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American was a Christian Nation-What happened?

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:58 PM
American was a Christian Nation-What happened?

OT had a great Christmas this year watching the kids enjoy the season and their gifts…and had some time late Christmas day to reflect on the great Christian heritage we enjoy…are my desires for this to continue a delusion….have we lost our roots as a nation?


If you have forgotten, here’s a few reminders of the ‘religious’ influence on America’s founding that the skeptics cannot deny…1st off some original supreme court justice comments….and then some from our founding fathers

“There never has been a period of history, in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as lying at its foundation.”

“It yet remains a problem to be solved in human affairs, whether any free government can be permanent, where the public worship of God, and the support of religion constitute no part of the policy or duty of the state in any assignable shape.”

“The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects [denominations] and to prevent any national ecclesiastical patronage of the national government.”

“There is not a truth to be gathered from history more certain, or more momentous, than this: that civil liberty cannot long be separated from religious liberty without danger, and ultimately without destruction to both. Wherever religious liberty exists, it will, first or last, bring in and establish political liberty.”

= = = = = = =

Others said…

John Quincy Adams, the 6th President, said, “I speak as a man of the world to men of the world; and I say to you, Search the Scriptures! The Bible is the book of all others, to be read at all ages, and in all conditions of human life; not to be read once or twice or thrice through, and then laid aside, but to be read in small portions of one or two chapters every day, and never to be intermitted, unless by some overruling necessity.”

Christopher Columbus wrote of his trip, “There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit, because He comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from the Holy Scriptures, a strong and clear testimony from the 44 books of the Old Testament, from the four Gospels, and from the 23 Epistles of the blessed Apostles, encouraging me continually to press forward, and without ceasing for a moment they now encourage me to make haste.”

Remember the Constitution of the State of Delaware 1776 stated: “Article XXII Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or place of trust…shall…make and subscribe to the following declaration, to wit: ‘I , do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore, I do acknowledge the holy scripture of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.’”

Or…Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the U.S. who said: “I believe the Holy Scriptures, and whoso lives by them will be benefited thereby. Men may differ as to the interpretation, which is human, but the Scriptures are man’s best guide…”

Or…Warren Gamaliel Harding, 29th President of the U.S. who said, “I have always believed in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, whereby they have become the expression to man of the Word and Will of God.”

Or…Rutherford Birchard Hayes, the 19th President of the U.S., who declared, “I am a firm believer in the Divine teachings, perfect example, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I believe also in the Holy Scriptures as the revealed Word of God to the world for its enlightenment and salvation.”

Or… Andrew Jackson on the 7th President of the U.S., who said, “The book, Sir, is the Rock upon which our republic rests.” A few days before his death, Andrew Jackson, said, “Sir, I am in the hands of a merciful God. I have full confidence in His goodness and mercy…The Bible is true. I have tried to conform to its spirit as near as possible. Upon that sacred volume I rest my hope for eternal salvation, through the merits and blood of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Or…John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and was concurrently president of the American Bible Society.

Or…Daniel Webster, a U.S. Congressman, a US Senator, and Secretary of State who stated, “If there is anything in my thoughts or style commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures. If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”

Or…Noah Webster, the author of the first edition of his American Dictionary of the English Language in November, 1828: “Education is useless without the Bible.” “The Bible was America’s basic text book in all fields.” “God’s word, contained in the bible, has furnished all necessary rules to direct our conduct.”

Or…Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., who said, “There are a good many problems before the American people today, and before me as a President, but I expect to find the solution to those problems just in the proportion that I am faithful in the study of the Word of God.”

Or…Samuel Adams, known as the “Father of the American Revolution” and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, who declared, “I conceive we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler…that the confusions that are and have been among the nations may be overruled by the promoting and speedily bringing in the holy and happy period when the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and the people willingly bow to the scepter of Him who is the prince of Peace.”

Or… Alexander Hamilton, was a signer of the Constitution, and his dying words were:
“I have a tender reliance on the mercy of the Almighty, through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner. I look to him for mercy; pray for me.”

Or…Patrick Henry who boldly declared, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Or…Richard Henry Lee was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and was both a Congressman and a Senator and on November 1, 1777 recommended a resolution setting apart: “Thursday, the 18th of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor; and that, together with their sincere acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor, and their humble and earnest supplication that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance.”

Or….Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the U.S., who admonished, “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don’t think we emphasize that enough these days. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State.”

