywhere). If you have a wife/bedmate then you can try to mumble for help.

If you can learn to control the paralysis then you can usually just lay in bed in a tingly warm ecstatic bliss alternating from wake to sleep and a mix in between.


posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 11:57 PM
It is called sleep paralysis. I first got paralyzed when I was about 18 years old, and next one didn't come till I was 22 or 23. During my 24th year I got paralysed at least 20 times, which forced me to search online for answers. And answers I found.

Most who suffer from this "disease" say that if you think about it at evening, you will likely get it. However if you do not think about it, it becomes a rare occurence. This is always the case.

Now, this disease also includes some symptoms, such as seeing hallucinations while in paralysis. You don't know how many demons, aliens and the stuff I have faced during my paralyses and it is frightening as hell. I know those visions are not true but I cannot escape my fear during such an event. I'm lucky to be a skeptic in nature, otherwise I would believe in just about everything paranormal because of this disease. After all, I have seen all to be true with my own eyes.

Check that wikipedia article about sleep paralysis. This is also a disease with no cure whatsoever, you will have to learn to live with it. Doctors also don't know about this, which is why there are support groups in several countries if it gets too hard for you to handle. If you tell to a doctor, you will propably get sent to a shrink, who may think you are crazy or who may actually know what sleep paralysis is.

Good luck, and remember not to think about it at evening. It really helps and it is that simple.

The problem is that if you believe in the stuff that you see, you cannot help but to think about it, which leads to you experiencing it more often.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by greendragonslim

Yeah, I had my own experiences with sleep paralysis last year. Never experienced it as a child, but it happened about three times in a one month period last year. I remember waking up for the most part and being pretty much paralyzed. I think I was still about half asleep, though, because I was able to look around my room and everything had a sort of ethereal quality to it. I remember feeling like there was something there, but I couldn't see anything. I tried to move but it was like swimming through molasses. At first, nothing would move. I tried to scream for help, but my voice was barely a whisper. Still, while I was terrified, a part of my brain was rationalizing it and realized I was experiencing sleep paralysis. I continued to try to move and eventually I was able to begin moving more and more. Finally I broke free and was fully awake.

It was a terrifying experience, but I'm kind of glad I had it. Now I know what it's like first hand and can see how some people could mistake sleep paralysis as alien abduction or some variety of ghost attack. (Note, I do believe in ghosts personally and in extraterrestrial life).

Anyhow, after I recovered a bit I turned over and went back to sleep.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:10 AM
What do you know? I always thought I was unique with this one.

This happens less now, but I used to consistently wake up paralyzed like that. I would start screaming in my head "Wake up! Wake up!" as loud as I could. I would fight out of it, yelling, struggling with all my might to pull out. It is absolutely terrorizing, because once being in that situation, if I don't wake up-- something terrifying happens. I don't know what, because whatever it is, I have forgotten and avoid with all my strength.

My girlfriend has even heard me jump up yelling "Wake up!" before.

But I have experienced many oddities in my life. I actually do remember experiencing the paralysis and having what appeared to be a green ghost with red eyes on my chest--but where I was is considered to be extremely haunted (many have experienced that exact same scenario...its like a horse/cavalry ghost) so I assumed it was just my overactive imagination and stress overload.

Scary stuff-- but probably nothing.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by ragman

Ah, the Night Hag. That's what they call it when you experience sleep paralysis and see a figure on your chest. A lot of people experience a pressing sensation on their chest, like someone pushing down on them. Some will, as you mentioned, see something on top of them. Common belief is that this is just a sort of mild hallucination brought on by a semi-dreaming mind. You're still sort of half asleep when you experience sleep paralysis which is why you can't move. When you sleep, your body produces a chemical to paralyze you. This keeps you from acting out your dreams. A person experiencing sleep paralysis is still under the effect of that chemical but has begun to wake up. Still, because you're half asleep, you can still experience dreamlike images and sensations that seem remarkably real.

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