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(Video)Obama: McCain Has Decided To 'Run For George Bush's Third Term'

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posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:41 PM
While I'm not buying a lot of what Obama is selling, and I'm quite convinced that he will carry on the Elitists agenda in one form or another, what he says here sounds about right IMO. McCain is definitely not shy about pounding on the war drums and letting us all know that he is a shoot-first, ask questions later type of guy. And it's not relegated to just Iran. He is tossing around rhetoric like throwing Russia out of the G-8. And he makes no bones he will keep the Iraq debacle going full force for years to come...It's like a total continuation of the Bush nightmare, uninteruppted.

Obama: Can't afford third Bush term

"John McCain has decided to run for George Bush's third term and we can't afford it," Obama told a crowd in Billings, Montana on Monday.

The New York Times notes, "Speaking during a town hall meeting in Billings, Mont., Senator Obama fired back at Senator McCain. 'Let me be absolutely clear, Iran is a grave threat,' Mr. Obama said, adding that he blames the policies of the Bush administration for emboldening Iran."

“We should not just talk to our friends we should be willing to engage our enemies as well,” Obama added. “That’s what diplomacy is all about.”

Full story and Video:

[edit on 19-5-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:46 PM
MSNBC is already using this rhetoric. At the bottom of their screen they have in big bold print - Obama vs Bush/McCain.

The problem with that is McCain has broken ranks with Bush and has (rightly) criticised Bush and the way he conducted this war.

Sure .. they have things in common.
But they also do not.

MSNBC is shilling for Obama .... Matthews is chief Obamatron.

It's a direct outlet for the Obama propaganda machine.

Funny thing is - Obama has the same pathology as George Bush (43). The constant self-reverent, self-referent, narcissistic, messianic comments are just like Bush43 - but wrapped with a different bow.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You know, I won't disagree with you here. Even though I agree with Obama's statements, I don't trust these these MSM propaganda spewing outlets, and I'm DEFINITELY not going to get pulled into the "Bipartisan" nonsense, as it is nothing more than a giant illusion that these rulers want people to keep getting caught up in and bickering over. It keeps the masses distracted perfectly while these people ALL are sneaking up behind and picking our pockets.

I seriously don't think there's a SINGLE candidate out there we can trust, on EITHER side. We are under the rule of corporatized politics.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The problem with that is McCain has broken ranks with Bush and has (rightly) criticised Bush and the way he conducted this war.

Sure .. they have things in common.
But they also do not.

McCain is just like Bush.

The differences between the two are miniscule. You hear the same rhetoric coming out of both of their mouths about Iran & Iraq, and neither know anything about the economy.

And that last little bit is definitely something that we don't want. Somebody who doesn't understand the economy, that is how we got into this economic problem we have now!

After listening to many of McCain's speaches/interviews (stuttering & stammering all the time), it would be easy to see him being turned into nothiing but a puppet holding the office of the US President, and we don't need another one of those.

[edit on 5/19/2008 by Keyhole]

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