Or…Charles Cotesworth Pinckney who was a signer of the Constitution and said,
“Blasphemy against the Almighty is denying His being or providence, or uttering contemptuous reproaches on our Savior Christ. It is punished, at common law by fine and imprisonment, for Christianity is part of the laws of the land.”

Or…Benjamin Rush who was a physician, signer of the Declaration of Independence, “father of public schools” and a principle promoter of the American Sunday School Union. This Benjamin Rush humorously described himself: “I have alternately been called an Aristocrat and a Democrat. I am neither. I am a Chistocrat.”

Or…Roger Sherman, who was the only one of the Founding Fathers to sign all four of the major founding documents (The Articles of Association, The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution) wrote the following: “I believe that God having elected some of mankind to eternal life, did send his own Son to become man, die in the room and stead of sinners and thus to lay a foundation for the offer of pardon and salvation to all mankind, so as all may be saved who are willing to accept the gospel offer…”

Remember….The Continental Congress issued the First national Proclamation of Thanksgiving on November 1, 1777 that included the following paragraph: “That it may please Him, to prosper the trade and manufactures of the people, and the labor of the husbandman, that our land may yet yield its increase; to take school and seminaries of education, so necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue and piety, under His nurturing hand, and to prosper the means of religion for the promotion and enlargement of that kingdom which consisteth ‘in righteous, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.’”

Or…General Robert E. Lee who said, “There are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible Word of God, and receive its teachings as inspired by the Holy Spirit.”

Or…Abraham Lincoln who said, on March 30, 1863: “Whereas, the Senate of the U.S. devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God in all affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for national prayer and humiliation: And whereas, it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history: that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord: And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisement in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land may be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole people?”
= = = = = =

I dunno, maybe its me….but American shouldn’t forget from whence it came????????????

OT (sittin’ under the light of his Christmas tree

Merry Christmas ATS-ers!
God is love!!! For unto us a Son is given!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:05 PM
This country was founded on the principles of Christianity and of Jesus. It was never founded on the basis of the Christian religion, nor any church.

+24 more 
posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by OldThinker
Humanity is starting to grow up.

Sort of like second grade when you found out there was no Santa Claus.

Besides America is now home to Muslims, Hindus and many other religions.

When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.--Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President [1861-1865]

[edit on 25-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
This country was founded on the principles of Christianity and of Jesus. It was never founded on the basis of the Christian religion, nor any church.


Good you think the quotes above have reflected your sentiment?


posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by OldThinker
Mannkind is starting to grow up.

Sort of like second grade when you found out there was no Santa Claus.

Thanks but OT still believes in SAINT Nick's influence...even today...

Nice graphic there!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Are you saying those quoted above were immature?

Do you live in the USA?

Do you benefit from their wisdom?



posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:13 PM
The ADL turned up and the American people allowed the Bolsheviks to take the moral high ground by refusing to abandon racism and bigotry when it was time. Once the moral conscience was taken over the ride took a detour towards unChristian permissiveness. You partially lost you bigotry and gained other forms of moral depravity.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Also the muslims, hindu's and other religions...come here...for freedom, both to worship...or as my searching atheists freedom NOT to ...BECAUSE of the wisdom of those founding Christians...

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
The ADL turned up and the American people allowed the Bolsheviks to take the moral high ground by refusing to abandon racism and bigotry when it was time. Once the moral conscience was taken over the ride took a detour towards unChristian permissiveness. You partially lost you bigotry and gained other forms of moral depravity.

One more time?

And this it for Jeff Foxworthy ok?


posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

He's talking about 'some' Christians, in the face of civil rights, stubbornly kept their racism and hate, allowing commies to 'rise to the top' of social morality, leaving us with less and less respect for Christian history of the U.S.
Right, Masonwatcher?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

Thanks Clearskies, been a while....

Have a good holiday?


PS: Any thoughts on some of those quotes....its hard to deny the positive influence from some followers of Christ on America...

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:33 PM

About the Title: From Plymouth Rock to Independence Hall and beyond, the pages of American history overflow with evidence of the profound role Christianity has played in the founding of our nation. A study of the primary sources leave no doubt that Christianity served as the foundation for our nation's construction, both in its laws and political structures. Sadly, these sources are rarely consulted. As a result, the once self-evident assertion that America was founded as a Christian nation is mocked by academic and media elites.

For those interested...and who won't deny the truth...source:

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:36 PM
America is still by and large a Christian Nation.

There is no "What happened?"

