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Bush is the New Enemy Figure

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:29 PM
I am not tying to downplay the heinous actions of Bush in this post, but i have noticed recently that everyone, with very few exceptions, hates our current president.

I started thinking about it and then realized that the mass media has been bashing him for the past few years as well. One thing that has stuck with me from most models of control, "There has to be enemy figures."

He has seemed much clumsier to me lately and has said things i can only classify as "dumber than usual." (eg: When the shoe was thrown at him he mentioned something about someone having "beef" with him.)

This is my theory;

The mass media and powers that be are now and have been pushing bush as an "Enemy Figure," giving us something to hate in unison, keeping us semi-distracted from the changes around us.

The Mass Media has been pushing him as an idiot more so than ever, and most can agree that he is horrible.

Is it possible that to continue pushing an agenda, the hate of the world is being directed at this individual? Possibly seeing the hatred for him, all the problems from up top, are being pushed on him. Notice how the majority of the U.S. picked the exact opposite pretty much no contest. (This is not any sort of Obama trashing thing, i honestly don't care about that so please don't get offended and attack.)

Once again not downplaying the horrible things that have happened while he was at the helm. He is horrible so don't take this as any sort of defense.

Keep in mind, the mob is fickle and forgetful.

Just a thought. What do you think?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:43 PM
I don't think the media is really trying to mind control people to hating bush as a distraction.

The media has to show stories that are obvious. Something they can't lie about because many would hear such a story from other people.

Like bush getting a shoe thrown at him. The event was being broadcast live from iraqi tv. You notice the Iraqies were telling the tv dudes to turn off the cameras because they wanted to cover up the event. The americans yelled to keep rolling. The reason was because americans or other nations would wonder what happened that would shut off a live broadcast.

They didn't want people to think there was some cover up on the event. This was to create a image that hey .... bush and the american gov dosen't hide anything this was to create such a lie acceptable to the public. So people would think in america and everywhere that conspiracy theory's are fakes. No american gov can hide anything. It was a imagry they wanted to convey to the world or at least to america.

Hope this helps.


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