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An encounter with the NSA?

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posted on May, 9 2008 @ 03:51 PM
You are the Victim of Technology:
ISIS-RA-EL developed the software running on FBI - CIA CRAY computer systems.
I am aware of how to defeat these systems - they can monitor "all" of the entire worlds communications and since 2000 they have been.

To defeat the system over the telephone - you need to use word substitution - computers are stupid machines - however, once given a task they do that very well - Now throw in Mayonaise - Lettuce and food items instead of Political terms --- Like for Bush --- We a word Shrub for little bush.

To defeat the system using words - Try Slang ...
u no If u hav 2 read every thing din, u neaad millions of readers.
so to keep you written word off the screens then use SLANG after all HUMAN TO HUMAN slang is a language - Human to Computer = garbage in garbage out.... got it...

No need to say thanks -

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by 888LetsRoll

That actually sounds plausable. Wow.

Did you notice ISIS-RA-EL looks like Isreal. almost

and those are egyptian gods. (except EL)

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by 888LetsRoll
To defeat the system using words - Try Slang ...
u no If u hav 2 read every thing din, u neaad millions of readers.
so to keep you written word off the screens then use SLANG after all HUMAN TO HUMAN slang is a language - Human to Computer = garbage in garbage out.... got it...

No need to say thanks -

Well, I'm extremely familiar with these tactics, we used them all the time in my stupid days.

I just think that if they're going to put so much effort into a program like carnivore or whichever spin-off or "real" system thats out there then I'm sure they thought of this. I don't think the terrorist they are supposedly searching for are talking to their terrorist buddies saying things like "ok guys, we're going to blow such and such up at exactly 10am on 11/13/08 but don't tell anybody, oh and Osama Bin Adolph is going to bring lunch for all 6 of us so make sure you thank him".

They are going to disguise their conversation. So there MUST be a way for these computers to spot this kind of stuff, otherwise the whole system is incredibly stupid and pointless.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Do you believe that by going public on a conspiracy site that it will give you some semblance of security from these forces whom ever they turn out to be?

Have you had many unexplainable experiences in your life?

Have you noticed any unusual occurances since your meeting? Air traffic? Ringing in your ears?

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by antar

I don't think being on this website helps anyone be more secure let alone myself. If anything it's just more evidence for whatever court they bring all the "terrorist" to so they can lock me (or anybody) away for all eternity.

Oh wait I forgot if your a "terrorist" you don't have any rights. So I guess they really don't need any evidence now do they

Nothing has changed since I talked to the guy, except my level of paranoia.

And I've had plenty of unexplainable experiences throughout my life, why do you ask?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 04:06 PM
I'd been researching and writing a massive book which is now...complete. It is about 570 pages and covers basically the vast history of totalitarian enslavement of our planet. The things that have worked for the elite rulers, the things that have (so far) failed, and the final things left before their "Great Work Of The Ages" is finished. I had planned to release this information on the internet for free. I have now had cause to rethink that; not that I plan to release it as a bound book for profit, I don't believe in that and never would wish to charge for information. I just am unsure if I should release the information at all after my... encounter.

For the first time ever, because of your post(OP) I will say this.

I don't know how or why but I was visited by an "Alphabet Soup Agency" which one doesn't matter. They had specific knowledge of my intent to publish my free document, and advised that I may wish to re-think doing so. They were very kind, but cold as ice and it was obvious they knew much more about me than I see possible.

They kindly asked me for a digital copy of my book and while they were sitting there I converted the book to a .pdf and burned it to CD for them. They thanked me and said they'd "Be in touch". That was 3 months ago.

I will say the most interesting thing to me was that they seemed most interested in two of the smallest chapters in my book:

1 chapter revolved around my minor investigation into "Solar Warden" , and theorized on possible hidden technology(i.e. anti-grav, zpe, etc).

The other chapter was a minor bit, really just about 12 paragraps and dealt with what I thought was rather unprovable, but now am unsure... It dealt with the theory that is slowly gaining possible ground that our reality is in fact a "Quantum Computational Machine", that our reality, our universe is really a ultra-advanced quantum computer model.

They had a lot of questions and a lot of interest into that second one.

They said they'd be in touch, and have not yet, so I have been sitting on this info and will continue to. I just know in my gut I haven't heard the last from them.

Hope any of this helps anyone.


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