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Act of co creating in love...

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posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:23 AM
I got this in an email and thought i would share:
Subject: Re: It is very very very easy to tell the truth from all lies

Hi Alec
If I thought I knew it all, I would have stopped researching, thinking and listening to my instincts long ago! Like you, I recognise that there is always more to learn, but one thing I have learnt is that it is very very very easy to tell the truth from all lies and I spend a lot of time pointing out the lies so that others can learn to see them for what they are. These may give the impression that I am a "know it all", but I just see so many lies to point out!

Anything that exists/lives without our belief in it is true, engages all our senses of creation (sight, sound, touch, taste, feel, smell/scent) and are not invisible, just as a tree exists regardless if we believe in a tree or not. The tree stands, it has substance. We can see what the tree (substance) does for creation (substance) that aids creation (substance) in rolling along here and now.

Whatever thoughts/ideas/opinions/dreams we have which have only our mis-placed belief in them (meaning we put our energy into them), have nothing of substance on offer. It is only the energy we put into those thoughts/ideas/opinions/dreams that give them the impression that they appear to exist as part of creation. However, when you ask what these apparitions do for creation to aid creation in rolling along, it is impossible to find anything. Without the energy we put into them, they are nothing.

Where would the great world of finance be without everyone rolling up to work in the banks, the stock markets, the insurance companies, etc? Obviously nothing would happen - the digits couldn't move themselves on the computer screens, shares wouldn't go up and down, etc, etc, etc.

Compare this again to the tree; if no one sees the tree, turns up to visit the tree, looks at the tree or knows about its existence, it still grows, produces oxygen and seeds and gives its twigs and leaves to the soil.

All beliefs are, in truth, fantasies, illusions, delusions etc. They do not exist as part of the substance of creation that we (MAN) are part of. This is why they are LIES. That is why the word lie is in the middle of the word belief. The creator (the living God) does not require our belief in the creator for the creator to exist. The creator exists regardless if we believe in the creator or not, and better still, we exist regardless if we believe in the creator or not as well.

The point I am making is that all our beliefs are a waste of our quality time. We do not need beliefs, instead we just need to consciously co-create with the substance of creation that we are part of and, in doing so, expand the information of creation (consciousness - substance) we created which in turn expands our consciousness (substance). What we create (substance) comes bouncing back to us in the image of our creation (substance). The tree creates oxygen and releases it for the benefit of creation. So does the flower co-creating its pollen and nectar, the bee co-creating its stores, the cloud co-creating its rain, the river co-creating its running water and all together everything of creation (substance) releases its creation (substance) for the benefit of creation (substance).

We live because creation lives for us and creation lives because we live for creation.

Everything of the truth can be witnessed for the true roll it plays in aiding creation in rolling along here and now. Nothing is hidden in living-creation because all is TRUTH.

Only lies hide and need secrets to maintain the lie.

Remember, we are talking about a conscious-living God here and now (substance - consciousness), not a dead god of fiction (no substance - unconsciousness).

How would all existing babies/children (substance) feel/live if all their parents all decided to suddenly hide behind curtains, cutting off all contact (no more substance on offer) from them forevermore??? How could we (MAN - substance) exist if the creator (substance) did likewise, decided to also hide behind curtains cutting off all contact with MAN (no more substance on offer) forevermore???

How can there be life (substance) without life (substance)?????

How can there be consciousness without consciousness?????

How can there be information without information??????

How can there be dreams without dreams?????

How can there be a creator without a creator????

You see all lies are secrets, the secret being that all lies bear no substance of creation which we (MAN) are part of. The lie has no substance "on offer" to exchange as an equal exchange in value (substance) with us, thus the dreamer/schemer of such lies needs to trick us, deceive us, mess with our brains in such a way to convince us of his/her CON. That he/she is providing us an equal exchange in value (substance) when in truth they are offering us STUFF ALL.

The original lier/deceiver of all CONS manipulated MAN to fall from consciousness into a state of unconsciousness where all lies and their secrets abide. This can only happen through BELIEF. All beliefs represent UNCONSCIOUSNESS, a state of unconsciousness where all fallen men, women and children are conned into having to believe that God exists, when in truth, the creator already exists regardless of the CON. Meaning we have been trained to believe in the invisible, of that which does not exist, accepting the invisible as being part of truth, part of reality, when in fact they are lies and are not part of reality (creation) which we are all part of.