Church Membership is at an alltime high.

Is it that you want everyone to live by your definition of "Christianity?"

Are you just being a crybaby cause Obama won? Is that what this is?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:37 PM
Why can't a Christian kids catch a break in public high school...what are teachers afraid of??

"I just want to thank you for writing the book, America's Christian Heritage. I am going to wrap it beautifully and leave it for the US History teacher who yesterday "bashed" any concept of our nation's Christian history in my son's high school class. My son was so upset and usually speaks out, but didn't because he was so angry & felt that his thoughts may not come out properly. I had read him this book of yours a few years ago in preparation for times like this, and so, he was well-girded in the truth. But, what about the other students? I pray that God will use your book to pierce her heart so that she will not do this again (and will hopefully repent and come to Christ). Thank you for compiling "the facts. May God bless your ministry." —Mrs. Shaheen

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

America has historically been a Christian nation!
It was declared so by the supreme court and that has not been rescinded.

I had a good holiday!
Hope you did, too!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
America is still by and large a Christian Nation.

There is no "What happened?"

Church Membership is at an alltime high.

Is it that you want everyone to live by your definition of "Christianity?"

Are you just being a crybaby cause Obama won? Is that what this is?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by whaaa]

Oh I watch much news bro?

An organization of atheists and agnostics won't drop its federal lawsuit against the city of Green Bay even though the nativity scene that sparked the suit was taken down from City Hall Wednesday morning. . . . The Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation will continue with its suit, which co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor expected would be officially filed Wednesday or Thursday. . . . Even if the city argues that the issue is moot since the display is gone, "we want a court ruling that they can't do it again," Gaylor said. . . . Their lawsuit claims the display depicting the birth of Jesus is an unconstitutional governmental endorsement of religion. Among other things, it asks a federal judge to declare the city's actions a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
America is still by and large a Christian Nation.

There is no "What happened?"

Church Membership is at an alltime high.

Is it that you want everyone to live by your definition of "Christianity?"

Are you just being a crybaby cause Obama won? Is that what this is?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by whaaa]

oh I dunno (part 2)

9 House members praise Islamic faith, won't recognize Christian observance

12-14-07 -- Only weeks after voting for a resolution that "recognizes the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world," nine Democrats in the U.S. House refused to vote for a Christmas resolution that condemns the worldwide persecution of Christians

+14 more 
posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:45 PM

Do you want a tissue or something?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
America is still by and large a Christian Nation.

There is no "What happened?"

Church Membership is at an alltime high.

Is it that you want everyone to live by your definition of "Christianity?"

Are you just being a crybaby cause Obama won? Is that what this is?

[edit on 25-12-2008 by whaaa]

oh I dunno (part 3)

Atheist Michael Newdow is renewing his legal attack against God. This month, he argued before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance make requiring students to say it unconstitutional. . . . This case is a sequel. The 9th Circuit accepted Newdow's reasoning in an earlier case, but the Supreme Court overturned it in 2002 on the unrelated issue that Newdow lacked standing to sue. That issue has been resolved, so Newdow is back, also arguing that "In God We Trust" on our currency violates the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. . . . Newdow's argument, despite the 9th Circuit's previous acceptance, is logically flawed. It is based on a phrase – separation of church and state – that appears nowhere in the Constitution and whose meaning is a far cry from "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." It ignores that God – the Creator and source of our inalienable rights – is in the Declaration of Independence. And it ignores a vast array of our founders' words and actions, during the Revolutionary period and in governing under the Constitution, that reveal they did not share Newdow's objections.


posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by whaaa


It is part of a decades-old ritual in Los Angeles elementary schools: the classroom discussion of the county seal and its beloved constituent parts, like the cow (named "Pearlette"), the galleon (the "San Salvador") and the tuna fish (unnamed). . . . Just kidding. Until three years ago, pretty much no one knew (or cared) what was on the Los Angeles County seal. That changed when the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California targeted a tiny cross in the seal's upper right-hand corner, next to two tiny stars, just above the tiny Hollywood Bowl. Too religious, the ACLU lawyers said. Get rid of it or we'll sue. . . . The county offered up a new cross-less seal that also banished the Roman goddess Pomona (we can't show favoritism to pagans, you know) and replaced oil derricks with a cross-less view of Mission San Gabriel. People went berserk. The deaths of inmates in county custody, or patients at county hospitals, or children in county-supervised foster homes attract only a fraction of the invective that the change to the ridiculously insignificant county seal brought

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