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Why do we listen? Are we really all just crackpots?

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:02 AM
So, another year is about on us. Nothing really much has happend diffrently than the year before, or the year before that. Another prediction date came and pased, yet we are still here. No arrival of any alien beings, no nuclear disasters, no asteroid impacts, super earthquakes, or supervolcanos, no pandemics. The NWO has not taken over, martial law was not declared, no world wide market colapse.

Time and time again I have read and listend to these predictions. Most I take with a grain of salt, some seem more interesting. So far none realy have come to pass.

Why do we pay these any heedance at all? Are our lives, as complex and confusing as they are, becoming boring for us? Do we realy have a secret want to see an alien invasion, or a zombie hord? Maybe it would make us feel more alive to have to actually survive, to fight for food, to struggle. Maybe it is the ancient animal within us that longs for simpler times, when it was all about servival. Maybe our brains preceve things just a little bit diffrently than other "normal" people do.

So maybe, just maybe, when we are refered to as crackpots, or nutjobs, they are right. Maybe man realy did land on the moon, mayebe there realy is no life/bases on the moon or mars, maybe Reptilians and Grays really don't exist, maybe 9/11 was an act of terrorism, maybe there is no real NWO.

Maybe it is all a need to know there is more to life, more beyond our comprehention.

Then again, maybe not.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by KnowMore]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:35 AM
We come up with all this simply because we are all bored with our meagre little lives, bored of our jobs, and in need of some exitement...

Or is that just me?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

No you are correct. Which is why I always say and continue to say, that if we do the same thing over and over again, nothing will ever change.

Gets boaring and ho-hum when repeating something that is already boaring.


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
We come up with all this simply because we are all bored with our meagre little lives, bored of our jobs, and in need of some exitement...

Or is that just me?

Well, that is the way I have been thinking about things lately. Although this stuff interest me, it just may be an excape, like playing a video game, or role playing.

I think it may be a deep seated phsycological thing, that we may not be aware of.

For instance, somtimes people will see shadows move out of the corner of thier eye. Most "normal" people will pass it off as 'just one of those things'. A few people will convince themselves that it was a ghost, even when science tells us it was just a trick of the brain.

I think we see a lot of similar phenomina here. Soemthing, a fact. or question, does not seem to 'fit'. Suddenly we have an urge to figure it out for ourselves, with wild speculations, that may only makes sense in our minds. Even to the point of discounting facts and trying to discredit others that think diffrently.

I am just wondeing if maybe most of what we see here starte out as a wll meaning, but miguided dilusion, that feeds off others dilusions.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:37 AM
I think what has changed is our trust in other people. We no longer blindly accept what the government, the corporation, the parents or the friends are telling us.

Because of this, we have a need to find out the truths for ourselfs.

Also the pyramid organisations are pretty apparent everywhere. We ask our teacher about outer space, he asks the text books, the author of these text books asks NASA, NASA is the single source of information. What is NASA lies about something that cant be verified?

Its the same with politics. There are layers above the president for sure, but people dont think there is because nobody outside can find out about it because of the pyramid structures.

The truth will never be passed down the pyramid and we know this.

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Copernicus]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:01 AM
You'd be right if we didn't have real facts to back up everything about 911 being a fraud and the NWO existing. We have the proof.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:37 AM
Aren't those who now start to doubt what they have learn all this time about the NWO, afraid of what is happening. Aren't our mind so narrow and polished the way they wanted that even facing such a tremendous crise, we just can't do nothing about it.


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