This mind-control process of believing in God, over time, has gradually trained us to become familiarised (got us used to living) with lies and accept them as truth.

By slight of hand, tricks of the mind, we have accepted/permitted shadows (lies) to merge into the brilliant white light of truth (creation) without detecting them. But even worse, we have stopped using our brain to logically touch, taste, feel, see, hear, smell/scent what we believe in to see if these ideas, thoughts, opinions, dreams bear the substance of creation, will exist (stand) without our belief in them, offer substance as an equal exchange in value (substance) with us, and if so, are true, real and actually part of reality, part of us. If they do not stand up to such scrutiny, they are blatant lies.

Sure the unconscious would say "the Galactic Federation" exists, that "the channel Kryon or Ramtha or Christos" exists, that "Nesara" exists, that "man walked on the moon", that "man got through the Van Allen Belt", that "Mars is occupied by intelligent life-forms like the Annunaki", that "aliens regardless of shape, form, intelligence, nature, intent, or location exist and are making their presence known/felt" through whatever 3rd party has been used to deliver their presence, that "the earth goes around the sun", that "the earth turns/moves", that "the sun (this solar system) goes around another galactic point and as a whole is part of a galaxy that goes around a universal point, which goes around another universal point of infinite universes of infinite points", that "money, insurance, government, democracy, persons, constitution, society, rules-of-law/courts-of-law exist", that "Jesus is coming back", that "vaccination, fluoride, mercury, msg, aspartame etc is good for you", that "mathematics and sacred geometry exist", etc, etc and being unconscious the unconscious continue believing in everything they were trained to believe in by 3rd parties without ever using their brain and scrutinising everything to be 100% sure of the truth.

One of the biggest cons perpetrated upon us is that of the necessity of third parties to tell us what to think, feel and believe, which begins when we are children as adult upon adult offers us artificial knowledge (fairytales) to believe in instead of giving us opportunities to discover the information of creation directly from creation.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:25 AM
Thus we need the priest to intercede between us and God, the channeler to intercede between us and Kryon or Ramtha and other Demons and the lawyers, barristers and judges to intercede between us and another party or the banks money and the governments commerce to intercede between us (creation) and our fruits of labour (creation). These third parties are shadows interceding between us and the substance of creation, us and consciousness, severing our direct links, bonds and ties with everything of creation (substance) that we are part of. Our duty is to work out whether we are using our brains and feelings in direct relationship with the information of creation or are we allowing 3rd parties to disempower us with the artificial knowledge they force upon us.

If all of MAN had a direct relationship with creation, what would we need a Bible for? How can the Bible be the living word of God when it does nothing to aid creation in rolling along, required destruction to creation to manufacture it and is written and "interpreted" by third parties? We need air to breathe, food and water to eat and drink, animals to be our helpers and companions, the sun to warm us and the breeze to cool us. Does the Bible provide us with any of these?

I am not trying to pick on the Bible especially, just using it as one example among thousands of a third party interceding between us and creation. Likewise, all those waiting for the messiah to appear and right all our wrongs - is this not just asking for another third party to take responsibility for cleaning up our mess?

Rather than the appearance of the awaited with his magic wand, surely the promised "Golden Age" will begin when we all return to creation, once more becoming conscious MAN, with no more third parties interceding in our affairs.

What could be more powerful, stunning and freeing than this?????

Eventually all lies wear thin; "the earth is flat" being one of thousands of examples deceivers, always acting as 3rd parties, keep offering for the unconscious to gobble up and believe in. As the lies are discovered, the Establishment have to keep inventing more and more to cover up their deception, resulting in a Yellow Brick Road of lies paved with a library of ancient alphabet-language-history that is a multitude of interconnected Free Masonic roads and highways of artificial knowledge (lies) for billions of brainwashed sheeple to journey on as the lost sheeple of the bible, other holy books, theories, philosophies and beliefs following trusted 3rd party shepherds holding high illumined lanterns of artificial knowledge, guiding their lost sheeple across the crevasses and pitfalls of temptation and sin. Looking for creation, they toil and struggle, not realising that they are already in creation if they only step off the road for a moment and look around them.

When will we all stop believing in all this "We Will Lead Every Revolution Against Us" bull#?????

