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The financial crisis - The other side of the story

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:32 AM
First: Merry Christmas and a happy new year, I hope everyone is fine.

Key points of this topic:

1. The real purpose of the financial crisis
2. How even we, on ATS are manipulated
3. Some personal views

So, I am sitting here in Bulgaria (Europe) and it's a mess. Everyone is talking about the financial crisis. From taxi drivers, to supermarket employees, constructors and doctors. Suddenly, sentences like "I can't go out today" , "I wont take holiday this year", "I wont buy a new car", "I havent finished my house" etc are alwas combined with "... because of the financial crisis".

So, instead of saying "..because I have no money" everyone is blaming the "financial crisis" - and you know what? It feels better. Suddenly its not your fault anymore - it's because of the financial crisis. You can blame her for almost everything. You can blame her for taking a new easier job, because you're too lazy. You understand my point.

Fo us (normal people) there is no diffenrence. Really. But there is this "HYPE" about the financial crisis - that make us feel better. Yes. Instead of spending 1000$ on presents i spend only 200$ - because of the financial crisis. I have my perfect argument, my perfect reason to feel good, even if I don't have any money

Second thought: Before the crisis - who do you blame for not being rich or successfull? The government and yourself. Now it's so much easier. YOu blame the banks - and, out of nowhere it's not the governments fault anymore, that your pocket is empty. They are now our "SAVERS" - they save us from the bad bad banks.

And you feel good
Somehow united. "Oh look, everyone is feeling the crisis, I can't complain that my salary was cutted - everyone elses was cutted too" say some people. And feel happy saying and living it!.

Total BS. But it's reality. My point? The big HYPE about the financial crisis is only to make people feel better, when they have to feel bad. It's so easy. They even feel more motivated - "I have to work harder, otherwise I will be fired - because of the financial crisis". Again total BS.

Whats the result? You have a bunch of people, who work harder for less money, who don't complain anymore because they blame a "shaddow" they can't catch. And this is a perfect argument for your company to use you, cut your salary and do what they want with your life.

Slavery was never so beautiful

Welcome to 2009, pick up your presents carefully


[edit on 29/12/08 by absente]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:30 AM
This post did me make me think a little but I think you are missing the point.
People are afraid for the future right now, and they are scaling down their hopes and dreams and basically hoping this is a storm they can ride out if they tighten their belts.

Myself and many others are not going to get into any new debt (long-term or short-term) because of the uncertainty. We are adopting a wait and see attitude and in the meantime making sure we have plenty of food in the cupboard and a tank full of fuel in our vehicles.

The financial crisis is a double edged sword in that it will affect jobs and business, but on the other hand, people are now going to be forced to save more, borrow less - and this is a good thing in the long term.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by deltaalphanovember

I am not missing the point, you don't get my point

I talk about the other side - psychology of the people and how the "financial crisis" affects them and their decisions.

The big HYPE is responsible for the FEAR you are talking about. Of course I share the same opinion like you on that - but please stay on topic, I talk only about the psichology.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by absente

I am on topic.

You are saying it is all a big hype. I disagree and am saying it is not a hype but a very real fear that people have.

You mention that people are using the economic meltdown as an excuse to be happily frugal? Sorry, I don't buy that. (excuse the pun)

I am more happy when I have cash to burn without having to worry about the usual day to day living expenses. Spending makes me happy!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
reply to post by absente

I am more happy when I have cash to burn without having to worry about the usual day to day living expenses. Spending makes me happy!

Of course but we have 2 different situations:

1. You don't have money, and the economic is fine
2. You don't have money, and the economic is collapsing

Understand it now? With point 2, you feel better, because you don't have to blame yourself.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by absente

Ok, I understand your point ... and it makes sense. I guess in this day and age with so many successful people around, a person can feel guilty not being successful as well. The economic crisis can be used as a handy excuse to pass the buck.

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