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What would happen in a bio-armageddon?

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:58 PM
I'm an amauteur author working on a novel about a girl who is one of the last survivors in a port city after a plauge kills almost everyone in the world. There are several points that I couldn't figure out, so I wonder if anyone could help
1. If there was no one left to keep it up and running would the Internet still be up? If yes, how would it be accessed?
2. What is a major port city's emergency plans in case of a plague?
3. What social services would fail first, and what would last longest?
4. What would be the signs three years later that a plague had happened? ie wreckage, corpses, etc

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Ranger23

Hi there, good luck on the book, my thoughts are as follows: -

1. If there was no one left to keep it up and running would the Internet still be up? If yes, how would it be accessed?

Very doubtful anything would be up and running for long. Power stations would cease to operate due constant monitoring requirements. No power, no internet, no nothing.

2. What is a major port city's emergency plans in case of a plague?

In answer to this, there are two different angles, one the port would be used to ferry any uninfected to quarantine zones, this would all be done under military supervision and marshall law no doubt. On the other, all the workers at the port would have high tailed it out of there as the last thing on their minds when bio-Armageddon hits is to go to work and help others, I feel they would look out for number one and family.

3. What social services would fail first, and what would last longest?

I think police, fire services and hospitals would far outlast any other services. Now I'm not saying all, but many people in these positions joined to help others, and they would continue to help others as long as they could. Examples of services that would fail first I believe include anything to do with family welfare, social security, disability, and anything to do with food and energy assistance.

4. What would be the signs three years later that a plague had happened? ie wreckage, corpses, etc

Well, expect all cites to be overgrown with flora and fauna, you may even find electrical damage and evidence of explosions due electricity overloads and gas mains explosions. At the 3 year stage there would be still evidence of human remains, no doubt in many different form due to the environment there in. What if animals survived, they would feast on the bodies!? Also if bodies are inside, they would be far less decomposed than those on the streets.

I hope this helps as this is no where near as much as I'd like to write.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Didn't youpost something like this a couple of weeks ago?

I would say read, or watch, The Stand, it deals with many of those themes, although it took place before the Internet was invented.

And check out the documentary "Life after People," too. (on YOutube)

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by fringe

awesome ideas

I initially thought that hospitals would fail first because of so many of the sick going there first and being able to infect all of the doctors and staff slowly but surely.

If its a major city Im sure that the think tanks have a plan for a scenario like this, probably several back ups as well. The continuity of government plan would most likely be enacted upon.

I think the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta would be a place a lot of survivors would travel to. There would eventually be a cure and a restoration of civilization. Humans would probably have to reconquer the world as it would be likely that many professionals with knowledge would likely suffer the consequences of a plague along with everyone else.

Im sure that there is already a plan to preserve and protect the most important of individuals outside of the government in case something similar to this happens.

is the plague natural or a biological weapon?

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:40 AM
Oh you may also like to watch an old film with Vincent Price, it's called The Last Man on Earth (1964). This is an excellent story and I believe I am Legend was based on it.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by iiinvision

Why thank you, thank you very much.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Ranger23

The story line you offer is directly from the book called Emergence written by David Palmer.

And its one of my favorite books.


OH DEAR GOD AFTER 25 YEARS Palmer Finally wrote the squeal!!

Tracking is the title. Released in three parts in the latest analog magizines from april to present.

The adventures of Candy Smith foster CONTINUE WOOHOO!

[edit on 20-11-2008 by titorite]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by fringe
Oh you may also like to watch an old film with Vincent Price, it's called The Last Man on Earth (1964). This is an excellent story and I believe I am Legend was based on it.

Yeah, I saw that. If you really liked that movie you probably should see the Omega man with Charleton Heston. It's the same idea only it's a lot better with special effects and acting.


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