I have explained much in this article here: THE WAY by Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 9th August 2008: about 3rd parties and how they use fairytales to con us into believing in fairytales when children so that we will easily accept fairytales for adults. There are thousands of adult fairytales which most of us believe in today and there are even new ones coming into focus soon to con us into accepting what the schemers/dreamers are con-cocting like this one: - European Team Discovers New Alien World - And There Is Peace On Earth Hallelujah, A Comment From Arthur Cristian 28th July 2008:

This act of being conned into accepting shadows/lies within the brilliant light of truth represents the true meaning of the word belief.

The only purpose and benefit of being conned into a belief is to have HARM BE DONE TO YOU and in turn for your participation in believing in such lies, for you to turn around and DO HARM to others. The believers are DESTROYED and DESTROYING. The purveyors of such evil-despicable lies can be found amongst judges, magistrates, barristers, lawyers, prosecutors, politicians, bureaucrats, public-servants, banksters, economists, directors, chairmans, representatives of big and small business, academics, educators, historians, professors, artists, priests, theologians, popes, monks, dalai-lamas, new agers, personal-success-motivators, channellers, psychics/mediums, cosmic-galactic story-tellers, scientists, researchers, journalists, authors, engineers and all other leading experts/influences in all other fields of endeavour.

Who else could be orchestrating the destruction of everything that matters and who else if not them are acting as the 3rd parties offering their artificial knowledge for the stupid-dumbed-down sheeple to believe in, thus willingly being the orchestra of destroyers destroying creation under the guidance of their conductors?

And where do you think most, if not all all of these conductors come out of???????

Universities, Institutions, Think-Tanks and Societies both secret or not.

Unbeknown to most conductors there lives another master-conductor conducting the orchestra of conductors, each playing an instrument of destruction producing a soulless melody which merges with all other soulless melodies producing an extravaganza called The New World Order. Thus many of the conductors have no idea of the part they are playing in the destruction of creation and neither do the audience sitting nodding their heads to the music and failing to stand up and shake our fists at the havoc being wrought, so accustomed are we to hearing the screech of destruction rather than the melodies of creation.

While we all like to point the finger of blame at other people, we, as members of the audience are also responsible through our acceptance of the rubbish we are thrown. As we sit passively in front of the TV, listening to the politicians running our lives, as we absorb, focus on and promote what we are told, we are destroying creation and feeding the fiction. The remedy is obviously not to accept it any longer, not to put our energy into it any more and go back to focusing on and creating creation (KINDOM). When we no longer focus on creation there will be nothing keeping it going. Yahoo!

While in a state of belief we have become unconscious of consciousness, meaning we are in the midst of the shadows we believe in and create in our image, our focus (our belief). This means we block out our ability to touch, taste, feel, see, hear, smell/scent the light (TRUTH). Our beliefs have our brain act like closed venetian blinds that block out the glorious rays of sunlight from entering into our lives (our body - our space of love), leaving us to wonder in the darkness of lies produced by a brain no longer in use and no longer exercising truth.

And this CON goes with every thought, idea, opinion and dream we believe in which does not bear the substance of creation, consciousness, truth or reality, being located outside the senses of our creation (sight, sound, touch, taste, feel, smell/scent) in what we call the invisible, the thin-air where all lies and their secrets abide, giving them no substance (truth - consciousness) to offer MAN and creation.

All dreams co-created with/from the substance of creation bear the information (substance) of that creation (substance), and have consciousness (spirit-soul-substance) embodied in that dream of creation. We can engage with creation with all our senses of creation, sight, sound, touch, taste, feel, smell/scent because we (substance) are part of that creation (substance) as well, therefore we (MAN) can experience the truth and can easily point out a lie because it does not bear the substance of creation that we are part of.

A MAN inside a glass coffin was weighed before he/she was about to shift (awful word die). After the shift occurred the body weight instantly dropped somewhere around 21 grams (can't remember all the exact details of this scientific experiment) while being completely sealed inside this glass coffin where nothing could escape as in air, gas etc.

You see, our brainwashing in the fiction (con-structs bearing no substance) has us, of our own doing, too distracted to be fully conscious of the real-living substance of consciousness that we really are. Those few amongst us (MAN) today who are fully awakened (conscious of consciousness) can see, hear, feel, touch, taste, smell/scent consciousness (spirit-soul-substance) as well as the physical images formed out of the substance (spirit-soul-consciousness) of that dream (substance).

Both the living God (substance) and the living dream (substance) created by the living God bears the substance (consciousness/information) of the living God.

All conscious-living dreams have a conscious-living creator. Dreams cannot exist without a creator and it is here where the trap is set to fool us (MAN) into believing in dreams that actually have no substance (spirit-soul-consciousness) embodied in their creation. When we create dreams to benefit creation we are filling these spaces of love with our consciousness (spirit-soul-information-substance) which are our acts of love. These dreams can be touched, tasted, felt, seen, herd, smelt/scented by the conscious but the unconscious are just that, completely oblivious and numb to the real world, lost in fiction-fantasyland, destroying everything consciously-living to build and maintain the dead-false-idol-images which they believe in and worship, dreams without substance because they were not created as acts of love to benefit creation in the first instance. Their beliefs have them be self-centered because they were created to benefit themselves rather than creation. This is the source of all greed and selfishness.
If we do harm then we are damaging our creation of MAN, and the greater the harm we cause and support on a continuing basis the further we destroy the creation of the MAN we are creating. With no limits to love we have the power of creation to disconnect our creation of MAN from the power of love until we have completely destroyed our creation of MAN. We are now no longer of love, no longer able to access the power of love of the creator to create MAN, because we no longer exist.

Without love (the power of creation) and without the tool of creation (MAN) to create love (the substance of MAN) its all over.

Our acts of love are threads of conscious-living DNA entwining with other threads of conscious-living DNA forming the fabric (substance) of creation (MAN) that is a wave of conscious-living team-players rolling along here and now without beginning or end. Without our ability to set-free our acts of love we are unable to thread our lives into the fabric of creation, becoming separated from creation just as a loose thread detaches from fraying fabric only to be discarded and thrown into the recycling bin.

Our acts of love are the heartbeats of creation with each pulse pumping consciousness (information) into the living body of creation (MAN). As we cease performing acts of love, we cease to create our pulse that is the pulse of creation until, no pulse left, the nurse pulls the sheet over our faces and turns off the life support and the lights.

Our acts of love are the heartbeats, the substance we create for our creation of MAN

When we do harm or support the doing of harm we have stopped creating MAN and without our substance of MAN we are no longer part of creation. Of our own doing, conscious or not, the dimmer switch of our brain was trained to dim down the power of creation to the MAN we are creating. The brilliant glorious light of MAN created in the perfect image of the living God was dimmed down and down and down through the grey scales of harm-doing and we continued dimming down and down and down through jet-black scales of harm-doing, inevitably creating a void of nothingness, which is an energised dead space without love called darkness. All dead spaces without love are demons, entities, thought-forms, ghosts, apparitions etc. They are all without MANS substance (consciousness - love).

When each of us steps back to look at all the facets of harm-doing we create and support in our daily-lives we can see why billions and billions and billions destroyed their creation of MAN over the past 10,000 years. The perfect dream of creation is without darkness because all is love. Everything of creation is pure and sincere (uncorrupted). Then began MANS turning away from love to indulge in fiction in all its forms. MAN started creating a dark-side out-of-thin-air which is the repository of every destroyed creation of MAN. The power of the dark-side grew as more and more demons were being created by harm-doing men, women and children.

Today, billions of men, women and children are possessed and influenced by these demons and in turn are creating them as well. Without MANS pure and sincere loving feelings, thoughts, words and deeds creating a space of love, a space without love is being created by the insincere and impure harm-doing emotions, thoughts, words and deeds by every man, woman and child who creates them.

In altering the original pure and sincere loving images of creation we are destroying the creation of the MAN we are. Every impure and insincere harm-doing emotion, thought, word or deed we create feeds the dark-side giving the dark-side the energy to break through our auras and integrate into our personalities and characters. If we die destroyed, we join them as well.

We were never meant to do harm but it is the doing of harm we create and support on a daily basis with our energy, that is the end of most of us, unless we return to creation by creating Kindoms where only pure and sincere loving feelings, thoughts, words and deeds reside. You can see why the Rapture I wrote about yesterday is going to explode all over the Earth very soon because most of us do not want to be destroyed. We want to continue living, to be part of creation.

In the body of work Fiona and I have created thus far: will be found mountains of information on the various forms of harm-doing. You will be amazed how many ways there are, some you never thought about or thought possible. All the ghosts are the shadows of MANS former glory. All the psychics and clairvoyants contacting the dead is true, it is the dead of the dark-side they are communicating with. The suggestions of the dark-side cause millions and millions of terrible decisions or misguided ideas to be made or believed in on a daily basis. Cooking food, processed water, chemicals, vaccinations, focusing on fictions, destroying nature, believing in fairytales, all contribute to the energy and pull of the dark-side. Then you think of how much work a judge or barrister or lawyer or politician or bankster must put in to heal all the damage done to those they harmed. Many of them will never make it which has always been the case for most of them. Then there is the axis of evil ways as in arrogance, ignorance and fear which block the way of returning many of us to living a pure and sincere way of life. Many metres of paper will be required to detail all the harm-doing ways.

It is the creation of consciousness that matters and consciousness can only be created by our acts of pure and sincere loving feelings, thoughts, words and deeds which do no harm to creation.

Without love we are without nothing, lost to man-made evil ways.

It is our acts of love we create and set free to benefit creation that creates the MAN Christians call "The Christ". This is who we become which is the perfect image of the living God which Christians call "The Son Of God".

Alec, as there are more and more joining the Love For Life mailing list and exploring the website who are are new to our work, I end up writing 20 paragraphs instead of three to explain myself fully. Apologies if you only needed the three paragraphs to get what I am saying. I know your heart is in the right place and appreciate the intent in assist others to awaken from fiction-fantasyland.

Thank you for being a straight-shooting honest and sincere friend.

All the best to you, your extended families and other loved ones Alec
Conscious Love Always
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
[email protected]

Alec Kennett wrote:

Dear Arthur,

I can accept some of what you say, but not all.... My schedule is very busy, but I've managed to read through quite a lot of your site. I'm not saying you're fully right or fully wrong, but I also deal with many other "learned" people or Masters, so my personal matrix and consciousness is ever expanding. Never time to say I know it all!

All the best,


At 09:18 PM 31/12/2008, you wrote:

Thanks for the story Alec
We have much in common, backgrounds with different paths and windows but all leading to or looking into truth/love/consciousness etc. Lets talk over the phone but it would be great if you read our body of work 1st before we chat. Its important that you learn everything there is to know about con-structs because then you can clearly define the distinction between the information that is creation and the knowledge that is fiction.

Some incontrovertible facts:
1. the sun goes around the earth as does everything we see with eyes or scopes or technology
2. the earth does not move
3. sacred geometry is black-magic crafted out of black-magic
4. mathematics is black-magic crafted out of black-magic
5. all read and write alphabet languages are black-magic crafted out of black-magic (sacred geometry/mathematics)
6. points 3, 4, 5 are the basis/infrastructure of all divide and rule
7. true freemasonry is based on points 3, 4, 5, 6
8. all history is based on points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
9. time and space do not exist, they are based on points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - it is a con-struct (the structure of the con)
10. dimensions, planes, levels do not exist, they are based on points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - it is a con-struct (the structure of the con)
11. everything that exists was/is created by MAN, nothing else exists
12. all that exists is creation and without MAN creation no longer exists
13. all demons were/are created by MAN
14. no such thing as fallen angels
15. everything that happens to MAN regardless of experience was created by MAN - there is no outside intervention or influence

There are many other points but best you study our work. below is a recent post from a week or so ago....

Love Arthur

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 05:08 AM
Thanks for posting this!
One Love

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 07:59 PM
Your welcome. Many people should read this but i think i should have changed the topic as it might be turning alot of people off as they may think its all lovey dovey stuff. But this guy is a pretty deep thinker and i like his views on creation.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:24 PM
I like how you clear up some of the abstract things that can get in the way of viewing God. I think God has given us everything we see around us, that is pretty basic. I think what is also self evident is that each person has a mind of their own and different desires for the things that we see and feel that God created. So while we're unified through the environment, we still have a portion of ourselves that isn't connected to the others. We will give ourselves things and try to make ourselves happy without any realization for the need to connect with others. In a way, we're stealing God's creation when we don't use it internally for the good of others. We need to feel and experience the goodness that God provides and use it for the benefit of others in way that bring everything and everyone into unity.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by ghaleon12
I like how you clear up some of the abstract things that can get in the way of viewing God. I think God has given us everything we see around us, that is pretty basic. I think what is also self evident is that each person has a mind of their own and different desires for the things that we see and feel that God created. So while we're unified through the environment, we still have a portion of ourselves that isn't connected to the others. We will give ourselves things and try to make ourselves happy without any realization for the need to connect with others. In a way, we're stealing God's creation when we don't use it internally for the good of others. We need to feel and experience the goodness that God provides and use it for the benefit of others in way that bring everything and everyone into unity.

ghaleon wow you said that beautifully i second that!

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:41 AM
I think it's difficult to say what's real. Our five senses are definately an indicator. however, to say our five senses are what dteremines what is real I don't think is accurate. What if I proposed we have more than five senses? It's just an example, but my point is we don't know if we know of all of our senses, and by definition, that could put real things outside of the 5 sense's ability to observe, thereby making them not real.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by heyo
I think it's difficult to say what's real. Our five senses are definately an indicator. however, to say our five senses are what dteremines what is real I don't think is accurate. What if I proposed we have more than five senses? It's just an example, but my point is we don't know if we know of all of our senses, and by definition, that could put real things outside of the 5 sense's ability to observe, thereby making them not real.

Hmm you got me thinking about that one. Especially when intuition in animals is known as a sixth sense. Could this be one other sense they don't want humans to know about through conditioning?

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by meadowfairy

I was referring to the "sixth sense" yes. I also think there exists other senses. One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge. The act of having knowledge without facts sounds like purposeful idiocy, yet it isn't. It is inexplicable to me....

I"m about 95% sure we're being conditioned or programmed. By what? irrelevant. Who? irrelevant. It is happening, that's all that matters. That is one example where i've only got a few of the senses satisfied that it is real, yet i know it to be so....

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by meadowfairy

I was referring to the "sixth sense" yes. I also think there exists other senses. One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge. The act of having knowledge without facts sounds like purposeful idiocy, yet it isn't. It is inexplicable to me....

I"m about 95% sure we're being conditioned or programmed. By what? irrelevant. Who? irrelevant. It is happening, that's all that matters. That is one example where i've only got a few of the senses satisfied that it is real, yet i know it to be so....

"One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge".

I would say that is called wisdom. We all have wisdom where we can be knowing and dont need to learn the facts but too which has also been lost through the ages.

Wisdom and intuition can go hand in hand.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by meadowfairy]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by meadowfairy

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by meadowfairy

I was referring to the "sixth sense" yes. I also think there exists other senses. One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge. The act of having knowledge without facts sounds like purposeful idiocy, yet it isn't. It is inexplicable to me....

I"m about 95% sure we're being conditioned or programmed. By what? irrelevant. Who? irrelevant. It is happening, that's all that matters. That is one example where i've only got a few of the senses satisfied that it is real, yet i know it to be so....

"One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge".

I would say that is called wisdom. We all have wisdom where we can be knowing and dont need to learn the facts but too which has also been lost through the ages.

Wisdom and intuition can go hand in hand.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by meadowfairy]

I agree they go hand in hand. In fact i'm not even sure of any differences between the two lol. This wisdom or whatever, is something that with today's "senses" (human or tech) cannot explain it. I cannot prove it to you, but it is there.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by heyo

Originally posted by meadowfairy

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by meadowfairy

I was referring to the "sixth sense" yes. I also think there exists other senses. One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge. The act of having knowledge without facts sounds like purposeful idiocy, yet it isn't. It is inexplicable to me....

I"m about 95% sure we're being conditioned or programmed. By what? irrelevant. Who? irrelevant. It is happening, that's all that matters. That is one example where i've only got a few of the senses satisfied that it is real, yet i know it to be so....

"One is a truth sense. I think I have it. It seems I know the outcome/jist/purpose of many things without sufficient knowledge".

I would say that is called wisdom. We all have wisdom where we can be knowing and dont need to learn the facts but too which has also been lost through the ages.

Wisdom and intuition can go hand in hand.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by meadowfairy]

I agree they go hand in hand. In fact i'm not even sure of any differences between the two lol. This wisdom or whatever, is something that with today's "senses" (human or tech) cannot explain it. I cannot prove it to you, but it is there.

Yeah its there but people choose to ignore it, because they are conditioned to believe its not there.

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